P. 16

                     Tuesday 3 april 2018

            Science Says: What we know about cancer risk and coffee

            By MARILYNN MARCHIONE                                                                  as  teething  biscuits  and  do  much  more  harm  than
             AP Chief Medical Writer                                                               crackers. One brand of or-   good to public health," by
            Trouble  is  brewing  for  cof-                                                        ganic sweet potatoes test-   confusing people into think-
            fee  lovers  in  California,                                                           ed as having 121 parts per  ing risks from something like
            where  a  judge  ruled  that                                                           billion.                     coffee  are  similar  to  those
            sellers must post scary warn-                                                          WHAT'S THE RISK?             from smoking, Giovannucci
            ings about cancer risks. But                                                           The  "probable"  or  "likely"  said.
            how  frightened  should  we                                                            carcinogen  label  is  based  The  International  Food  In-
            be  of  a  daily  cup  of  joe?                                                        on studies of animals given  formation   Council   and
            Not  very,  some  scientists                                                           high levels of acrylamide in  Foundation,  an  organiza-
            and  available  evidence                                                               drinking  water.  But  people  tion  funded  mostly  by  the
            seem to suggest.                                                                       and  rodents  absorb  the  food and beverage indus-
            Scientific  concerns  about                                                            chemical at different rates  try,  says  the  law  is  confus-
            coffee  have  eased  in  re-                                                           and  metabolize  it  differ-  ing  the  public  because  it
            cent years, and many stud-                                                             ently,  so  its  relevance  to  doesn't  note  levels  of  risk,
            ies even suggest it can help                                                           human health is unknown.     and  adds  that  U.S.  dietary
            health.                       In this Sept. 22, 2017, file photo, a barista pours steamed milk   A  group  of  23  scientists  guidelines  say  up  to  five
            "At the minimum, coffee is   in a coffee at a cafe in Los Angeles. Superior Court Judge Elihu   convened  by  the  WHO's  cups  of  coffee  a  day  can
            neutral.  If  anything,  there   Berle has ruled that California law requires coffee companies to   cancer  agency  in  2016  be part of a healthy diet.
                                         carry an ominous cancer warning label because of a chemical
            is  fairly  good  evidence  of   produced in the roasting process.                     looked  at  coffee  —  not  Dr. Otis Brawley, the Ameri-
            the  benefit  of  coffee  on                                          Associated Press   acrylamide directly — and  can Cancer Society's chief
            cancer,"  said  Dr.  Edward                                                            decided  coffee  was  un-    medical  officer,  said,  "The
            Giovannucci, a nutrition ex-  what levels are safe or risky  the diet, French fries, pota-  likely to cause breast, pros-  issue here is dose, and the
            pert at the Harvard School  for people. The U.S. Environ-  to chips, crackers, cookies,  tate or pancreatic cancer,  amount   of   acrylamide
            of Public Health.            mental  Protection  Agency  cereal and other high-car-    and that it seemed to lower  that  would  be  included
            The  World  Health  Organi-  sets  acrylamide  limits  for  bohydrate foods contain it  the risks for liver and uterine  in  coffee,  which  is  really
            zation's  cancer  agency  drinking  water,  but  there  as a byproduct of roasting,  cancers.  Evidence  was  in-   very  small,  compared  to
            moved coffee off the "pos-   aren't any for food.         baking, toasting or frying.  adequate  to determine its  the  amount  from  smoking
            sible  carcinogen"  list  two  "A cup of coffee a day, ex-  Food and Drug Administra-  effect  on  dozens  of  other  tobacco.  I  don't  think  we
            years  ago,  though  it  says  posure probably is not that  tion tests of acrylamide lev-  cancer types.            should be worried about a
            evidence  is  insufficient  to  high," and probably should  els found they ranged from  THE CALIFORNIA LAW          cup of coffee."
            rule out any possible role.  not change your habit, said  175 to 351 parts per billion  Since   1986,   businesses  Amy  Trenton-Dietz,  public
            The current flap isn't about  Dr.  Bruce  Y.  Lee  of  Johns  (a  measure  of  concentra-  have been required to post  health specialist at the Uni-
            coffee  itself,  but  a  chemi-  Hopkins  Bloomberg  School  tion for a contaminant) for  warnings  about  chemicals  versity  of  Wisconsin-Mad-
            cal called acrylamide (ah-   of  Public  Health.  "If  you  six brands of coffee tested;  known to cause cancer or  ison,  said  the  California
            KRILL-ah-mide) that's made  drink  a  lot  of  cups  a  day,  the  highest  was  for  one  other  health  risks  —  more  ruling  contrasts  with  what
            when the beans are roast-    this  is  one  of  the  reasons  type of decaf coffee crys-  than 900 substances are on  science shows.
            ed.  Government  agencies  you might consider cutting  tals. By comparison, French  the state's list today — but  "Studies in humans suggest
            call  it  a  probable  or  likely  that down."            fries at one fast food chain  what's  a  "significant"  risk  is  that  if  anything,  coffee  is
            carcinogen, based on ani-    Here's what's known about  ranged  from  117  to  313  arguable.                       protective  for  some  types
            mal research, and a group  the risks.                     parts  per  billion,  depend-  Coffee  sellers  and  other  of  cancer,"  she  said.  "As
            sued to require coffee sell-  THE CHEMICAL                ing on the location tested.  defendants  in  the  lawsuit  long as people are not put-
            ers  to  warn  of  that  under  Start   with   the   biggest  Some commercial fries had  that  spurred  Thursday's  rul-  ting a lot of sugar or sweet-
            a California law passed by  known  risk  factor  for  can-  more than 1,000.           ing  have  a  couple  weeks  eners  in,  coffee,  tea  and
            voters in 1986.              cer  —  smoking  —  which  Even  some  baby  foods  to challenge it or appeal.         water are the best things for
            The problem: No one knows  generates  acrylamide  .  In  contain  acrylamide,  such  The  law  "has  potential  to  people to be drinking."q

