Page 5 - AHATA
P. 5
Diahuebs, 19 April 2018 AWEMainta 11
Cambio di prijs di OFICINA Central di petroleo (US$ 62.82) un uzo di entre 501 -
Estadistica a emiti nan a conoce un subida di 1000 kWh no a cam-
relato pa luna di maart US$ 0.23 (0.4%) com- bia na Maart 2018, el
petroleo, utilidad, pa loke ta indice di pri- para cu Februari 2018 a keda Afl. 35.72 cent
gasolin y diesel js di consumo (CPI). (US$ 62.59). pa kWh. Adicional-
Prijs di utilidad (elec- E costo total di ener- mente, e costo total di
na Maart 2018 tricidad y awa), gasolin gia pa kWh pa un uzo energia pa kWh pa un
y diesel ta wordo deter- di electricidad te cu uzo di electricidad riba
mina primordialmente 500 kWh no a cam- 1000 kWh no a cam-
door di e prijs interna- bia na Maart 2018, el bia na Maart 2018, el
cional di petroleo. a keda Afl. 34.52 cent a keda Afl. 45.93 cent
Na Maart 2018 e prijs pa kWh. E costo total pa kWh.
promedio pa bari di di energia pa kWh pa Prijs di electricidad
y di awa no a cambia
compara cu Februari
2018. Consecuent-
emente, e prijs prome-
dio di electricidad pa
By means of this publication Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA), manager and operator of Aeropuerto Internacional
Reina Beatrix, would like to invite all who are interested in the purchase of the following vehicle to submit a bid there for. vivienda a keda Afl.
265.65, mientras cu e
prijs promedio di awa
pa vivienda a keda Afl.
Prijs di gasolin a baha
Ford Towtruck na Maart 2018 cu Afl.
Model: F 550 1.10 cent (-0.6%) y
Year 2008
a causa un efecto di
Interested parties can view the vehicle on April 30, 2018, at 09:00 hrs. meeting point “Main Gate”. -0.03 ppt riba e CPI.
Inquiries can be sent to until May 4, 2018.
Prijs di diesel a registra
The following conditions apply:
1. AS IS WHERE IS. un caida di Afl. 3.30
2. Minimum Bid: Afl. 15,000.00 cent (-2.0%) na Maart
3. Cash upon delivery.
4. All offers shall be final and unconditional and shall be valid for a period of two weeks after the final date to submit an 2018 y a causa un efec-
offer. to di -0.01 riba e CPI.
5. AAA reserves the right to refuse the offer without any reason or take such other course of action, as AAA deems appro-
priate at AAA's sole and absolute discretion. Maart 2018, utilidad,
6. Without prejudice to article 5 the best offer will be honored.
gasolin y diesel como
Interested parties can submit their bid ultimately on May 11, 2018, 15:00 hrs. local time at AAA’s offices at the grupo, tawata tin un
Reception of the Aruba Airport Authority N.V. on the first floor of the Airport Tower Building. Offers submitted after
this date and hour will not be accepted. caida di prijs di 0.2%
compara cu Februari
Interested parties should submit a proposal containing their name, copy of valid ID, email address, physical address and
telephone number. 2018 y hunto a influ-
All proposals should be submitted in a closed envelope prior to the deadline indicated above at the following direction: encia e CPI cu -0.04
Attn: Airside Operations Unit
Ford F 550 Tow Truck ppt, mientras cu e res-
Aruba Airport Authority N.V. tante 448 bienes y ser-
Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix
Sabana Berde 75, Aruba vicio hunto a experen-
cia un subida di prijs di
Aruba Airport Authority N.V.
April, 2018 0.7% y tawata tin un
efecto di 0.58 ppt riba
e CPI.