Page 6 - MIN JUS 30 SEPT 2015
P. 6

                                                                                                                                                                       Wednesday 30 September

1st trial in Baltimore police death case set for Nov. 30

From left to right, Attorneys Marc Zayon, Michael Belsky, Chaz              ment and misconduct in          media coverage they say
Ball and Mike Davey leave Courthouse East after a scheduling                office in the death of Gray.    could prejudice a jury. The
hearing for Caesar Goodson, Edward Nero, Garrett Miller, Brian              Gray died April 19, a week      judge kept the door open
Rice, Alicia White, and William Porter, police officers charged in          after he was injured. His       to re-evaluate his deci-
the death of Freddie Gray, Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2015, in Baltimore.           death led to protests and       sion should the state and
Zayon represents Nero, Belsky and Ball represent Rice and Dav-              rioting in Baltimore, and       defense run into problems
ey is with the Fraternal Order of Police.                                   was among the incidents         seating a jury.
                                                                            that spurred a protest          Prosecutors have suggest-
                                  (Kim Hairston /The Baltimore Sun via AP)  movement over the treat-        ed in a letter to the judge
                                                                            ment of blacks by police in     that the state intends to
JULIET LINDERMAN                  Judge Barry Williams de-                  America. It also shed light     call Porter to testify against
Associated Press                  cided Tuesday that Officer                on long-standing and sys-       Sgt. Alicia White, who faces
BALTIMORE (AP) — The first        William Porter will go on tri-            temic disenfranchisement        the same charges he does,
trial for six Baltimore officers  al first. He is accused of fail-          of African-Americans in the     and Officer Caesar Good-
charged in the death of a         ing to provide or request                 city.                           son, who faces an addi-
black man who died af-            medical care for Freddie                  Prosecutors said they in-       tional “depraved-heart”
ter being injured in policer      Gray and not securing him                 tend to call Porter as a wit-   murder charge.
custody will be held Nov.         safely in a van. Porter faces             ness against at least two       Goodson will be tried Jan.
30, and the other trials are      charges of manslaughter,                  other officers.                 6 and White’s trial will be-
set for early next year.          assault, reckless endanger-               The judge ruled earlier this    gin Jan. 25. Officers Gar-
                                                                            month that each officer         rett Miller and Edward Nero
                                                                            will get his or her own trial   face misdemeanor assault,
                                                                            and that they will be held      misconduct in office and
                                                                            in the city. Attorneys for the  reckless endangerment
                                                                            six officers asked Williams     charges, as does Lt. Brian
                                                                            to move the trials outside      Rice, who also faces a
                                                                            of Baltimore, citing pre-trial  manslaughter charge. q

Board denies clemency for only
woman on Georgia’s death row

KATE BRUMBACK                     “out of an abundance of
Associated Press                  caution” because the ex-
ATLANTA (AP) — A parole           ecution drug appeared
board on Tuesday once             “cloudy.”
again denied clemency             The parole board, which is
for the only woman on             the only entity in Georgia
Georgia’s death row, put-         authorized to commute a
ting her one step closer to       death sentence, also de-
being the first woman exe-        clined to spare Gissend-
cuted by the state in seven       aner’s life after a clemency
decades.                          hearing in February. Her
Kelly Renee Gissendaner is        lawyers asked the board to
scheduled to die by injec-        reconsider its decision be-
tion of pentobarbital at the      fore the second execution
state prison in Jackson. Gis-     date, but the board stood
sendaner, 47, was convict-        by its decision to deny
ed of murder in the Febru-        clemency.
ary 1997 slaying of her hus-      Gissendaner’s lawyers last
band. She conspired with          Thursday submitted a sec-
her lover, who stabbed            ond request to reconsider
Douglas Gissendaner to            the denial of clemency.
death. The Georgia Board          The parole board said Mon-
of Pardons and Paroles did        day that its members have
not give a reason for its         thoroughly reviewed that
denial after it met on Tues-      request. The board said the
day, saying only that it had      meeting Tuesday would al-
carefully considered her re-      low it to gather additional
quest for reconsideration.        information from represen-
Gissendaner was previous-         tatives for Gissendaner.
ly scheduled for execution        The board could have let its
Feb. 25, but that was de-         earlier denial of clemency
layed because of a threat         stand, issued a stay of up to
of winter weather. Her exe-       90 days to further consider
cution was reset for March        the case, or granted clem-
2, but corrections officials      ency and commuted her
postponed that execution          sentence.q
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