Page 12 - MIN.TTC MARCH 5,2015
P. 12

LOCALThursday 5 March 2015

Performing At the Marriott Resort!
Comedians From The Tonight Show, Letterman Show, And Saturday Night Live

--Top American comedi- and staying in the low-rise The remaining show sched- three years, and produces It is suggested to arrive ear-
ans perform in Ray Ellin’s area, has gone up to the ule will be: and hosts these incredible ly - seating is first come first
phenomenal show at the Marriott once a week for --MARCH 5th to the 7th - comedy shows on the is- serve. Doors open at 8pm.
Marriott Resort and Stellaris each of the past three KEVIN BRENNAN from Sat- land. He is considered by The showroom is intimate
Casino every night until weeks to watch a show. urday Night Live, the David his peers to be the best - - it is suggested you pur-
March 10th. “It has become our weekly Letterman show, and his host in NYC. chase tickets in advance
PALM BEACH – “Aruba ritual. My wife and I love to own HBO special. Ray has appeared on at www.ArubaComedy.
Ray’s Comedy Show,” has laugh, the comedians are --MARCH 6th to the 10th many television programs; com.You can also pur-
one more week left. If you always terrific, and this is -BRIAN SCOTT McFADDEN. he is the host of the new chase tickets (subject to
haven’t been yet, it is the without question the top Brian has appeared on the Gong Show Live, a resur- availability) at the Amster-
‘Must Do’ night time event evening activity in Aruba.” David Letterman show, the rection of the classic 70’s dam Ballroom showroom
here in Aruba. The comedy show is a great Craig Ferguson Show, and television show. He also door at 730pm.The tickets
The performances have night out. It is the best show the hit Ben Stiller film The hosted the popular talk are $34. And each Come-
been wildly successful. “This in Aruba - the comedians Secret Life of Walter Mitty. show Late Net, and hosted dy Ticket gives every audi-
time around – and we’ve are all truly some of the fin- Joining Brian from the 8th the television shows The ence member $10 in FREE
done almost 200 shows in est from New York. It is a to the 10th will be MIKE Movie Loft, Brain Fuel, and Slot Play in the Stellaris Ca-
Aruba – has been just awe- relaxed, intimate setting at BURTON, from Fox TV and New York Now. He also sino at the Marriott (ID re-
some. Great crowds. Ex- the Marriott. Comedy Central. produced and directed quired!). And each Com-
cellent comedians. And I In addition, there is also an �RAY ELLIN will host the the very successful film The edy Ticket will also provide
got engaged to a Stellaris option to purchase a pre- shows. Known as “Aruba Latin Legends of Comedy, a 20% discount to the
slot machine,” joked Aru- mium four-hour open bar, Ray” because of his pas- distributed by 20th Century Aruba La Vista buffet.Plus,
ba Ray Ellin, the host and and each person gets $10 sion for Aruba, Ray has Fox. audience members can
producer of the shows. FREE Slot Play cash with been coming to Aruba purchase an optional four
The shows are at 830pm, each ticket. every month for the past hour premium open bar
every night, in the Amster- for only $20! The premium
dam Ballroom at the Mar- open bar continues after
riott Resort, down the hall the show in the casino un-
from their casino. The doors til midnight. An incredible
open at 8pm. deal, and a full night out.
Advance purchase tickets Drinks are available for pur-
are suggested, and are chase, but there is NO drink
available at www.Aruba- minimum!Anyone can at- You can tend, however the show
also call 520-6606 or 749- is suggested for a mature
4363 for more information audience.
and reservations. These comedians perform
Tickets and seating is first regularly in New York City’s
come first serve. biggest venues.
Keith Larsen, visiting Aruba Ask your concierge for as-
sistance. q
Loyal Visitors Honored at the Divi Tamarijn Resort

PALM BEACH - Recently
the Aruba Tourism Author-
ity had the great pleasure
of honoring two loyal and
friendly guests at the Divi
Tamarijn Resort as Goodwill
Ambassadors to commem-
orate their 25th consecutive
visit to Aruba! The symbolic
honorary title is presented
in the name of the Minister
of Tourism as tokens of ap-
preciation to guests who
visit Aruba for 20-to-34 con-
secutive years.
The honorees were Mr. Pe-
ter and Mrs. Linda Clarke
from Massachusetts. Peter
and Linda are loyal guests
of the Divi Tamarijn Re-
sort and they love Aruba
very much because of the
friendly people, the weath-
er, beaches, restaurants,
Casinos and shopping.
The certificates were pre-
sented by Ms. Marouska
Heyliger representing the
Aruba Tourism Authority.q
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