            Antacids, antibiotics for infants linked to later allergies

            By CARLA K. JOHNSON          Early use of antibiotics also  military   personnel   and  asthma, hay fever or other  doubled;  the  chances  of
            AP Medical Writer            raised the chances of aller-  their families. A surprising 9  allergic diseases. The study  developing  a  severe  aller-
            Infants who are given ant-   gies  in  the  study  of  nearly  percent  of  the  babies  re-  couldn't prove causes, but  gic  reaction  called  ana-
            acids like Zantac or Pepcid  800,000 children.            ceived antacids, reflecting  the  connection  with  ant-  phylaxis  or  hay  fever  were
            are more likely to develop  Researchers  combed  the  the  popularity  of  treating  acids  and  antibiotics  was  about  50  percent  higher.
            childhood  allergies,  per-  health records of kids born  reflux in infancy.           striking.                    For  babies  who  received
            haps because these drugs  between  2001  and  2013  Over four years, more than  For  children  who  received  antibiotics,  the  chances
            may  alter  their  gut  bacte-  and  covered  by  Tricare,  half  of  all  the  children  de-  an antacid during their first  doubled  for  asthma  and
            ria, a new large study sug-  an  insurance  program  for  veloped  allergies  to  foods  six months, the chances of  were  at  least  50  percent
            gests.                       active  duty  and  retired  or    medications,   rashes,  developing  a  food  allergy  higher  for  hay  fever  and
                                                                                                                                The  results  were  published
                                                                                                                                Monday  in  JAMA  Pediat-
                                                                                                                                "These  medicines  are  con-
                                                                                                                                sidered  generally  harmless
                                                                                                                                and  something  to  try  with
                                                                                                                                fussy babies who spit up a
                                                                                                                                lot,"  said  lead  researcher
                                                                                                                                Dr. Edward Mitre of the Uni-
                                                                                                                                formed  Services  University
                                                                                                                                in Bethesda, Maryland. q
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