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                  Wednesday 10 april 2024

            Who’s really left-handed? In baseball, it can be hard to tell

            By KRISTIE RIEKEN                                                                                                   rare in other sports for guys
            AP Sports Writer                                                                                                    to play out of their natural
            HOUSTON (AP) — Houston’s                                                                                            handedness, there is a huge
            Yordan  Alvarez  might  be                                                                                          exception  in  the  NBA.  Su-
            the  top  left-handed  hitter                                                                                       perstar LeBron James is like
            in  Major  League  Baseball.                                                                                        Springer  in  that  he’s  natu-
            Teammate Framber Valdez                                                                                             rally  left-handed  but  plays
            ranks among the best left-                                                                                          right-handed.  James,  who
            handed pitchers, too.                                                                                               turns 40 in December, joked
            Other than that, those guys                                                                                         about his handedness late
            are all right.                                                                                                      last year.
            Literally  neither player con-                                                                                      “I’m gonna play until I’m 40.
            siders  himself  left-handed                                                                                        Then, after 40, I’m gonna go
            at  all.  MLB  and  its  history                                                                                    all  left-hand  until  I’m  45,”
            are  dotted  with  men  who                                                                                         he joked to reporters. “I’m
            played out of their natural                                                                                         gonna  score  5,000  points
            handedness,  a  phenom-                                                                                             with my left hand. Then I’ll
            enon that is seen occasion-                                                                                         be done.”
            ally  in  other  sports  but  is  a                                                                                 Valdez, Alvarez and Spring-
            regular occurrence on the                                                                                           er  follow  in  a  line  of  great
            diamond.  Thumb  through                                                                                            MLB  players  who  played
            a  pack  of  baseball  cards                                                                                        out of their natural handed-
            from just about any era and                                                                                         ness. The list even includes
            you’re likely to see players   Houston Astros starting pitcher Framber Valdez delivers against the Toronto Blue Jays during the   Babe  Ruth,  who  batted
                                         first inning of a baseball game Tuesday, April 2, 2024, in Houston.
            who bat one way and throw                                                                          Associated Press   and threw left-handed but
            the other. Ask them to sign                                                                                         can be seen in photos using
            that card and there’s no tell-  I  was  always  told  that  it  is  McCormick and Jake Mey-  ally thought anything of it. I  his right hand to sign auto-
            ing which hand would hold  very  important  to  have  a  ers.                          guess it is cool that I can do  graphs.  John  Thorn,  MLB’s
            the pen. Valdez writes, eats  lefty pitcher, that all the best  “My  dad  throws  left  and  things with each side of my  official  historian,  says  Ruth
            and  even  hits  (before  the  pitchers were lefties as well,”  hits right so that’s what I do,  body  and  I’m  not  so  one-  was  naturally  left-handed,
            introduction  of  the  univer-  he  said.  “So,  I  told  myself:  too,” Meyers said. “I picked  way dominant.”     but  teachers  at  the  time
            sal  designated  hitter)  with  ‘Hey, I want to be a lefty.’”  up a baseball with my left  Dr. Stephen D. Christman, a  routinely  discouraged  chil-
            his  right  hand.  His  left  arm  Alvarez  throws,  writes  and  hand  and  started  throw-  professor in the psychology  dren from writing with their
            has  helped  him  make  two  eats with his right hand  that  ing it and picked up a bat  department at the University  left  hand  because  lefties
            All-Star teams and throw a  sweet, powerful swing is his  and wanted to swing right-   of Toledo and an expert in  were “thought to represent
            no-hitter. What else does he  only  left-handed  activity.  handed and that’s kind of  handedness, said cases like  the dark side.”
            use it for?                  Like  many  young  players,  what he believed and now  Springer’s aren’t that surpris-  Though  not  for  the  same
            “Nothing, nothing, nothing,”  he aspired to be a switch-  I’m here. Chas McCormick  ing.                            reasons, Houston first base-
            he said with a laugh.        hitter. Oddly, he ended up  is  the  only  other  guy  I’ve  “It’s easier for a lefty to learn  man  Jon  Singleton  ended
            Valdez simply decided at a  more  comfortable  on  his  played with that does that.”   to use their right hand than  up  doing  the  same  thing
            young age that he wanted  non-dominant side.              Toronto  outfielder  George  for a righty to learn to use  as Ruth. He both bats and
            to be a left-handed pitcher.  “But I just got accustomed  Springer, a righty hitter and  their  left  hand  because  throws   left-handed   but
            “I used to throw lefty every  to  hitting  left-handed,”  he  thrower, startled teammate  most left-handers lean more  writes with his right hand.
            single day, like day by day  said  via  translator.  “And  Justin  Turner  this  spring  by  towards  being  ambidex-  “My mom’s a school teach-
            by day,” he said in Spanish  it  was  very  interesting  be-  writing with his left hand.  trous,” said Christman, who  er, and she taught me how
            through a translator. “When  cause my dad is the same  “It’s  really  weird,”  Turner  has studied handedness for  to write with my right hand
            I was 11, I felt very comfort-  thing.  He  hits  left-handed,  said. “I saw him sign an au-  more than two decades.  when  I  was  young,  and  I
            able  throwing  lefty,  even  but he does everything else  tograph the other day and  Christman said studies have  think that translated to me
            though I did everything else  right-handed.”              I was like, ‘What the hell are  found only 1-2% of people  eating  with  my  right  hand
            righty.”                     Players like Alvarez are com-  you doing?’”               are  uniformly  left-handed  so on and so forth,” he said.
            Lefties   accounted     for  mon across the majors, with  Springer,  the  2017  World  across the 10 activities used  “But for the most part, I think
            around  26%  of  innings  95 position players currently  Series MVP, calls himself left-  to  measure  handedness,  I’m left-handed.”
            pitched  in  the  majors  last  on  active  rosters  listed  as  handed  and  says  the  only  including  writing,  drawing,  Though things might come
            year, even though only 10-   batting  left  and  throwing  things  he  does  righty  are  throwing,  brushing  teeth  easier  for  elite  athletes,
            12% of the general popula-   right,  including  superstar  play baseball and golf. His  and  hair,  opening  a  box  Christman said anyone can
            tion is estimated to be left-  two-way   player   Shohei  parents  tell  him  he  started  and using a spoon. Because  learn to do things with their
            handed. Demand for good  Ohtani.                          grabbing  the  ball  with  his  lefties are forced to adapt  non-dominant hand.

            lefty  pitchers  is  high,  and  Houston  has  the  only  two  right hand at a young age  like  when  only  righty  scis-  “I think practice can over-
            Valdez  recalls  having  an  position  players  in  the  and stuck with it.            sors  are  available  they’re  come any innate handed-
            affinity for all of them.    league who throw left and  “That’s  just  who  I  am,”  more  likely  to  learn  to  use  ness difference just about,”
            “When  I  was  growing  up,  bat right in outfielders Chas  Springer said. “I’ve never re-  both  hands.  Though  it’s  he said.q
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