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u.s. news Diasabra 17 OctOber 2020
On #MeToo anniversary, leaders say focus is on inequality
(AP) — When #MeToo
movement founder Ta- In a year marked by a na-
rana Burke thinks about tionwide reckoning over sys-
the group's future as the temic racism and inequities
world celebrates its anni- that have disproportionately
versary, her vision is clear. impacted Black Americans,
the #MeToo movement is
It predates the moment that now jointly led by two Black
most people know — when women keenly aware of the
the #MeToo hashtag went inequality that has long exist-
viral three years ago on Oct. ed in America — something
15, 2017, sparking a global they find both empowering
conversation about sexual and challenging.
harassment and assault.
“I think it’s a testament and
For her, that mission emerged it’s a representation of the fact
years earlier — in 2006, when that there are many move-
Burke, after a career of com- ments that have been started
munity service, began work- by Black women. The Black
ing directly with survivors, Lives Matter movement was
many of whom were young also started by Black wom-
Black girls and children of en,” Ayers told the Associated
color. Press in her first joint inter-
view with Burke. said it’s frustrating that many led by Black women and the movement. Both Burke
“It sort of triggered some- don’t see the intersection of people of color. “I’ve heard and Ayers view survivors as a
thing in me because I had “It’s an opportunity to shine race and the sexual violence people … not acknowledge significant voting bloc whose
experienced sexual violence a light. We are absolutely women of color endure. that there is a Black woman voices deserve to be heard.
myself as a child,” Burke said. centering Black women and right now trying to hold this While the group has not of-
“What would my life have girls, people of color, queer, “We’ve got to make that con- narrative, hold this work and ficially endorsed either can-
been like if somebody had in- trans, disabled folks in our nection clear for folks,” Ayers push a narrative forward that didate, the women said they
tervened at 12, 14 or 16, even work because we know that said. “We’ve seen money start is opposite of what we’ve have serious concerns about
just to say that I deserve heal- solving and interrupting the to be pushed to Black-led or- heard in the news, about what another four years of
ing, and that I deserve well- issue of sexual violence in ganizations and it needs to it being about Hollywood President Donald Trump
ness and wholeness and joy?" those communities means happen, but sexual violence and white women, powerful would mean for survivors of
“And so it started off try- ending sexual violence every- has not seen that same fund- white men, or powerful men, sexual violence. “I think we
ing to bring those messages, where.” ing support. And I think it’s period,” Burke said. are in a critical moment and
that idea of healing into these Several events are planned to because folks don’t automati- survivors’ voices in this mo-
young women’s lives and us- mark the third anniversary, cally understand the intersec- “So as a Black woman, I feel ment should be the loudest,”
ing the power of empathy,” including the announcement tion of sexual violence and both the pride and the bur- Burke said.
she said. of the new leadership struc- structural racism. And so we den of carrying this kind of
ture and a survey of survivors really have a lot of work to work forward," she said. The “If we look at the two can-
As the #MeToo movement that Burke and Ayers expect do.” coronavirus pandemic has didates, for a lot of people,
marks the third year since it will reignite momentum be- also presented unique chal- neither of them are their top
received global recognition, hind the movement. Their They also noted the Breonna lenges for the movement. choice," she said. Trump has
Burke is working to make goal is to create a global net- Taylor case and the #Say- During the pandemic, the faced multiple accusations of
sure it remains inclusive and work of organizations united HerName campaign, which group has seen a 20% rise assault and harassment, all of
reclaims its original intent: A behind the movement to end brings attention to Black in intimate partner violence which he denies. Earlier this
focus on marginalized voices sexual violence. women like Taylor whose and increased concerns about year, a former Senate staffer
and experiences. cases go unheard or are si- child sexual assaults, Ayers accused Democrat Joe Biden
She sees that path for- But after a groundswell of lenced. said, so they've shifted toward of sexually assaulting her in
ward through Dani Ayers, support from celebrities, pol- offering virtual resources and 1993, which Biden has de-
a 39-year-old Black woman iticians, marches and more, Burke said she herself has programming, including a nied.
who quietly, yet with a bold they said it’s been challenging dealt firsthand with the era- survey that revealed stark dis-
vision, transitioned into be- to keep the spotlight on the sure that Black women often parities. “But this fight that we have
coming the movement’s need for funding to continue endure, when people failed will continue, not just for the
CEO in July after joining the the fight against sexual vio- to acknowledge the #MeToo “We're hearing Black survi- next four years, it will contin-
organization in 2018. lence. As Black women, they movement was started and vors say, ‘I don’t have money ue for the next four decades.
to eat,'” Ayers said. “The dis- We have a person right now
parity is just growing as a re- who won’t even get in the
sult of the pandemic and we fight, who won’t even engage
need to be able to talk about in the conversation," Burke
that, not only in a qualita- said. “I think survivors are
tive way but we need the lined up to get Trump out of
data to be able to help those office.” But beyond the elec-
who have money understand tion, Ayers is hopeful about
where we need to be pushing the work that remains.
resources and why.”
“The survivors, they in-
Ayers and Burke also rec- spire me every day,” she said.
ognize the power that sur- “We’re creating a culture in-
vivors hold — especially in side this organization that
this moment as the nation is gives people the space to be
just weeks away from select- who they are and to show
ing its next president after a up as their full selves. There
campaign fraught with divi- are so many people working
siveness. Burke late last year to end sexual violence and
launched #MeTooVoter as watching their work inspires
a way to galvanize the mil- me. So there is hope.”
lions who have supported