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8                                       AWEMainta .com                                                 Diamars, 19 October 2021

                                                                                               Parlamentario di AVP Gerlien Croes
                                                                                                    A dirigi preguntanan na

                                                                                                Gobierno relaciona cu Ley di

                                                                                                  Calamidad actual den uso

                                                                                              Miembro di fraccion di AVP den Parlamento, Gerlien
                                                                                              Croes, a dirigi un serie di pregunta na Minister Presidente
                                PUBLIC AUCTION                                                Evelyn Wever Croes  y Minister Dangui Oduber siman
                                                                                              pasa 13 di october, cual carta a wordo entrega na Presidente
                 THURSDAYOctober 21, 2021                                                     di Parlamento, Edgard Vrolijk riba e maneho di Gobierno
                                                                                              relaciona cu e pandemia di Covid 19.
                   On Thursday October 21 , 2021 at 11am, at the Conference Room of the       Den su carta Parlamentario sra. Gerlien Croes ta mustra cu
                   Chamber of Commerce, Aruba, will be auctioned in public pursuant to art.   desde luna di september 2021, el a  tuma nota cu e averahe
                   3:268 and 3:254 Civil Code of Aruba:                                       di casonan activo na Aruba, a baha drásticamente compara
                                                                                              cu e lunanan di juli y augustus.
                   A commercial pre-fab steel building, locally known as
                                   BARCADERA 160                                              Paisnan rond mundo tabata luna caba a de-escala nan
                                                                                              medidanan y por a tuma nota cu no solamente actividadnan
                   a right of long lease until October 11, 2066, on a parcel in total 2.586   publico manera festival y conciertonan ta wordo organiza,
                   m2 in size, situated at Barcadera in Aruba, recorded in the Title          pero tambe stadionnan deportivo ta colma cu miles di
                   Registry of Aruba as First Division Section T number 2077.                 hende.
                                                                                              Na Aruba durante ultimo fin di simannan por a tuma nota
                                                                                              cu varios actividad y evenementonan cu grupo grandi di
                   Starting bid: Afl. 1.515.000,--
                   __________________________________________________                         persona tabata wordo organiza y bar- y restaurantnan ta
                                                                                              hopi ocupa.
                   A residential house, locally known as
                                       MABON 16-D                                             Mientrastanto e crisis financiero si ta sigui crece y e
                                                                                              medidanan vigente no ta duna espacio tampoco ta stimula
                   situated on a property land of approximately 759 m2 in size, situated      pa tin mas actividadnan económico, pero na mes momento
                   at Mabon in Aruba, recorded in the Title Registry of Aruba as 5-R-         medidanan vigente ta keda mina e derecho constitucional y
                   1824/1943, index number D95240                                             fundamental humano pa locual t’e derecho di libertad.

                                                                                              Relaciona cu e maneho aki, Parlamentario Gerlien Croes a
                   Starting bid: Afl. 185.000,--                                              presenta e siguiente preguntanan na Prome Minister Wever
                   _____________________________________________                              Croes y na Minister Dangui Oduber:
                                                                                              -      “Por a tuma nota cu por medio di un Ministeriele
                   A residential house, locally known as                                      Regeling entrante 11 di oktober 2021, a bolbe extende e
                                  ROOI KOOCHI 42-C                                            mesun medidanan di varios siman caba, pa cu e maneho
                                                                                              relaciona cu covid-19. Minister por duna un indicacion te
                   a right of long lease until January 23, 2039, on a parcelin total 439 m2   cu ki tempo gobierno tin planea pa mantene e medidanan
                   in size, situated at Rooi Koochi in Aruba, recorded in the Title Registry  aki vigente?
                   of Aruba as Fourth Division Section E number 1066.                         -      Minister por comparti kico ta e plan di de-escala y
                                                                                              con lo bay inroduci esaki?
                                                                                              -      Minister por comparti cu Parlamento di Aruba,
                   Starting bid: Afl. 842.000,--                                              datonan di e canidad di pashent cu a wordo hospitalisa
                   _____________________________________________                              desde januari 2021 na dr Horacio Oduber Hospital, c’un
                   A residential house, locally known as                                      specificacion pa luna, cuanto di e pashentnan aki a wordo
                                                                                              hospitalisa cu covid-19?
                                         MABON 18                                             -      Por specifica cu datos cuanto pashent a contagia cu

                   situated on a property land, in total 535 m2 in size, situated at Mabon    covid-19  durante nan hospitalisacion desde januari te cu
                   in Aruba, recorded in the Title Registry of Aruba as 5-M-12/1977           -      Por specifica pa luna, e cantidad di pashent cu

                                                                                              tabata den ICU pa motibo di covid-19  desde januari 2021
                   Starting bid: Afl. 225.000,--                                              te cu awo?
                   _____________________________________________                              -      Minister por comparti cual ta e sistema di control
                   AUCTION NOTARY: Th.R. JOHNSON                                              riba e datonan di e casonan activo considerando cu tin
                                                                                              persona cu tin prueba cu nan informacion a wordo actualisa
                •   The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and   den e ‘health app’ algun siman despues  cu nan haci un
                    special auction conditions which will be determined by civil law notary Th.R.   test?
                    Johnson.                                                                  -      Minister por elabora riba e efectividad di cada
                •   Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at its sole discretion.       medida (individualmente) cu ta vigente actualmente y con
                •   The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time.                      ta midi esakinan?
                •   Each bidder must submit a bank guarantee and/or letter of credit issued by a   -   Den conseho di Raad van State di 25 di Mei 2020
                    bank  in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased  with  an amount   dirigi na Tweede Kamer riba e topico di e aspectonan
                    equal to the auction costs.                                               constitucional cu ta wordo afecta pa un ley di Calamidad, a
                •   A signed and dated private bid can be submitted until February 25 , 2021, 5   accentua riba e hechoc u mas tempo un situacion dura, mas
                    PM. A bidding form can be downloaded on our website.                      un ley di Calamidad ta perde su peso huridico. Gobierno
                                                                                              ainda no a presenta un ley temporario cu por reemplasa e
                   For more information:                                                      uso di ley di Calamidad. Minister por elabora y comparti e
                                                                                              argumentonan pakico no a haci esaki?
                   WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM                                                      -      Minister ta consiera cu e sitaucion actual su
                                                                                              embergadura ta hustifica cu ainda ta haci uso di e ley di

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