Page 12 - KPA 16 MAART 2016
P. 12

                                                                                                                                      Wednesday 16 March 2016

Suspect in police shooting was bipolar, guardian says 

The parents of police officer Jacai Colson, James and Sheila     They also made a video        mally charged.
Colson attend a news conference at Prince George’s County        of Michael’s “last will and   Prince George’s County
Police headquarters in Hyattsville, Md.                          testament” minutes before     Police Chief Hank Stawin-
	 (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)                                    the shooting started, police  ski said he couldn’t explain
                                                                 said.                         the “frightening” actions of
BEN NUCKOLS                     ternoon outside a station        A court document provid-      the shooter or his brothers.
JESSICA GRESKO                  in Landover, a Washington        ed to The Associated Press    “It doesn’t make any
Associated Press                suburb. Prince George’s          on Tuesday by prosecutors     sense,” Stawinski said.
WASHINGTON (AP) — A             County Detective Jacai           said that during the shoot-   Hyacinth Tucker, 40, the
man accused of shooting         Colson, who was wearing          ing, officers asked Malik     owner of an event-plan-
at a Maryland police sta-       civilian clothes when he         and Elijah Ford, who were     ning business in Hyattsville,
tion to provoke officers was    began firing back at Ford,       sitting in a car, where the   became Michael Ford’s
diagnosed as bipolar and        was inadvertently killed by      shooter was. The docu-        legal guardian when he
was intermittently home-        one of his fellow officers,      ment said Malik Ford shout-   was 16 after his mother
less after his mother kicked    the county’s police chief        ed he didn’t know, even       kicked him out, she said.
him out of the house at         said.                            though video shows he         Tucker told The Associated
age 16, his legal guardian      Ford’s two brothers — Ma-        could see his brother hid-    Press that Ford, who was
said Tuesday.                   lik, 21, and Elijah, 18 —        ing behind a police van.      a high school friend of her
Michael Ford, 22, remained      drove him to the police sta-     The three brothers face       son’s, received Social Se-
hospitalized after he was       tion and used cellphones         numerous charges includ-      curity disability payments
shot during the gunbattle       to record video of the fire-     ing attempted murder and      because of his bipolar dis-
with police on Sunday af-       fight, according to police.      conspiracy to commit mur-     order. She said his checks
                                                                 der. Malik and Elijah were    were sent to her house and
                                                                 scheduled for bond review     that she helped him with
                                                                 hearings on Wednesday.        doctor visits and other pa-
                                                                 Michael has not been for-     perwork.

Man killed in shootout with
Chicago police identified
as a gang member

HERBERT G. McCANN               Guglielmi said. “The offi-
Associated Press                cers were trained by CPD
CHICAGO (AP) — A man            in LEMART — Law Enforce-
fatally wounded during a        ment Medical AND Res-
shootout with Chicago po-       cue Training — which is de-
lice was identified Tuesday     signed to render life-saving
as a gang member and            aid following tactical and
convicted felon with more       emergency situations,” he
than 40 arrests. Lamar Har-     said in a statement. The
ris, 29, was killed late Mon-   shootout occurred after
day after he fired on sever-    officers observed a man
al police officers investigat-  and a woman acting sus-
ing alleged drug activity in    piciously and decided to
Chicago’s Logan Square          investigate, Guglielmi said.
neighborhood on the city’s      The pair fled, the officers
west side, according to po-     gave chase and the man
lice spokesman Anthony          opened fire, hitting three of
Guglielmi.                      them multiple times. One of
Three officers were wound-      the officers returned fire, fa-
ed. Officers at the scene       tally injuring Harris. One of-
with first aid kits and ban-    ficer was shot in the back,
dages were able to ap-          another in the foot and a
ply preliminary care to         third in the chest, authori-
Harris while they waited        ties said, adding his body
for Chicago Fire Depart-        armor likely deflected the
ment emergency crews,           bullet.
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