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BUSINESS Wednesday 24 april 2024
HTTA House for sale Oranjestad
Halley Time Travel aruba Boroncana noord Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
do you want to sell your Time - 3 Br 2 Bath with 1 appartement Tel. 527 4000
share price : $600 K San Nicolas
in aruba ? Call the experts 38 Call : 011-297-630-1307
years doing Imsan 24 hours
Tel.524 8833
Business on the islands Women in Difficulties
Call :011-297-630-1307 Property land sero Colorado 3700m2 PHARMACY ON DUTY
Or 1850m2 Oranjestad:
Marriott surf club Ocean view @$250 m2 Eagle : Tel.587 9011
This Nov. 11, 2013 file photo shows a bedroom built by Mike palm Beach paradera 1304 m2 San Nicolas:
Spangler using some reclaimed materials, in Belle, W.Va. platinum season Or 652 m2 @ $169m2 Aloe:Tel. 584 5119
Associated Press
2 Br 2 Bath Ocean side $25 K Call:011-297-630-1307 OTHER
Get better sleep with 2 Br 2 Bath Ocean Front$50 K Dental Clinic 587 9850
Call : 011-297-630-1307
Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
these 5 tips from experts Marriott Surf Club Urgent Care 586 0448
Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
+297 588 0539
palm beach Women in Difficulties
By KENYA HUNTER ones. Gold season
AP Health Writer “It goes back to the core 2 Br 2 Bath Ocean View $11 K Police 100
527 3140
Spending too many nights value of mindfulness,” said 2 Br 2 Bath Ocean side $12 K Noord 527 3200
trying to fall asleep or wor- Dr. Annise Wilson, an assis- Call : 011-297-630-1307 Sta. Cruz 527 2900
rying there aren’t enough tant professor of neurology San Nicolas 584 5000
ZZZs in your day? You’re and medicine at Baylor Police Tipline 11141
not alone. University. “Anything that Divi Village Ambulancia 911
Nearly one-third of Ameri- helps to center you and eagle beach Fire Dept. 115
can adults say they don’t just helps you focus and re- studio WK # 15 room # 8101 Red Cross 582 2219
get the recommended lease a lot of that tension 12 weeks remain TAXI SERVICES
seven to nine hours a from the day will then help price :$6 K Taxi Tas 587 5900
night. Some of the major promote sleep.” Call : 011-297-630-1307 Prof. Taxi 588 0035
causes: Stress, anxiety and WATCH WHAT YOU EAT Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
a culture that experts say Eating a large meal right Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
is about productivity, not before bedtime can dis- Dutch Village A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
rest. rupt your sleep, so try to eagle Beach Women in Difficulties
“You need to understand grub in the early evening studio WK # 15 room # 125 TRAVEL INFO
what your body needs and hours. 32 weeks remaining overlook Aruba Airport 524 2424
try your hardest to prioritize “I would say that eating a pool /ocean American Airlines 582 2700
that and not just see sleep large meal is impactful sim- price :$8 K Avianca 588 0059
as kind of what’s left over ply because it’s like giving Call :011-297-630-1307 Jet Blue 588 2244
of the day,” said Molly At- your body a really large Surinam 582 7896
wood, an assistant profes- job to do right before sleep Women in Difficulties
sor of psychiatry and be- at a time when things are AID FOUNDATIONS
havioral sciences at Johns supposed to be shutting FAVI- Visually Impaired
Hopkins School of Medi- down,” Atwood said. Tel. 582 5051
cine. But don’t go to bed super-
Don’t fall for online fads or hungry, either. q Alcoholics Anonymous
Tel. 736 2952
unproven methods to fall Narcotics Anonymous
asleep and stay asleep. Tel. 583 8989
Instead, try these simple Fundacion Contra Violencia
tricks recommended by Relacional Tel. 583 5400
sleep experts. Centre for Diabetes
Work-related stress is inevi- Child Abuse Prevention
Tel. 582 4433
table, and it can be hard
to disconnect. Try creating Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
Women in Difficulties
a “buffer zone” between General Info
the end of your work day
and your bedtime. Phone Directory Tel. 118
Experts suggest leaving
career work and daily re-
sponsibilities alone about
an hour before bed. Don’t
check email, pay bills, do
chores or scroll endlessly
through social media. In-
stead, create a routine
where you relax with a
book, indulge in a hobby
or spend time with loved