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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 1 augusT 2024
            U.N. report says Palestinians detained by Israeli authorities since

            Oct. 7 faced torture, mistreatment

            By JAMEY KEATEN                                                                                                     held  on  security  charges
            Associated Press                                                                                                    since the war broke out as
            GENEVA (AP) — The U.N. hu-                                                                                          a policy of deterrence.
            man rights office issued a re-                                                                                      The ministry is headed by ul-
            port Wednesday saying Pal-                                                                                          tranationalist minister Itamar
            estinians detained by Israeli                                                                                       Ben Gvir, who has long called
            authorities since the Oct. 7                                                                                        for  harsher  punishment,  in-
            attacks faced waterboard-                                                                                           cluding the death penalty,
            ing, sleep deprivation, elec-                                                                                       for Palestinians held on terror
            tric shocks, dogs set on them,                                                                                      charges.
            and other forms of torture and                                                                                      The report also said detain-
            mistreatment.                                                                                                       ees were taken from Gaza,
            The report said Israel’s prison                                                                                     Israel and the West Bank, and
            service held more than 9,400                                                                                        says Israel has not provided
            “security detainees” as of the                                                                                      information  regarding  the
            end of June, and some have                                                                                          fate or whereabouts of many,
            been held in secret without                                                                                         adding that the International
            access to lawyers or respect                                                                                        Committee of the Red Cross
            for their legal rights.                                                                                             has been denied access to
            A  summary  of  the  report,                                                                                        facilities where they are held.
            based  on  interviews  with                                                                                         “Detainees said they were
            former detainees and other                                                                                          held  in  cage-like  facilities,
            sources, decried a “stagger-                                                                                        stripped naked for prolonged
            ing” number of detainees  in-  Israeli soldiers gather at the gate to the Sde Teiman military base, as people protest in support of   periods,  wearing  only  dia-
            cluding men, women, chil-    soldiers being questioned for detainee abuse, July 29, 2024.                           pers.  Their  testimonies  told
            dren, journalists and human                                                                        Associated Press  of  prolonged  blindfolding,
            rights  defenders    and  said  Findings in the report, one of  against humanity in the Gaza  launched into all detainee  deprivation  of  food,  sleep
            such practices raise concerns  the most extensive of its kind,  Strip and Israel.      deaths in custody, it said.  and water, and being sub-
            about arbitrary detention.   could be used by Internation-  Authors of the report said its  Israel’s Prison services did not  jected to electric shocks and
            “The testimonies gathered by  al Criminal Court prosecutors  content was shared with the  respond  to  an  Associated  being burnt with cigarettes,”
            my office and other entities  who are looking into crimes  Israeli government.         Press request for comment.   a summary of the report said.
            indicate a range of appalling  committed  in  connection  In response to the report, the  Israel’s  prison  authorities  “Some detainees said dogs
            acts, such as waterboarding  with Hamas’ Oct. 7 attacks  Israeli military said that abuse  previously told the AP that  were released on them, and
            and the release of dogs on  and Israel’s blistering ongoing  of detainees was illegal and  all Palestinian prisoners are  others  said  they  were  sub-
            detainees,  amongst  other  military campaign in Gaza.    against military orders.     treated according to Israeli  jected to waterboarding, or
            acts, in flagrant violation of  In May, the ICC’s chief pros-  It said since the war began  law. However, Israel’s Ministry  that  their  hands  were  tied
            international  human  rights  ecutor sought arrest warrants  there have been cases where  of National Security, the body  and  they  were  suspended
            law  and  international  hu-  for  leaders  of  Israel  and  correctional staff have been  in charge of prisons, says it  from the ceiling,” it added.
            manitarian  law,”  said  U.N.  Hamas, including Israeli Prime  dismissed for violating military  has actively made conditions  “Some women and men also
            Human Rights Chief Volker  Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,  rules in their treatment of de-  worse and purposefully over-  spoke of sexual and gender-
            Türk in a statement.         over war crimes and crimes  tainees.  Investigations  are  crowded cells for Palestinians  based violence.” q

            Guinea court sentences former junta leader to 20 years in prison

            over 2009 stadium massacre

            By BOUBACAR DIALLO           victims’ relatives testified in  victions  will  not  heal  the  Guinea and elsewhere that  shot,  crushed  or  knifed  to
            Associated Press             the trial that started in No-  wounds,” he said.          justice is possible,” said Ta-  death  while  some  of  the
            CONAKRY,  Guinea  (AP)  —  vember  2022,  more  than  The  demonstrators  at  the  mara  Aburamadan,  inter-        women     were   dragged
            A Guinea court on Wednes-    a  decade  after  the  mas-  stadium in Sept. 2009 were  national  justice  counsel  at  out from hiding and gang-
            day sentenced former jun-    sacre  and  under  pressure  protesting  Camara’s  plans  Human Rights Watch.          raped  by  uniformed  men
            ta  leader  Moussa  “Dadis”  from  families  and  activists  to  run  for  president  when  Many  of  the  victims  in  the  over  several  days,  witness-
            Camara to 20 years in pris-  demanding justice.           soldiers  opened  fire  on  stadium  massacre  were  es said.q
            on after finding him guilty of  Some  of  the  victims’  rela-  them and raped dozens of
            crimes against humanity in  tives lauded the verdict as  women.  The  then-military
            the 2009 stadium massacre  justice  at  last  while  others  leader had staged a coup
            by the military that killed at  said  the  penalty  for  Ca-  the previous year.
            least  157  people  and  left  mara in particular was not  The  junta  at  the  time  said
            dozens of women raped.       enough.  “The  convictions  “uncontrolled”     elements
            Guinea’s  Criminal  Court  do  not  match  the  crimes.  of the army carried out the
            convicted  Camara  and  Our sisters were raped, our  rapes  and  killings.  But  Ca-
            seven  other  high-ranking  brothers  massacred,  bod-    mara’s  top  aides  were  at
            officials  after  a  prolonged  ies  reported  missing,”  said  the stadium and did noth-
            trial  on  charges  of  mur-  Safiatou  Baldé,  25,  a  rela-  ing to stop the massacre, a
            der,  kidnapping  and  rape  tive of one of the victims.  Human Rights Watch report
            that  were  reclassified  as  Maimounatou      Tounkara  said.
            “crimes  against  humanity”  said a part of him died with  Wednesday’s  court  deci-
            on Wednesday. Four other  his  brother  who  was  killed  sion “sends a message loud   Moussa “Dadis” Camara speaks upon his arrival from exile in
            accused were acquitted.      in  the  massacre.  “I  am  still  and clear to those respon-  Conakry, Guinea Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2021.
            More than 100 survivors and  bleeding  and  these  con-   sible  for  serious  crimes  in                                       Associated Press
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