Page 29 - MIN SJA 1 OCT 2015
P. 29
AWEMainta Diahuebs, 1 October 2015 33
Restaurant “Aloe” di E.P.B. Oranjestad ta prepara
p’e aña escolar aki nan tremendo “Lunch Menu”
DEN cuadro di lesnan practico di son, everyTuesday,Wednesdayand Datum Voorgerecht Hoofdgerecht Nagerecht
Friday to work towards their
Koken & Serveren di seccion Horeca diploma. Lunch is served every 13 okt Gazpacho soup Chicken lasagna Dessert
Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- 14 okt
di E.P.B. Oranjestad, Restaurant day from noon to 2 p.m. 16 okt Cream of pumpkin Fish filets w/ Creole Dessert
Starting October 13 2015 until suace
“Aloe” tin prepara p’e aña escolar November 6 2015 when they go 20 okt
on break for the holidays. The res- Fish cocktail. Porcmedaillons Dessert
aki nan tremendo “Lunch menu”. taurant opens back on January 12, 21 okt with mashed
2016 and close March 23 2016, at 23 okt potatoes
E lunch aki ta pa duna e alumnonan the end of the academic year. 27 okt
In the kitchen, Chef OrlinGeer- 28 okt Asparagus and Beef Stew with Dessert
e oportunidad pa practica tur nan man and Chef Kenneth Blom are 30 okt fresh mushroom portsauce
swinging the spatula’s, while Mr. 3 nov salad
technicanan cu nan a siña pa traha François Maduro coaches the front 4 nov
of the house staff. The Chef‘s, with 6 nov Shrimp Cocktail Tenderloin, red Dessert
den un Restaurant, na unda e alum- extensive experience in the food 12 jan wine sauce
and beverage world, truly enjoys
nonan mes ta cushina, prepara y what they do know, working with 13 jan “Waterzooi”, with 3 skewers a la Blom Dessert
the enthusiastic students. Together 15 jan
the service and kitchen teams will 19 jan shrimp. with asalad.
deliver a great lunch. It will be a
sirbi cuminda na publico en general great pleasure for you to enjoy this 20 jan Green salad with Fish filet with Dessert
opportunity to get a peak into these 22 jan
bao guia di nan docentenan. Tur ambitious young people’s future 26 jan goat cheese madras dressing
and to actively contribute to their
practica ta termina cu un evaluacion training as the island’s future hos- 27 jan Beef tartar w/ Tenderloin, Dessert
pitality professionals. The menu 29 jan poached eggs rosemary sauce
offers a nice trip around the world 2 feb
di parti di e docentenan y tambe di including Aruban, Italian, French, Wrap with Poched Chicken Dessert
German and Dutch specialties, one 3 feb garlicsauce. with saffran sauce.
e publico cu ta asisti n’e lunch. E meal at a time. The selection for
each day is set – except dessert, 5 feb Roasted tuna with Tenderloin a la Dessert
which depends on what the pastry 9 feb
lunch ta wordo ofreci na publico class is making – and readers inter- wakame Geerman
ested in attending lunch at EPB can 10 feb
tur diamars,diaranson y diabierna, call François Maduro or AartWit- 12 feb Chicken rouleau Mix Seafood Dessert
tekoek at tel. 528-9791, ext. 152for
the menu of the day If intend to 16 feb spinach sauce Linguinni
go and to make reservations. The 17 feb
cuminsando diamars dia 13 di ckto- school request reservations be made Mussels in garlic Picatta with Dessert
four weekdays before the date, but 19 feb
ber. P’e dia aki alumnonan lo bay – should this not be possible, con- 1 mrt sauce. different vegetables.
tacting the teacher François Maduro 2 mrt
or AartWittekoekto check seating 4 mrt Black tiger shrimp Ox-tail with sweet Dessert
availability is advisable.
ofrece tambe un surprise dessert, The EPBschool is located across 8 mrt with avocado potatoes
from the Aruba Aloe factory, the 9 mrt
sigur algo cu bo no mag di perde. Restaurant is next to the school of- 15 mrt mousse
fice entrance, easily accessible and 16 mrt
with ample parking. 22 mrt Seafood Ceviche Land & Sea Dessert
“We ask everyone to be on time, 23 mrt
Lunch ta cuminsa wordo sirbi 12:00 since this is a pre-scheduled class Melon cocktail Tempura of fish. Dessert
and we request please cancel a day with white port.
di merdia y e tin un duracion max- in advance should you not be able to
attend,” the teachers request. Beet root soup Broiler chicken Dessert
with black tiger with carrots and
imo di un ora y mei. Pa solamente potatoes
25,00 florin publico por gosa di un Cream of Chicken Cordon Dessert
mushroom blue
tremendo 3-gangen menu cu ta
Consomme with Steak with Dessert
inclui tambe koffie of thee na Res-
herbs vegetables
taurant “Aloe” di E.P.B. Oranjestad. Couscous with Mixed mushroom Dessert
seared fish filet with goatcheese and
Personanan interesa pa haya e pro- and lemon sauce truffeloil
grama di e lunch menu di oktober te Empanadas 3 way Home style curry Dessert
cu maart por yama y haci nan pedido.
Gazpachio. Fried fish with Dessert
Door cu e ta un situacion di les, mes- remoulade sauce.
ter haci reservacionnan delanta no Parmesan polenta Land and sea white Dessert
with sauted filet wine mousse
mas laat cu diahuebs. Zorg pa ta na of fish
tempo, diescinco minuut promer, Fish and green Poached fish w/ Dessert
croquette and pika orange butter
p’e lunch y si en caso mester can- di papaya home saucewih carrots
made beets cream
cela, haci esaki por lo menos un dia Bouilebaise. Beans dish with Dessert
bacon and polenta.
delanta. Pa reservacion por yama
Poched egg with Zalm filet met Dessert
lemon butter
docent François Maduro of Aart sauce and spinach
Wittekoek na tel 528-9791 y pidi pa
ext. 152 of fax na 582-9789. Thai spring rolls Asian glazed roast Dessert
EPB Hospitality Students Host Sw&Sr sauce pork
Mini hamburger Beefstew with Dessert
with gingersauce. mushroom and
3-Course Lunch Threetime per
week Starting 13 October 2015
Ceviche a la klas Mosterd honey Dessert
UK4 porkloin
During their graduation year, the
Vegetable tortillas Cheese ravioli with Dessert
students of the EPB, basic profes- with avocado 3 craemy herbs sauce
way dip
sional training high school, need
Poched Fish rolls. Meatbread. Dessert
to practice what they learned,
Sushi mix with grilled fish filet with Dessert
while interacting with each other maki sashimi paramsanfunchi
and clients in real-life restaurant Local chicken Local stew Dessert
situations. The Aloe Restaurant Lentils soup. Cabbage with spicy Dessert
meat and bacon
and its professional commercial with gingersauce.
kitchen is where these students Chefs menu Chefs menu Dessert
train and invite the general pub- Chefs menu Chef Menu Dessert
Chefs menu Chefs menu Dessert
lic to enjoy a three-course lunch Chefs menu Chef Menu Dessert
for only Afl. 25,00 per per- Chef menu. Chef menu. Dessert
Chef menu. Chef menu. Dessert