Page 34 - KPA DEC 24, 2014
P. 34
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Diaranson 24 December
In memory of a BGSU Alumnus and my dear friend
Hildward L. Croes
I met Hildward Croes in graduate studies at Bowling that it would help me. As At a certain point Hildward Merengue album with Mas
1985or 1986 when I was Green State University af- we were sitting in church returned to Aruba for a pe- QueSuficiente on which he
around my senior year ter he finished his Bachelors the pastor started to give his riod of time when his uncle made musical arrangements
at Bowling Green State degree at Berklee College of sermon, and it was as he was Gilberto (Betico) Croes and played the accordion,
University in Ohio, USA. Music in Boston. looking at me and talking to passed, and I did not hear piano, and keyboards. He
I knew his brother Maiki- In the beginning we were me. I turned to Hildward and from him after that. I gradu- won numerous awards and
to who also attended and his kind of “tourguides”, as asked him: “did you tell the ated in August 1987 and I re- prizes in his native Aruba and
graduated from BGSU he was the new kid in town. father about how I was feel- turned to Aruba. I later heard owned a production compa-
and meanwhile was al- Because of his calm and ing?” and he said no. “God he went back to BGSU and ny and recording studio.
ready back in Aruba. friendly character, he became knows how you feel al the graduated in 1988 obtaining Later when he returned to
By then, we were not so our friend. He would stop time Suzy” , he said. his Masters Degree in Music. Aruba, and stopped his trav-
many students from Aruba by on his way to his home,at I admired him for his love After we both were back in els, he did some work for
any more, but only a few our apartment, chat a bit, do for music, and we used to Aruba, we tried to stay in Setar, where I work and we
were finishing their degree some homework, drink some discuss about how people get touch as often as possible but re-connected and it was like
including me. tea and proceed on his way. inspired all the time, and that as he became more famous yesterday, we still had a great
Most of them had gradu- As time passed, he became in some form, will find a way this became sporadically. In friendship that lasts until to-
ated already at that time. I a very good friend and even to express it. Some in music, 1989 he was contracted by day. I have many great mem-
moved off campus and went shared the costs of food with some in poetry. I wrote po- Wilfrido Vargas with whom ories of Hildward and I am
to live with 2 other Aruban us, as we cooked ourselves etry he wrote music. he toured the world and so glad I got to know him as
students Silvine Cicilia and every day. He felt a little at Even though Hildward did earned a Grammy nomina- a student, before he became
Joanne Krozendijk who be- home and considered us like not have any sister in his tion for his contribution as famous.
came my roommates. his sisters. Always with re- family, only brothers, I be- co-producer on the album Dear Hildward, I was deep-
Hildward came to Bowl- spect. lieve he considered me his Animación. In the late 1990's ly shocked by your sudden
ing Green to continue his The weather was harsh sister. I have a deep respect he joined Juan Luis Guerra& illness and now your sud-
and cold in the winter, but and appreciation for him. 440 as a keyboardist and pro- den departure. I will forever
he would enphasize to me He would be writing his grammer and performed cherish your friendship, your
the importance of going to proyects and research papers concerts throughout North, great sense of humor, your
church on Sundays. I some- for his school of music and Central, South America, as dedication, and your im-
times didn’t feel much for would bring them to me, so well as the Caribbean and mense faith in God.
attending Mass, just because I could type these for him. I parts of Europe. He then I am very grateful to have
I was lazy. But he would call was a Journalism Major and went on to join Chichi Peral- known you and to have
early in the morning and tell could type blindly, but some- ta& Son Familia in 1997 and walked along with you dur-
me that he is stopping by to times I found myself doing won a Latin Grammy for best ing our college years. May
fetch me and we would walk my homework and then typ- Merengue album in 2001 you rest in peace “querido
to church. One day I was ing his stuff until midnight. with ...De Vuelta Al Barrio. amigo”.
feeling a bit depressed he in- But hey, that’s what friends In 2006, he earned a Latin Your sister,
sisted for me to go to church, are for. Grammy nomination for best Suzy A. Maduro
Cuerpo Policial Aruba cu ristamento preventivo
Varios detencion den accion “Santa Claus is coming to town”
ORANJESTAD- E accion di
rista preventivo di diasabra ul-
timo na San Nicolas a haya
e nomber di “Santa Claus is
coming to town”. A concentra
den cuater diferente area, esta
Village (Sint Maartenstraat y
bisindario), centro di San Nico-
las, Dr. Schaepmanstraat y Cay-
enastraat. E accion a cuminsa pa
8’or di anochi riba dia 20 di de-
cember y a encera dos fase.
