Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20210401
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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 1 aPRiL 2021

                           Myanmar junta makes ceasefire offer, but not to protesters

            (AP)  —  Myanmar’s  junta  reaction  to  the  ceasefire  an-  the  coup,  saying  the  latest  advancing  into  our  territo-  through  at  least  one  area
            announced  Wednesday  it  nouncement from the ethnic  round  of  fighting  was  trig-  ries from all fronts” and that  of  Yangon  despite  reduced
            is implementing a unilat-    minority  forces.  Several  of  gered by government assaults  it may have to respond. The  numbers  in  the  face  of  the
            eral  one-month  ceasefire,  the  major  groups  --  includ-  on  four  Kachin  outposts.  KNU  is  the  main  political  ever-climbing  death  toll.
            but made an exception for  ing the Kachin in the north,  After  one  Kachin  assault  in  body representing the Karen  The mainly young protesters
            actions  that  disrupt  the  the Karen in the east and the  mid-March,  the  military  re-  minority.               in  the  city’s  Hlaing  suburb
            government’s security and  Rakhines’  Arakan  Army  in  taliated with a helicopter at-  The  conflict  in  eastern  stopped to honor a protester
            administrative  operations                                                                                          killed in an earlier confronta-
            -- a clear reference to the                                                                                         tion with security forces.
            mass  movement  that  has                                                                                           A  long  column  of  teachers,
            held    daily   nationwide                                                                                          perched on motorbikes, kept
            protests against its seizure                                                                                        the spirit of opposition to the
            of power in February.                                                                                               coup alive in southern Myan-
                                                                                                                                mar. Two per bike, they car-
            The  announcement  came                                                                                             ried signs reading “We Want
            after a flurry of combat with                                                                                       Democracy”  and  shouted
            at least two of the ethnic mi-                                                                                      slogans as they rode through
            nority guerrilla organizations                                                                                      the  town  of  Launglone  and
            that  maintain  a  strong  pres-                                                                                    into  the  surrounding  coun-
            ence in their respective areas                                                                                      tryside.
            along the borders.
            More  than  a  dozen  such                                                                                          Bystanders  applauded  as  the
            groups  have  for  decades                                                                                          convoy passed.
            sought  greater  autonomy                                                                                           An  outside  visitor  was  able
            from the central government,                                                                                        to see Aung San Suu Kyi for
            sometimes  through  armed                                                                                           the  first  time  since  she  was
            struggle.  Even  in  times  of                                                                                      detained  when  the  military
            peace,  relations  have  been                                                                                       staged  its  coup.  She  spoke
            strained and ceasefires fragile.                                                                                    by video link with one of her
            The  movement  against  the                                                                                         lawyers,  Min  Min  Soe,  ac-
            Feb.  1  coup  that  ousted  the                                                                                    cording  to  the  online  news
            elected government of Aung                                                                                          site The Irrawaddy.
            San Suu Kyi focuses on civil                                                                                        Suu  Kyi  has  been  held  on
            disobedience, calling on em-                                                                                        several minor criminal charg-
            ployees in the public and pri-                                                                                      es, and the army said it is in-
            vate sectors to stop work that                                                                                      vestigating more serious alle-
            supports  the  machinery  of                                                                                        gations of corruption against
            governing.                                                                                                          her.  Her  supporters  dismiss
            It  has  been  seeking  an  alli-                                                                                   the legal actions as politically
            ance with the ethnic minority                                                                                       motivated, aimed at discred-
            armed groups to boost pres-  western  Myanmar  --  have  tack on a Kachin base.        Myanmar  spread  the  crisis  iting her and preventing her
            sure  on  the  junta.  it  would  publicly denounced the coup  Wednesday’s  Kachin  attack  to  neighboring  Thailand,  from  returning  to  the  po-
            like them to form what they  and  have  said  they  will  de-  followed new conflict in east-  where  an  estimated  3,000  litical arena, where she is the
            are calling a federal army as a  fend  protesters  in  the  terri-  ern  Myanmar,  where  Karen  Karen  took  temporary  shel-  country’s  most  popular  fig-
            counterweight to the govern-  tory they control.          guerrillas seized an army out-  ter.  Prime  Minister  Prayuth  ure.
            ment armed forces.           The  Kachin  Independence  post  Saturday.  Myanmar’s  Chan-ocha said they quickly  The  Irrawaddy  quoted  Min
            Largely  peaceful  demonstra-  Army,  the  armed  wing  of  military  followed  with  air-  went  back  across  the  bor-  Min Soe saying that Suu Kyi,
            tors  in  the  cities  and  towns  the  Kachin  Independence  strikes  through  Wednesday  der voluntarily and were not  who  is  thought  to  be  held
            of  Myanmar  have  been  fac-  Organization, attacked a po-  that killed at least 13 villagers  forced by Thailand. Thai au-  somewhere  in  the  capital
            ing police and soldiers armed  lice  station  in  Kachin  state’s  and  drove  thousands  more  thorities said Wednesday that  Naypyitaw, is in good health.
            with  war  weapons  that  they  Shwegu  township  before  across the border into Thai-  only  about  200  remained  in  “She  even  urged  us  to  stay
            have used freely. At least 536  dawn  Wednesday,  according  land,  according  to  the  Free  the country and were prepar-  healthy. She was smiling and
            protesters  and  bystanders  to local news outlets The 74  Burma  Rangers,  an  estab-  ing to go back.             looked  relaxed,”  the  lawyer
            have  been  killed  since  the  Media and Bhamo Platform.  lished  humanitarian  group  Protests continued in Myan-  said.
            coup,  according  to  Myan-  The  attackers  were  reported  that  provides  medical  assis-  mar’s cities against the mili-  According  to  the  Assistance
            mar’s  Assistance  Association  to  have  seized  weapons  and  tance to the area’s villagers.  tary takeover that reversed a  Association for Political Pris-
            for Political Prisoners, which  supplies  and  wounded  one  After the airstrikes, the Kar-  decade  of  progress  toward  oners,  2,729  people  have
            counts those it can document  police officer.             en  National  Union  issued  democracy  in  the  Southeast  been  detained  in  the  crack-
            and says the actual toll is like-  The Kachin have staged a se-  a  statement  from  one  of  its  Asian country that came after  down since the coup, and ar-
            ly much higher.              ries of attacks on government  armed units saying Myanmar  five decades of army rule.  rest  warrants  issued  for  120
            There  was  no  immediate  forces in their territory since  military  “ground  troops  are  Demonstrators   marched  others.

