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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 24 March 2023
            Russia’s security chief blasts West, dangles nuclear threats

            By VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV                                                                                              been  torn  to  pieces  with-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    out them.” Medvedev also
            MOSCOW (AP) — A top Rus-                                                                                            challenged  Ukraine’s  sov-
            sian security official warned                                                                                       ereignty  in  comments  that
            Thursday  about  the  rising                                                                                        could  reflect  Moscow’s
            threat  of  a  nuclear  war                                                                                         plans to extend its gains.
            and  blasted  a  German                                                                                             The  soft-spoken  and  mild-
            minister for threatening Rus-                                                                                       mannered       Medvedev,
            sian President Vladimir Putin                                                                                       who  served  as  Russia’s
            with arrest, saying that such                                                                                       president from 2008 to 2012
            action would amount to a                                                                                            when  term  limits  forced
            declaration of war and trig-                                                                                        Putin to shift into the prime
            ger a Russian strike on Ger-                                                                                        minister’s  post,  was  widely
            many.                                                                                                               seen by Western officials as
            Dmitry   Medvedev,      the                                                                                         more  liberal  than  his  men-
            deputy secretary of Russia’s                                                                                        tor.  Many  in  the  West  ex-
            Security Council chaired by                                                                                         pected  Medvedev  to  win
            Putin, said in video remarks                                                                                        a second term and further
            to reporters that Russia’s re-                                                                                      soften  the  Kremlin’s  poli-
            lations  with  the  West  have                                                                                      cies, but he stepped down
            hit an all-time bottom.                                                                                             to allow Putin to reclaim the
            Asked  whether  the  threat                                                                                         presidency  in  what  Krem-
            of  a  nuclear  conflict  has                                                                                       lin  critics  denounced  as  a
            eased,    Medvedev      re-  Russian  Security  Council  Deputy  Chairman  and  the  head  of  the  United  Russia  party  Dmitry   cynical manipulation.
            sponded:  “No,  it  hasn’t   Medvedev arrives to attend the talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President   Since  Putin  sent  troops
            decreased,  it  has  grown.   Xi Jinping at The Grand Kremlin Palace, in Moscow, Russia, Tuesday, March 21, 2023.   into  Ukraine  more  than  a
                                                                                                               Associated Press
            Every  day  when  they  pro-                                                                                        year  ago,  Medvedev,  a
            vide  Ukraine  with  foreign  hope.                       terly  strained  ties  between  of a nuclear power visits the  law  faculty  graduate,  has
            weapons brings the nucle-    In  Thursday’s  comments,  Russia and the West.           territory  of  Germany  and  emerged  as  one  of  the
            ar apocalypse closer.”       the 57-year-old Medvedev  “Our relations with the West  is  arrested,”  Medvedev  most  hawkish  Russian  offi-
            He has issued a barrage of  denounced  the  Interna-      are  already  worse  than  said,  adding  that  it  would  cials,  regularly  issuing  blus-
            such strongly-worded state-  tional  Criminal  Court’s  de-  they have ever been in his-  amount to a declaration of  tery  remarks  that  combine
            ments  in  the  past,  blasting  cision to issue an arrest war-  tory,” he said.       war  against  Russia.  “In  this  Latin  mottos  and  legal  ex-
            the U.S. and its NATO allies  rant  for  Putin  on  charges  Medvedev     specifically  case, our assets will fly to hit  pressions  with  four-letter
            for  what  he  described  as  of  alleged  involvement  in  blasted  German  Justice  the  Bundestag,  the  chan-   words,  and  sound  much
            their efforts to break up and  abductions of thousands of  Minister Marco Buschmann,  cellor’s office and so on.”   tougher  than  those  issued
            destroy  Russia.  It’s  been  a  children from Ukraine as le-  who said last week that Pu-  He  noted  that  Russia’s  nu-  by  old-time  Kremlin  hard-
            drastic  metamorphosis  for  gally null and void. He not-  tin  would  be  arrested  on  clear forces have provided  liners. Observers have inter-
            the  gentle-looking  politi-  ed  that  the  move  added  the ICC’s warrant if he visits  a strong deterrent amid the  preted  Medvedev’s  rheto-
            cian, who once was hailed  to a “colossal negative po-    Germany.                     fighting  in  Ukraine,  add-  ric as an apparent attempt
            by  the  West  as  a  liberal  tential”  in  the  already  bit-  “Let’s imagine ... the leader  ing  that  “we  would  have  to curry favor with Putin.q

             Bones kept by former eugenics institute

             buried in Berlin

             By GEIR MOULSON             operated  from  1927  until  been  among  those  the
             Associated Press            1945.                        bones belonged to  includ-
             BERLIN  (AP)  —  Thousands  The university said that the  ing  Jews,  Sinti,  Roma  and
             of  bone  fragments,  which  recovered  fragments  are  people  with  physical  and
             may include the remains of  from “victims of crime con-  mental  disabilities  killed  by
             victims of Nazi crimes, were  texts”  that  could  include  the  Nazis,  as  well  as  the
             buried  Thursday  after  they  colonial-era  events  and  Herero people of Namibia,
             were found on a Berlin uni-  Nazi  crimes.  Researchers  many of whom were killed
             versity  campus  where  an  determined that the bones  in  a  colonial-era  massa-
             institute  for  anthropology  belonged  to  people  of  all  cre  agreed that further re-
             and eugenics was once lo-   age  groups,  male  and  fe-  search shouldn’t be carried   Caskets  containing  bones  found  on  the  grounds  of  the  Freie
             cated.                      male.                        out.  They  said  the  bones   Universitat,  Free  University  are  lowered  into  the  ground  for
             Some  16,000  fragments  But the university said that,  should  be  buried  “without   burial, at the Waldfriedhof in Berlin, Germany, Thursday, March
             were  found  on  the  cam-  following  non-invasive  ex-  religious  appropriation  or   23, 2023.
             pus of the Free University in  aminations  of  the  frag-  eurocentric   symbolism,”                                           Associated Press
             excavations that started in  ments  and  historical  re-  the university said.        caskets  were  lowered  into  Central  Council  of  Jews,
             2015 after human and ani-   search.  it  wasn’t  possible  The public burial with about  the ground by pallbearers.  German news agency dpa
             mal bones were discovered  to identify individual victims  230  guests  took  place  “The  inhuman  practice  of  reported.
             during restoration work. The  or  to  link  the  finds  to  spe-  Thursday  at  the  Waldfried-  research racism foresaw no  “Today  we  are  taking  nu-
             site was once home to the  cific colonized regions or to  hof  cemetery  in  the  Berlin  burial  for  the  remains  and  merous  lives  whose  voices
             Kaiser  Wilhelm  Institute  of  “clear Nazi contexts.”   suburb  of  Dahlem,  near  threw  them  in  pits,”  said  and  biographies  were  ex-
             Anthropology,  Human  He-   Organizations    represent-  the site where the remains  Daniel  Botmann,  a  repre-   tinguished to their last rest-
             redity and Eugenics, which  ing  groups  that  may  have  were  found.  Five  simple  sentative  of  Germany’s  ing place.”q
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