Cu cada accion di ristamento pre-
ventivo, Polisnan di diferente de-
partamento ta uni pa kita arma y
droga di riba caya. Cu cada accion
nan ta manda un mensahe bon cla tencionnan tabata varios, incluyen- Cuerpo di Polis ta gradici e com-
tambe na tur esunnan cu ta haci nan do posesion di arma blanco – sker y prension ricibi di parti di comuni-
mes culpabel na posesion di arma y cuchiu - y posesion di droga. dad di Aruba, cu a realisa cu e ac-
droga cu autoridadnan y comuni- E accion “Santa Claus is coming to cionnan di control preventivo pa
dad di Aruba en general no ta tolera town a conta cu varios ekipo hunto, arma y droga ta un contribucion na
conducta cu por trece bida di hende manera ta Polisnan uniforma di San e combinacion di procesonan pa tin
na peliger. Nicolas, duaneronan, Polisnan di e un isla mas sigur.
Pa e prome fase di e accion, Polis unidad di cachonan K-9, Polisnan E ta parti di un plan total pa kita
a controla 42 persona y seis auto. di Unidad Mobil y di e team di arma y droga for di caya y asina baha
Tambe a detene un persona den atraco y departamento di droga. crimen y contribui na trankilidad
Flamboyanstraat. E accion a bay sin mucho nove- den nos comunidad.
Durante di e di dos fase di e accion dad, pero por a sinti si cu e accion Den e simannan y temporada nos
di control preventivo, a controla 19 aki tabatin su resultado preventivo dilanti Polis lo sigui tene diferente
persona, a detene 6 persona y a con- y represivo pa cu crimen den e ar- accion similar y manera stipula
fisca un auto. Motibonan pa e de- eanan unda cu el a wordo ehecuta. den ley esakinan lo wordo anuncia
prome cu nan tuma luga.q
Diaranson 24 December
In memory of a BGSU Alumnus and my dear friend
Hildward L. Croes
I met Hildward Croes in graduate studies at Bowling that it would help me. As At a certain point Hildward Merengue album with Mas
1985or 1986 when I was Green State University af- we were sitting in church returned to Aruba for a pe- QueSuficiente on which he
around my senior year ter he finished his Bachelors the pastor started to give his riod of time when his uncle made musical arrangements
at Bowling Green State degree at Berklee College of sermon, and it was as he was Gilberto (Betico) Croes and played the accordion,
University in Ohio, USA. Music in Boston. looking at me and talking to passed, and I did not hear piano, and keyboards. He
I knew his brother Maiki- In the beginning we were me. I turned to Hildward and from him after that. I gradu- won numerous awards and
to who also attended and his kind of “tourguides”, as asked him: “did you tell the ated in August 1987 and I re- prizes in his native Aruba and
graduated from BGSU he was the new kid in town. father about how I was feel- turned to Aruba. I later heard owned a production compa-
and meanwhile was al- Because of his calm and ing?” and he said no. “God he went back to BGSU and ny and recording studio.
ready back in Aruba. friendly character, he became knows how you feel al the graduated in 1988 obtaining Later when he returned to
By then, we were not so our friend. He would stop time Suzy” , he said. his Masters Degree in Music. Aruba, and stopped his trav-
many students from Aruba by on his way to his home,at I admired him for his love After we both were back in els, he did some work for
any more, but only a few our apartment, chat a bit, do for music, and we used to Aruba, we tried to stay in Setar, where I work and we
were finishing their degree some homework, drink some discuss about how people get touch as often as possible but re-connected and it was like
including me. tea and proceed on his way. inspired all the time, and that as he became more famous yesterday, we still had a great
Most of them had gradu- As time passed, he became in some form, will find a way this became sporadically. In friendship that lasts until to-
ated already at that time. I a very good friend and even to express it. Some in music, 1989 he was contracted by day. I have many great mem-
moved off campus and went shared the costs of food with some in poetry. I wrote po- Wilfrido Vargas with whom ories of Hildward and I am
to live with 2 other Aruban us, as we cooked ourselves etry he wrote music. he toured the world and so glad I got to know him as
students Silvine Cicilia and every day. He felt a little at Even though Hildward did earned a Grammy nomina- a student, before he became
Joanne Krozendijk who be- home and considered us like not have any sister in his tion for his contribution as famous.
