Page 4 - IVA FLIP 6 SEPT 2017
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HEALTHWednesday 6 September

 The Difference is Natural
                                 Biocompatible Medicine,         Red meat is an excellent       or detoxing your large in-      We, in the healing arts
By: Dr Carlos Viana              my “Natural” medical pro-       protein for those who have     testines. We call it Colon      should not lose focus of our
People often ask me,             tocol is from allopathic        type O blood, but will thick-  Therapy or a “Colonic”,         moral objective, as out-
what is it that I do differ-     medicine, in that instead       en the blood of those with     the medical word is “la-        lined in the modern Hippo-
ently in Natural Medicine        of treating symptoms, we        type A. Thickening blood is    vage”. Fresh water enters       cratic Oath –
than ‘Regular’ medicine.         look for causes of the ill-     called agglutination and is    your colon and the waste,       “I will remember that there
Whether a natural or             ness and aim to teach the       the foundation of circula-     gas, and bacteria flows         is art to medicine as well as
‘regular’, ‘allopathic doc-      patient how to correct,         tion problems and cardio-      out using only gravity, no      science, and that warmth,
tor, we should realize the       heal or manage the prob-        vascular disease.              pressure. During the proce-     sympathy, and under-
word Doctor, comes from          lem themselves in the most      The next source of inflam-     dure, I am evaluating your      standing may outweigh
the Latin “doc”, meaning,        “natural” or non-toxic way.     mation is infections in your   digestive process looking       the surgeon’s knife or the
“to teach”. Thus, the word       I use a 3 Step approach.        body. The most difficult       for undigested food, fat        chemist’s drug”. Biocom-
“doctor” means “teach-           Step 1, is to IDENTIFY&         are infections that are        and signs of yeast over-        patible (compatible with
er”. What we teach our           DETOXIFY any source of          “hidden”, in other words,      growth. I get a good idea       life) Medicine teaches you
patients is the difference       chronic inflammation that       not apparent. Infections       how your body’s digestive       what your body needs to
between the medical              is putting pressure on your     in mouth and jaws cause        system is working.              heal itself naturally.q
methods.                         immune system.                  subtle yet chronic prob-       By now we are entering
                                 Step 2, is to give your body    lems to your health. When      the Step 2, giving your         CARLOS VIANA, Ph.
 “Allopathic” comes from         what it needs to heal itself    a new patient comes for        body what it needs to heal      an Oriental Medical Doc-
the German word coined           or BRING IN THE GOOD.           a consultation, I always in-   itself. We start with eating    tor (O.M.D.) having stud-
1842, “Allopathie” that me       Step 3, LIFESTYLE, fine-tunes   clude a look in the mouth.     the correct foods for your      ied in China; a US Board
                                 the way you live to include     Your mouth reflects your       blood type, then I suggest      Cert. Clinical Nutritionist
  ans”treatmentofdiseaseb        good sleep, exercise you        body’s health. If your gums    dietary supplements that        (C.C.N.), an Addiction Pro-
  yremediesthatproduceef         can enjoy, doing some-          are irritated, you are suf-    I call my “basics” that in-     fessional (C.Ad.), Chairper-
  fectsoppositetothesympt        thing you are passionate        fering from inflammation;      clude: magnesium citrate,       son of the Latin American
oms,”in other words; allo-       about and spirit to keep        if you have lost teeth, miss-  zinc citrate, vitamin C, leci-  Committee of the Interna-
pathic medicine is mainly        you healthy, happy, truly       ing, you are losing bone.      thin, and B-complex. I rec-     tional Academy of Oral
interested in reducing or        alive!                          Although after my initial      ommend taking them after        Medicine and Toxicology
eliminating your symptoms,       Your initial symptoms or        consultation, I often have     your biggest meal.              (IAOMT), a Rejuvenating
your complaints. For ex-         complaints are important        an idea what is going on in    Biochemists, Chemists who       Cell Therapist specializing
ample, if you suffer from        to me in our initial diag-      your body, I often recom-      study life or the body, know    in Age Management, has
headaches, you are pre-          noses, but I am looking to      mend laboratory testing.       that your food, if digested     a weekly radio program,
scribed painkillers.             find the root cause of your     By doing a blood test first,   well, still must be convert-    writes and lectures exten-
Why or what produces             problems to give your body      together, we can evaluate      ed into energy that your        sively. For information:
your headaches is not im-        the opportunity to heal it-     your progress and fine tune    body can utilize.               VIANA HEALING CENTER,
portant. If painkillers are      self. In our clinic, I see the  treatment recommenda-          This process takes place        Kibaima 7, St Cruz TEL: 585-
not enough, medical tests        greatest source of inflam-      tions as you regain your       in what is called the Krebs     1270 Web Site: www.viana-
are prescribed. So, what         mation comes from what          health. As a nutritionist, I   (or Energy) cycle, a series
regular doctors ‘teach’ is       we are eating.                  have an advantage over         of chemical reactions to        “Prescriptions from Para-
that there is a pill or treat-   Are you eating per your         many doctors, because I        produce energy from the         dise” - Dr. Viana’s Award
ment for anything that           metabolic or blood type?        understand the most fun-       carbohydrates, fats and         Winning BOOK: Prescrip-
bothers you and in many          First recorded 1576, the        damental body process          proteins in your food. This     tions from Paradise, Intro-
cases, you must take that        phrase “one man’s meat          needed for health, your di-    energy is adenosine tri-        duction to Biocompatible
pill for the rest of your life.  is another man’s poison”        gestion.                       phosphate, (ATP).My ‘ba-        Medicine – Available at
                                 usually means: “What is         Beyond eating healthy          sic’ supplements provide        local Bookstores, Hotel Gift
                                 good for one person is not      food for your blood type,      your body with the basics       shops and Boticas. Signed
                                 necessarily so for someone      I evaluate if you are actu-    to produce more energy.         copies at Viana Healing
                                 else”. Although, I agree we     ally digesting your food.      Healthy people have more        Center, EBooks: Amazon
                                 all should eat as fresh, free   If you are breaking down       energy.                         kindle, Nook, Itunes check
                                 from toxins and humanly         and absorbing into your        Get the Point! Our differ-      for Events at: facebook.
                                 grown food as possible,         body what you have eat-        ences do matter, but our
                                 as a clinical nutritionist, I   en. Many times, I suggest      common humanity mat-             com/vianahealingcenter.
                                 take this saying literally!     beginning with washing         ters more.                      Join the discussion: www.

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