Page 9 - AHATA
P. 9
local Thursday 1 June 2023
Aruba’s Bocas: home to the rarest fossil reefs on the planet!
(Oranjestad)—If you’ve
been to the northern coast
of Aruba already, you’ve
probably noticed how the
ground differs entirely from
the sandy beaches on the
southern part of the island.
These hard surfaces, with
sharp bumps and holes
are actually fossilized coral
reefs, of which its growth
and changes can be
traced back to the last gla-
cial period.
On May 30 2023, geosci-
entists, Dr. Patrick Boyden
from the Marum research these coral reefs, and to fluctuation of sea levels history that dates back to By studying rising sea lev-
faculty at the University of investigate how these reefs during the past hundred or a time that most of us can- els and climate impact on
Bremen, Prof. dr. Alessio have responded and can even thousands of years, not even imagine. As the these coral reefs, we are
Rovere from the Ca' Fosc- respond to fluctuating sea and the effects that this scientists themselves have able to take concrete ac-
ari University of Venice and levels or extreme weather, fluctuation has had on the pointed out, these fossilized tion in protecting and pre-
Prof. dr. Gianfranco Scic- like hurricanes and tsuna- coral reefs of the windward reefs on the windward side serve our coral reefs. So, if
chitano, from the University mis. side of Aruba. are truly an incredible and you are ever visiting one of
of Bari Aldo Moro, present- Through underwater and rare remnant of geologi- the bocas or driving along
ed their research on these land surveillance, and 3D These findings can certainly cal history, as they provide the northern part of the is-
fossilized coral reefs at the models of the reefs, they put things into perspective. a clear view of how these land, please be conscious
University of Aruba. Their were able to narrow down The ground on which we reefs have formed. to help protect our natural
focus for their research in- when these formations have walked many times This research is also im- historical remnant. Oh, and
cluded studying the health started to take place. They on the northern part of the portant for the future of wear (coral-friendly) sun-
and formation patterns of were also able to track the island hold such rich history, coral reefs on the island. screen! q
Enjoy one of the best views on Aruba at the top of the Hooiberg Hill
(Oranjestad)—If you are a regular hiker, or located at the center district of the island, San- these stairs in 1991. This new project delivered
maybe want to spice up your morning work out ta Cruz, the Hooiberg Hill is the second highest the newer staircase with only 587 steps. Howev-
session, then you might enjoy one of the most point on the island at 165 meters above sea er, don’t be fooled—it may still be a work out to
popular climbing sites on the island: The Hooi- level (or about 540 feet above sea level). The get on top. In addition, there is now a gazebo
berg Hill. Accompanied with a 600-step stair- highest point is Jamanota Hill at 189 meters (620 placed halfway up the stair for a little rest. The
case, this hill overlooks a great part of the is- feet), located in the Arikok National Park. view at this resting stop is also a sight to see.
land, the Caribbean sea, and sometimes even The staircase that run on the side of the hill was
the Santa Anna mountain located in the coastal first built in 1951, when Mr. Eduardo Tromp con- The best time to climb the hill would be early in
state of Falcon in Venezuela, providing one of structed it. At that time, the staircase consisted the morning or right before sunset, as it may not
the best views you can get on Aruba. of 900 steps. Over time, as the steps faced ero- be as hot. However, the hill is of course open all
sion, the government decided to renovate day, every day. q