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               Saturday 26 November 2022
            Mexico’s domestic airline industry in shambles

            MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexi-                                                                                            and  say  they  don’t  bear
            co’s domestic airline indus-                                                                                        any responsibility,” said Ro-
            try is in shambles, plagued                                                                                         driguez Garduño. It doesn’t
            by  safety  problems,  a  rat-                                                                                      bode well for López Obra-
            ings downgrade by the U.S.                                                                                          dor’s promise to recover a
            Federal  Aviation  Adminis-                                                                                         Category 1 safety rating. “It
            tration, and vandalism.                                                                                             seems possible that this is a
            This  week  alone,  passen-                                                                                         process where we are tak-
            gers  missed  connections                                                                                           ing steps backward,” Rodri-
            because  thieves  cut  the                                                                                          guez Garduño said.
            fiber  optic  cables  leading                                                                                       Consider  the  incident  on
            into the Mexico City airport,                                                                                       May  7,  when  a  Mexican
            forcing immigration author-                                                                                         airliner was cleared to land
            ities to return to using slow                                                                                       on  a  runway  where  an-
            paper forms.                                                                                                        other  plane  was  about  to
            The     internet    outage                                                                                          take  off.    The  only  person
            Wednesday  came  almost                                                                                             who appears to have been
            one  month  after  aviation                                                                                         fired for the near-miss was a
            and transportation authori-                                                                                         member of the crew of an-
            ties were forced to suspend                                                                                         other plane who filmed the
            medical,  physical  and  li-                                                                                        incident on her cellphone,
            cense renewal exams until                                                                                           accompanied      by    the
            2023 because the Transpor-                                                                                          words, “No no no no,” and
            tation  Department’s  com-   Passenger planes land at Benito Juárez International Airport in Mexico City, May 12, 2022.  a  phrase  roughly  equiva-
            puter  systems  had  been                                                                          Associated Press  lent to “unbelievable.”
            hacked.  After  a  near-miss  countries have, to the low-  vestment  or  the  prospect  a cable conduit that leads  “The problems we are see-
            between two planes at the  er Category 2 in 2021  pre-    of recovering Category 1 in  directly into the airport from  ing, for example, in air traf-
            Mexico City airport on May  vents Mexican airlines from  the short or medium term,”  less than a mile away.         fic  control  where  planes
            7, things just got worse. Au-  opening new routes to the  aviation  expert  Rodrigo  Rogelio  Rodriguez  Gardu-     are  on  the  verge  of  col-
            thorities revealed that one  United States.               Soto-Morales  wrote  in  the  ño, an aviation expert who  liding  ...  the  failure  of  the
            of the airport’s main termi-  Thus,  Mexico’s  struggling  trade journal a21, referring  teaches  aeronautical  law  immigration  system,  the
            nals  is  sinking  and  needs  airlines  face  competition  to the internet outage and  at  Mexico’s  National  Au-  problems with training and
            emergency work to shore it  in  their  home  market,  with  hacking.                   tonomous  University,  said  maintenance  supervision,
            up.  President  Andrés  Man-  no  access  to  new  interna-  Authorities said the Mexico  the  events  reflect  a  de-  the issuing of permits, it’s a
            uel  López  Obrador’s  an-   tional  routes.  Experts  say  City airport internet cables  cadeslong  decay  in  Mex-  recurring  thing  that  didn’t
            swer  has  been  to  propose  all of it looks like a disaster  were  cut  by  thieves  who  ico’s  aviation  regulation.  start  yesterday  with  this
            allowing  foreign  airlines  for  domestic  aviation,  a  mistakenly  thought  the  fi-  Mexico,  unlike  most  coun-  administration,”  Rodriguez
            to  fly  domestic  routes.  But  sector López Obrador had  ber optic cables were sale-  tries, doesn’t have an inde-  Garduño   said,   “though
            the  safety  downgrade  the  placed  special  emphasis  able copper. They stressed  pendent aviation agency.        this   administration   also
            FAA dropped Mexico from  on  developing.  “It  is  not  it happened outside airport  “If  something  goes  wrong,  hasn’t taken the necessary
            Category  1,  which  most  very  encouraging  for  in-    property but, in fact, it was  they investigate themselves  steps.”q

             China’s Xi pledges support for Cuba on ‘core interests’

             BEIJING  (AP)  —  Chinese                                                             virtual  shutdown  of  such  the  “traditional  friendship”
             President  Xi  Jinping  and                                                           exchanges during the pan-    between their sanctions-hit
             his   Cuban   counterpart                                                             demic.                       nations.
             pledged  mutual  support                                                              Xi, who is also the leader of  Following  the  collapse  of
             over  their  fellow  commu-                                                           the ruling Communist Party  the  Soviet  Union,  China
             nist  states’  “core  interests”                                                      and  has  eliminated  term  and Cuba grew closer, just
             Friday at a meeting further                                                           limits to allow him to remain  as China and Russia gradu-
             hailing a return to face-to-                                                          in  power  indefinitely,  met  ally  established  warmer
             face diplomacy by Beijing.                                                            with   German    Chancel-    ties, largely in opposition to
             In comments to Miguel Di-                                                             lor  Olaf  Scholz  earlier  this  the  U.S.-led  liberal  demo-
             az-Canel Bermudez, Xi said                                                            month  in  Beijing,  then  at-  cratic global order.
             China hoped to “strength-                                                             tended the meeting of the  In the Chinese news release,
             en  coordination  and  co-                                                            Group of 20 leading econ-    Diaz-Canel was quoted as
             operation  in  international                                                          omies  in  Indonesia  and  saying  his  visit  “shows  that
             and  regional  affairs”  with                                                         the  Asia  Pacific  Economic  we  attach  great  impor-
             Cuba.  The  two  will  “go  China’s President Xi Jinping arrives to attend the APEC Economic   Cooperation forum in Thai-  tance and attention to the
             hand  in  hand  down  the  Leaders Meeting during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation,   land.                   friendly  and  cooperative
             road  of  building  socialism   APEC summit, Saturday, Nov. 19, 2022, in Bangkok, Thailand.   Mongolian  President  Ukh-  relationship between Cuba
             with  each’s  own  charac-                                           Associated Press  naagiin Khurelsukh and Eu-  and China.”
             teristics,” Xi was quoted as                                                          ropean  Council  President  Cuba  “highly  recognizes”
             saying in a Chinese govern-  aims,  along  with  control  in the Chinese government  Charles  Michel  are  due  to  Xi’s practical and theoreti-
             ment news release.          over  territory  it  claims,  es-  news release.          travel to Beijing next week.  cal  contributions  “and  we
             China  generally  defines  pecially  self-governing  Tai-  Diaz-Canel’s  visit  is  a  fur-  Diaz-Canel  arrived  in  Chi-  believe this is a real encour-
             core  interests  as  the  de-  wan.                      ther  sign  of  how  China  is  na after a visit to Moscow,  agement to all progressive
             fense  of  its  economic  and  No  specific  issues  or  other  trying  to  jump-start  its  in-  where he and Russian Presi-  forces  in  the  world,”  he
             political    development  countries  were  mentioned  person  diplomacy  after  a  dent  Vladimir  Putin  hailed  said.q
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