P. 2
Tuesday 18 July 2017
Aruba Introduces New Set of Stamps ‘Fauna-Birds 2017’
ORANJESTAD – Recently, 90c -Purple Gallinule (Por- it from most other yellow nectar and some fruit. The The American flamingo is
Aruba Post Aruba N.V. emit- phyrio martinicus) finches (the exception being song of the yellow oriole is a a large wading bird with
ted a new set of stamps The purple gallinule is a the orange-fronted yellow pleasant melodious fluting, reddish-pink plumage. Like
called ‘Fauna-Birds 2017’. “swamp hen” in the rail fam- finch). with some buzzing. The calls all flamingos, it lays a single
The set consists of eight (8) ily, Rallidae. It is also known Typically nesting in cavities, include a cat-like whine, and chalky white egg on a mud
stamps namely 85c, 90c, locally as the yellow-legged the saffron finch makes use chattering noises. mound, between May and
100c, 130c, 200c, 220c, 250c gallinule. This is a medium- of sites such as abandoned 200c -Amazon kingfisher August; incubation until
and 305c, for a total amount sized bird, measuring 26–37 nests, bamboo branches (Chloroceryle amazona) hatching takes from 28 to
of Afl.13,80. The first-day-en- cm in length, spanning 50– and under house roofs - this The Amazon kingfisher is a 32 days; both parents brood
velope costs Afl. 16,80. The 61cm across the wings. The species is tolerant of human resident breeding bird in the the young for a period of up
stamps are designed by Mr. adult purple gallinule has proximity, appearing at sub- lowlands of the American to 6 years when they reach
Eduardo Valbuena. They big yellow feet, purple-blue urban areas and frequent- tropics. This large kingfisher sexual maturity. Their life ex-
are printed by the Johan En- plumage with a green back, ing bird tables. They have breeds by streams. The Ama- pectancy of 40 years is one
schedé Security Print. and red and yellow bill. It has a pleasant but repetitious zon kingfisher resembles the of the longest in birds. Adult
These stamps will be avail- a pale blue forehead shield song which, combined with green kingfisher which shares American Flamingos mea-
able at all the Post Office and white under tail. Dark- their appearance, has led to its range. It is 29–30 cm long. sure from 120 to 145 cm tall.
locations, namely in Oran- Most of its plumage is pink.
jestad, San Nicolas and Sta. The wing coverts are red, and
Cruz. Make sure that you the primary and secondary
have this set in your collec- flight feathers are black. The
tion as the stock is limited. bill is pink and white with an
For more information on the extensive black tip. The legs
‘Fauna-Birds 2017’ stamp is- are entirely pink. The call is a
sue, please contact the Phil- goose-like honking.
atelic Department at 528- 250c-Least Bittern- (Ixobry-
7678 / main office located at chus exilis)
J.E. Irausquinplein # 9, Oran- The Least Bittern is one of
jestad or visit their Facebook the smallest herons in the
page Aruba Stamps. world. This tiny bittern can
85c – Black-Crowned Night measure from 28 to 36 cm
Heron (Nycticorax nyctico- in length, and the wingspan
rax) ranges from 41 to 46 cm. This
The adults are approximate- bird’s under parts and throat
ly 64 cm long. They have a are white with light brown
black crown and back with streaks. Its face and the sides
the remainder of the body of the neck are light brown; it
white or grey, red eyes and has yellow eyes and a yellow
short yellow legs. They have bill. They show light brown
pale grey wings and white parts on the wings in flight.
under parts. Two or three When alarmed, the least bit-
long white plumes, erected tern freezes in place with its
in greeting and courtship dis- bill pointing up, turns its front
plays, extend from the back ness or low light can dim them being kept as caged It has the typical kingfish- and both eyes toward the
of the head. Black-crowned the bright purple-blue plum- birds in many areas. Males er shape, with a short tail source of alarm, and some-
night herons do not fit the age of the adult to make are polygamous, mating and long bill. It is oily green times sways to resemble
typical body form of the her- them look dusky or brown- with two females during the above, with a shaggy crest wind-blown marsh vegeta-
on family. They are relatively ish, although the forehead nesting season, and territo- and a white collar around tion. This is perhaps a pred-
stocky with shorter bills, legs, shield color differentiates rial, who has led to the spe- the neck. Males have white ator-avoidance behavior,
and necks than their more them from similar species cies being used for blood under parts apart from a since its small size makes the
familiar cousins, the egrets such as common gallinules. sporting with two males put broad chestnut breast band bittern vulnerable to many
and “day” herons. Their rest- Juveniles are brown overall in a cage in order to fight. and some green streaks on potential predators. Thanks
ing posture is normally some- with a brownish olive back. 130c - Yellow Oriole (Icterus the flanks. Females have to its habit of perching
what hunched but when These gallinules will fly short nigrogularis) white under parts with among the reeds, the least
hunting they extend their distances with dangling legs. The yellow oriole is a passerine green patches on the side bittern can feed from the
necks and look more like oth- Their breeding habitat is bird in the family Icteridae. It of the chest and green surface of water that would
er wading birds. The young warm swamps and marshes should not be confused with flank streaks. Young birds be too deep for the wading
birds have orange eyes and in the Caribbean. The nest the green oriole. The yellow resemble the adult female, strategy of other herons. They
duller yellowish-green legs. is a floating structure in a oriole is also called the ‘plan- but have white spots on the mainly eat fish, frogs, crusta-
They are very noisy birds in marsh. They are omnivorous tain’ and ‘small corn bird’, wings. These birds often give ceans and insects, which
their nesting colonies, with - their diet being known to and is known as ‘Gonzalito’. a harsh teck call. The rarely they capture with quick jabs
calls that are commonly include a wide variety of This is a 20–21 cm long, 38 g heard song, given from a of their bill while climbing
transcribed as quok or woc. plant and animal matter, weight bird, with mainly yel- tree top, is a whistled see see through marsh plants.
The breeding habitat is fresh including seeds, leaves and low plumage, as its name see see. Amazon kingfishers The numbers of these birds
and salt-water wetlands fruits of both aquatic and suggests. The adult male are often seen perched on a have declined in some areas
throughout much of the terrestrial plants, as well as has a black eye mask, thin branch or rock close to wa- due to loss of habitat. They
world. Black-crowned night insects, frogs, snails, spiders, black throat line, black tail ter before plunging in head are still fairly common, but
herons nest in colonies on earthworms and fish. They and black wings with a white first after their fish prey. They are more often heard than
platforms of sticks in a group have also been known to wing bar and some white also feed on insects, fish and seen. They prefer to escape
of trees, or on the ground in eat the eggs and young of feather edging. The female amphibians. on foot and hide than to
protected locations such as other birds. is similar but slightly duller, 220c -American Flamingo take flight. These birds make
islands or reed beds. Three to 100c -Saffron Finch (Sicalis and the juvenile bird has an (Phoenicopterus rube) cooing and clucking sounds,
eight eggs are laid. This her- flaveola) olive-tinged yellow back, The American Flamingo is usually in early morning or
on is migratory in the north- The saffron finch male is and lacks black on the face. known as the Caribbean fla- near dusk.
ern most part of its range, bright yellow with an orange This species eats mainly large mingo although it is present
but otherwise resident. crown which distinguishes insects, but will also take in the Galápagos Islands. Continued on page 27