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P. 13
LOCAL Friday 13 September 2024
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Basic driving rules on Aruba (part 2)
(Oranjestad)—In Yesterday’s a circle or triangle—usually you are driving on the main over the other cars, even the
issue, we’ve provided some signal a warning, prohibition road in Savaneta going to one on your right.
basic rules when driving on or preference. San Nicolas, you are driving
the four-lane highways and on a single long road, and However, be careful not to
roundabouts on the island. Besides the “50” sign, you other cars that want to get confuse this sign with a similar
Today, we want to offer you may also encounter a traffic on this main road or cross it, up-side down triangle, also
more tips and tricks when it sign that says “bebouwde either from an intersection or found on intersections. This
comes to driving on the roads kom”. These can be found in from a dirt road, must all wait sign is a prohibition sign,
and highways of Aruba. San Nicolas and Oranjestad. until traffic on the main road telling you that you have
Bebouwde kom sings are is clear. In other words, you to stop and give other cars
Speed limit in certain areas rectangular and blue, and do not have to stop for them. priority. Of course you also
As mentioned in yesterday’s essentially tell you that you This sign too has a counter have a “stop” sign that mean
issue, the legal minimum and are in a heavily inhabited part that indicates that your the same thing. The stop sign
maximum speed limit on area. The maximum speed priority is over. is generally used for tricky
the island is 50 and 80 km/h limit in a bebouwde kom is intersections with minimal
respectively. However, there 50 km/h. Just like the previous Another priority sign you view of opposite incoming
are some areas where it is pair, bebouwde kom signs may encounter is a triangle traffic.
mandated to drive up to a are also paired with a similar sign with a red border and
certain speed. This is always sign crossed out. something that looks like a These are some of the basic
indicated by a circular traffic cross. You’ll see this sign in rules that you would have to
sign with red border and the Priority signs an intersection. The general know if you decide to drive
number 50 on it. Signs like On the main roads of Aruba rule of thumb for crossing on the island. These are of
these are always paired by (not the highways), you may an intersection that do course other traffic signs,
a similar sign with the number see a yellow, squared sign not contain traffic lights, and we recommend you visit
crossed out further down the with a white border. This sign roundabouts, sign or arrows for
road. This means that the tells you that on this road, on the road, is to always an extensive overview of all
mandate for this speed is you have priority and all yield for traffic on your right. traffic signs used on Aruba.
now over; you may increase other traffic should yield to However, if you encounter
your velocity. Red borders you. This sign can be seen in this sign on your side of the Picture credits: aruba-
on traffic sign—whether it’s Savaneta for example. So, if intersection, you have priority
Aruba to me: Chicken Soup for our souls!
ORANJESTAD — You are back and we would purposes without compensation.
like to portrait you! By inviting you to send us Last but not least: check out our website, In-
your favorite vacation picture while enjoying stagram and Facebook page! Thank you for
our Happy Island. supporting our free newspaper, we strive to
make you a happy reader every day again.
Complete the sentence: Aruba to me is For today we received a lovely message
……. Send your picture with that text (in- from Jon Janco, from Fall River, Massachu-
cluding your name and where you are setts.
from) to: and we
will publish your vacation memory. Isn’t that He wrote to us saying: “Aruba to us is like
a special way to keep your best moments Chicken Soup for our souls.”
alive? Please do note: By submitting pho- He also shared a picture with his daughter
tos, text or any other materials, you give Madison Monty and his wife, Alisha Smith,
permission to The Aruba Today Newspaper, which they took at Roger’s Beach.
Caribbean Speed Printers and any of its af- Thank you for sending us this wonderful mes-
filiated companies to use said materials, as sage sharing what Aruba means to you with
well as names, likeness, etc. for promotional us and our readers!q