came my roommates. his sisters. Always with re- family, only brothers, I be- co-producer on the album Dear Hildward, I was deep-
Hildward came to Bowl- spect. lieve he considered me his Animación. In the late 1990's ly shocked by your sudden
ing Green to continue his The weather was harsh sister. I have a deep respect he joined Juan Luis Guerra& illness and now your sud-
and cold in the winter, but and appreciation for him. 440 as a keyboardist and pro- den departure. I will forever
he would enphasize to me He would be writing his grammer and performed cherish your friendship, your
the importance of going to proyects and research papers concerts throughout North, great sense of humor, your
church on Sundays. I some- for his school of music and Central, South America, as dedication, and your im-
times didn’t feel much for would bring them to me, so well as the Caribbean and mense faith in God.
attending Mass, just because I could type these for him. I parts of Europe. He then I am very grateful to have
I was lazy. But he would call was a Journalism Major and went on to join Chichi Peral- known you and to have
early in the morning and tell could type blindly, but some- ta& Son Familia in 1997 and walked along with you dur-
me that he is stopping by to times I found myself doing won a Latin Grammy for best ing our college years. May
fetch me and we would walk my homework and then typ- Merengue album in 2001 you rest in peace “querido
to church. One day I was ing his stuff until midnight. with ...De Vuelta Al Barrio. amigo”.
feeling a bit depressed he in- But hey, that’s what friends In 2006, he earned a Latin Your sister,
sisted for me to go to church, are for. Grammy nomination for best Suzy A. Maduro
Cuerpo Policial Aruba cu ristamento preventivo
Varios detencion den accion “Santa Claus is coming to town”
ORANJESTAD- E accion di
rista preventivo di diasabra ul-
timo na San Nicolas a haya
e nomber di “Santa Claus is
coming to town”. A concentra
den cuater diferente area, esta
Village (Sint Maartenstraat y
bisindario), centro di San Nico-
las, Dr. Schaepmanstraat y Cay-
enastraat. E accion a cuminsa pa
8’or di anochi riba dia 20 di de-
cember y a encera dos fase.
Cu cada accion di ristamento pre-
ventivo, Polisnan di diferente de-
partamento ta uni pa kita arma y
droga di riba caya. Cu cada accion
nan ta manda un mensahe bon cla tencionnan tabata varios, incluyen- Cuerpo di Polis ta gradici e com-
tambe na tur esunnan cu ta haci nan do posesion di arma blanco – sker y prension ricibi di parti di comuni-
mes culpabel na posesion di arma y cuchiu - y posesion di droga. dad di Aruba, cu a realisa cu e ac-
droga cu autoridadnan y comuni- E accion “Santa Claus is coming to cionnan di control preventivo pa
dad di Aruba en general no ta tolera town a conta cu varios ekipo hunto, arma y droga ta un contribucion na
conducta cu por trece bida di hende manera ta Polisnan uniforma di San e combinacion di procesonan pa tin
na peliger. Nicolas, duaneronan, Polisnan di e un isla mas sigur.
Pa e prome fase di e accion, Polis unidad di cachonan K-9, Polisnan E ta parti di un plan total pa kita
a controla 42 persona y seis auto. di Unidad Mobil y di e team di arma y droga for di caya y asina baha
Tambe a detene un persona den atraco y departamento di droga. crimen y contribui na trankilidad
Flamboyanstraat. E accion a bay sin mucho nove- den nos comunidad.
Durante di e di dos fase di e accion dad, pero por a sinti si cu e accion Den e simannan y temporada nos
di control preventivo, a controla 19 aki tabatin su resultado preventivo dilanti Polis lo sigui tene diferente
persona, a detene 6 persona y a con- y represivo pa cu crimen den e ar- accion similar y manera stipula
fisca un auto. Motibonan pa e de- eanan unda cu el a wordo ehecuta. den ley esakinan lo wordo anuncia
prome cu nan tuma luga.q