Page 9 - HOH
P. 9
a8 local
Wednesday 29 June 2022
Aruba is now under Code Orange
It’s important to prevent and make sure we are well prepared
OrAnjestAd - the Prime Craft Warning” has been
Minister of Aruba eVelyn emitted. The government
Wever-Croes along with made an appeal to all
Bureau rampenbestrijding, fishermen to remove their
during a press conference boats from the ocean.
announced that Aruba The government of Aruba is
is under a tropical storm moving every emergency
Warning. the bad weather team to their designated
that is coming has devel- positions and asks the com-
oped very quickly and Cri- munity as well as our visitors
sis team of Aruba will be to take the necessary pre-
active to handle the situa- cautions, especially those
tion. who are in areas subject to
flooding. If possible, it is pre-
The latest update from the ferred to spend the dura-
Prime Minister is that the tion of the storm with family
velocity of the storm has members of acquaintanc-
increased from 25km per es.
hour to 38km per hour. As in-
dicated on Monday night, Code Orange with a possi- Friday. The situation is still that it’s not used to taking, The Prime Minister empha-
the storm was expected to bility of entering Code Red subject to change, how- which makes it possible sized that the situation
arrive on Wednesday night on Wednesday Afternoon. ever in the most severe of that we may experience looks serious, however the
around 8pm, however con- cases we expect 3 days of other types of results, the situation is always subject
sidering the current speed, Up until now all that is ex- heavy rainfall. Prime Minister explained. to change during its devel-
it will arrive earlier as well. pected is heavy rainfall. Another fact about this opment. At this moment,
Therefore, it’s expected at In this case it is asked that storm is that it will also hit We also expect that during it is of utmost importance
around 6pm, at which time everyone prepares for 3 the South part of Aruba, the hours ahead of us, the to prevent and make sure
the effects of the storm days of heavy rain, namely between Aruba and Ven- beaches may get rough we are all well prepared for
will be felt. Aruba is now in Wednesday, Thursday and ezuela. This route is one and therefore a “Small any circumstance.q
Aruba is now under tropical storm Warning
Oranjestad - the govern- However, a tropical distur- Tobago, Grenada and its cao and Aruba. conditions are expected
ment of Aruba has issued a bance, which is what will dependencies, Islas de somewhere within the area
tropical storm Warning for become Tropical Storm Margarita, Coche and A Tropical Storm Warning that is under this warning
Aruba. Bonnie is anticipated to af- Cubagua, Bonaire, Cura- means that tropical storm within 36 hours. q
fect the local weather.
Earlier today the Aruban
weather watch issued an Associated weather ac-
update where they in- tivity is being forecasted
formed that the tropical to peak during the night
wave would be exiting the of Wednesday going into
area today, while it would Thursday. Additionally,
be trailing unstable some- there will be above normal
what moist conditions, winds that will support haz-
which would account for ardous ses onto the sec-
the patchy clouds with a ond half of this week.
few rain showers over the
Island and its surround- A tropical Storm Warning
ings through the next day. is in effect for Trinidad and