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Wednesday 11 OctOber 2017 HEALTH
                                            Blood, Salt and Tears

            By: Dr. Carlos Viana         number  is  the  pressure  of  provide support, but check
            President  John  F.  Kenne-  the  heart  pumping  your  your personal needs with a
            dy  said,  “All  of  us  have  in  blood.    The  low  number  clinical  nutritionist.  If  this  is
            our  veins  the  exact  same  is  the  pressure  your  blood  not enough, check for tox-
            percentage  of  salt  in  our  pushes  against  on  the  ins with a hair analysis test
            blood  that  exists  in  the  walls of your arteries when  contributing  to  these  and
            ocean,    and,   therefore,  your heart is “resting.”  Nor-  other health problems.
            we have salt in our blood,  mal  blood  pressure  should  Get The Point!  Blood pres-
            in  our  sweat,  in  our  tears.  range  between  100/70  to  sure  problems  are  more
            We are tied to the ocean.  120/80.  If your BP is higher,  than  an  excess  of  salt.
            And when we go back  to  you  have  a  greater  risk  of  Identifying imbalances and
            the  sea  --  whether  it  is  to  developing  problems  with  counseling on diet and life-
            sail or to watch it -- we are  your heart and or arteries.  style can go a long way.   In
            going  back  from  whence  “Standard”  treatment  for  our home by the beautiful
            we came.”Salt is the spark  blood  pressure  problems  Caribbean  Sea,  there  are
            plug of our body.  Although  is  pharmaceuticals.    Stud-  no  chemicals  in  our  kitch-
            eating  an  excess  of  salt  ies have shown that taking  en. We drink plenty of min-
            is  associated  with  high  blood  pressure  lowering  eral water, use only natural
            blood  pressure,  not  hav-  drugs  can  cause  side  ef-  sea salt, pressure lowering,
            ing enough salt can cause  fects,  like  impotence  and  fresh  garlic,  good  omega
            hypo-tension  or  low  blood  an  increased  risk  for  heart  oils like virgin olive oil, and
            pressure which results in diz-  disease,  just  what  you  are  gladly  cry  salty  tears  while
            ziness  or  loss  of  conscious-  trying to avoid.  The World  cutting our onions to flavor
            ness.  Salt  is  essential  for  Health  Organization  has  our food.  The facts on salt
            the  prevention  of  muscle  listed hypertension, or high  are  another  of  the  many
            cramps,  maintaining  sexu-  blood  pressure,  as  one  of  dietary   misconceptions
            ality,  preventing  varicose  the  conditions  treated  ef-  you have heard. Call so we
            veins  and  the  salt  in  our  fectively by acupuncture.  can help you put the spark   ing Medicine, has a weekly  lectures  extensively.    For
            bones  is  help  them  stay  In  many  cases  high  blood  back in your plugs.q        radio  program,  writes  and  information:  VIANA  HEAL-
            firm.  In studies on salt and  pressure  can  controlled  CARLOS  VIANA,  Ph.  D.    is   lectures extensively.  For in-  ING  CENTER,  Kibaima  7,
            blood  pressure  processed  through  changes  in  diet  an  Oriental  Medical  Doc-    formation: VIANA NATURAL  St  Cruz  TEL:  585-1270  Web
            table  salt  was  used  and  and  lifestyle.  Lifestyle  fac-  tor (O.M.D.) having studied   HEALING CENTER NV, Kibai-  Site:
            researchers  did  not  adjust  tors include caffeine or al-  in China; a US Board Cert.   ma 7, Aruba, TEL: 585-1270,  “Prescriptions  from  Para-
            for things like, high alcohol  cohol  intake,  stress,  lack  Clinical Nutritionist (C.C.N.),   Web Site:           dise”  -  International  Book
            consumption,  high  body  of  exercise,  smoking  and  an  Addiction  Professional            Award  Winner  -  ta  op-
            mass  index,  low  potassium  body weight.  Dietary prob-  (C.Ad.), Chairperson of the   Dr. Viana’s Award Winning  tenible na  Aruba na Viana
            excretion,  and  dehydra-    lems  include;  high  sugar,  Latin American Committee    BOOK:  Prescriptions  from  Healing Center, Tur libreria,
            tion.  Unrefined sea salt is a  high  saturated  fat  and  in-  of the International CARLOS   Paradise,  Introduction  to  Gift  shops  y  centro  nan  di
            healthier choice than com-   sufficient magnesium, vita-  VIANA, Ph. D.  is an Oriental   Biocompatible   Medicine  salud  di  calidad.    tambe
            mon table salt. Natural sea  min C and healthy fats.      Medical  Doctor  (O.M.D.)    –  Available  at  local  Book-  ta  disponibel  den  forma
            salt  contains  minerals  that  Some  people  do  not  ex-  having  studied  in  Shang-  stores,  Hotel  Gift  shops  do print y pa  Kindle down-
            the body needs.              crete sodium.  Diuretics can  hai,  China;  a  Board  Cert.   and  Boticas.  Signed  cop-  load pa nos amigo nan pa
            High  blood  pressure  rarely  make  the  problem  worse  Clinical Nutritionist (C.C.N.),   ies  at  Viana  Healing  Cen-  fo di Aruba na  www.ama-
            has symptoms.  Blood pres-   by also lowering potassium.   a  fellow  member  of  the   ter, EBooks: Amazon kindle,    Pa  anuncio  nan
            sure values can be pushed  Natural  sea  salt,  not  table  Board Certified Association   Nook,  Itunes  check  for  acerca di mas evento nan
            higher  by  pain,  medica-   salt, will not harm you if your  of  Addiction  Professionals   Events  at:  y firmamento di buki check
            tions  or  anxiety,  includ-  intake  of  potassium  and  (C.Ad.), the Chairperson of   vianahealingcenter.Acad-    , check  corant nan local,
            ing the stress of visiting the  water  is  balanced.    Fresh  the  Latin  American  Com-  emy of Oral Medicine and  radio  y  television  tambe
            doctor.  Have your pressure  fruit is a good source of po-  mittee  of  the  International   Toxicology  (IAOMT),  a  Re-  como    riba    www.viana-
            taken  while  lying  down  in  tassium.    Drinking  mineral  Academy of Oral Medicine   juvenating  Cell  Therapist y  join e discusion
            a  stress-free  environment.   water  is  critical  for  nearly  and Toxicology (IAOMT), a   specializing  in  Age  Man-  riba nos  Facebook pagina:
            Blood pressure (BP) comes  every bodily function.   Di-   Rejuvenating Cell Therapist   agement,  has  a  weekly
            in  two  numbers.    The  high  etary supplements can also  and  specializes  in  Anti-Ag-  radio  program,  writes  and  scriptionsformparadise q
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