Page 37 - MIN ECEM
P. 37
Thursday 8 June 2017
Loyal Island Guests
Honored at the
Marriott Surf Club
PALM BEACH - Recently in the sun, the climate, the
the Aruba Tourism Author- beaches and the restau-
ity had the great pleasure rants.
of honoring a very nice They say that being on Aru-
couple who are loyal and ba and staying at the Mar-
friendly visitor of Aruba as riott Surf Club is like being
Distinguished Visitors at the at their vacation ‘home-
Marriott Surf Club. away-from-home.’
The symbolic honorary title The certificate was pre-
is presented in the name sented by Mr. Jonathan
of the Minister of Tourism as Boekhoudt representing
a token of appreciation to the Aruba Tourism Author-
guests who visit Aruba for ity together with Executive
10-to-19 consecutive years. Administrative Assistant to
The honorees were Mr. Roi the General Manager Ms.
and Mrs. Judy Tucker from Jenny Boekhoudt from the
New Jersey, celebrating Marriott Surf Club.
their 10th consecutive an- Remarkable about this spe-
nual visit to Aruba! cific ceremony was that
Roi and Judy are loyal Judy is one of the few per-
members of the Marriott sons ever to fully translate
Surf Club and they love back in English the text writ-
Aruba very much because ten on the certificate (in
of the friendly people, fun Papiamento). q