Page 57 - MIN SJA 7 DEC 2015
P. 57
Krea Dansa
A wish will sure come true when you go for it. Dennis Puriel had the wish to launch a dancing group when
he left the Netherlands to come back to Curaçao. He wanted to give something back to the community
of Curaçao, especially the youth. He wanted to pass on the knowledge that he acquired when he was
abroad, and present to Curaçao another level of dancing that already existed, but in a different way.
By Jade Mambre
Krea Dansa started in 2006 with kids aged “We do all kinds of dances. We focus more
15 and above. “When I arrived here on Cu- on the technique of, for instance, jazz and
raçao, I looked for a few familiar people to classic. We dance Salsa, merengue, Afri-
start dancing and training, without having can dances, hip-hop, contemporary, and
a name for the group. After a few months more.” Not to mention the dances of our
we received an invitation to dance. Then, own beautiful island called wals, mazurka,
as we became bigger, we had the chance and tumba. “We always try to include typi-
to perform at the Miss Curaçao pageant. cal Curaçao music, and bring it forward
After that, we danced at Luna Blou and differently, so in another style.” They also
at Bandabou, for Kas di Kultura.” In 2013, focus on the characteristics of the theater
they came up with ‘Krea Dansa for Kids’, when the kids are at a younger age, as
which is for kids between the ages of 5 they perform in the theater, sometimes.
and 12, as there were a lot of requests
coming in from parents. Furthermore, Krea Dansa performs at
different events. For example, they per-
Krea Dansa, the name of the group, was formed at the Miss Curaçao pageants in
simply invented during a practice for an 2008 and 2009, two years ago at Miss
event. “Now that we are becoming more World, with artists that performed on Cu-
serious, we need a name to be able to raçao and at the Tumba Festival [an an-
present the group,” said Dennis Puriel. nual music competition to choose the Car-
So when they all paid attention to what nival road march song]. Krea Dansa even
they were doing, they came across the received a contract of 7 to 8 months by the
words ‘create’ and ‘dance’, in Papiamentu Curaçao Tourist Board to dance for tour-
respectively ‘krea’ and ‘baile’. As a result, ists around 2010. “We were also chosen
WKH RI¿FLDO QDPH EHFDPH µ.UHD 'DQVD¶ to represent Curaçao in Cuba at Valle del
They used word ‘Dansa’ [a dance with Caribe.”
corresponding music] to give the name a
nice and chic touch. Each year, they have a minimum of 10
shows, and a maximum of 30, at a vari-
Dennis Puriel has a purpose for Krea ety of events. These past few years, they
Dansa. That is to present a different way started giving their own shows at Teatro
of dancing here on Curaçao, especially Luna Blou or La Tentashon, each year.
for people who are underprivileged, and This year’s theme show is called The Four
to try to form the members of the group Elements.
as human beings, especially in the area of
discipline, to enable them to become bet- “We dance differently.” They are differ-
ter dancers, and to prepare them and give ent. “What the world of dance out there
them guidance to confront the outside requires is what we bring.” They make up
world, if they want to continue dancing. their own dances. They are Krea Dansa!