                           Libya officials say over 100 eastern war prisoners released

            (AP) — Forces in western Libya on Wednes-       council, called the move a “significant step” toward  lapsed last June.
            day  released  more  than  100  prisoners  who  a national reconciliation initiative launched by the  The warring sides reached a cease-fire deal in Oc-
            had been captured while fighting under the  council, after bitter years of fighting between rival  tober that virtually ended the war and paved the
            banner  of  the  country’s  eastern-based  com-  governments in East and West.                  road for U.N.-led political talks. Those talks then
            mander, in a gesture of reconciliation follow-  Those released were seen wearing traditional white  led to the appointment of an interim government
            ing recent accords, officials said.             uniforms and caps at the ceremony in a soccer sta-  in February, ahead of elections later this year.
                                                            dium, before rejoining their families.          Oil-rich  Libya  plunged  into  chaos  after  a  2011
            The fighters, troops of commander Khalifa Hifter,  Musa  al-Koni,  deputy  head  of  the  presidential  NATO-backed uprising  toppled and killed long-
            were freed in the coastal town of Zawiya in a tele-  council, called for the release of all of Libya’s war  time dictator Moammar Gadhafi. The country for
            vised ceremony attended by senior officials from  prisoners.                                    years has been divided between two governments,
            the newly appointed transitional government.    Hifter’s forces launched an offensive in April 2019  one in the east and another in the west, each backed
            Mohammad Younes Menfi, head of the presidential  to try and capture Tripoli, but the campaign col-  by a vast array of militias as well as foreign powers.
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