P. 7

            Saturday 25 November 2017

            Splash & Dash:

            Aruba Marriott & The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba Support Kids Race

            PALM  BEACH  -  In  connec-  this swim and run kids race.  to enjoy after the race.
            tion  with  Challenge  Aruba  The event took place on a  Supporting  this  race  is
            2017,  the  Aruba  Marriott  beautiful  Saturday  morn-   aligned  with  Marriott  Inter-
            and The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba  ing on the beach area be-    national’s  core  value  of
            recently organized and co-   tween  the  two  hotels.  The  Serving  Our  Community,
            sponsored “Splash & Dash”,  kids arrived excited for the  of which one of the key fo-
            a fun-filled kids race.      race  which  included  run-  cuses  is  on  promoting  the
                                         ning  and  swimming  and  Vitality  of  Children  within
            The Aruba Marriott and The  ended  the  race  with  an  the community. The Aruba
            Ritz-Carlton,  Aruba  were  even  bigger  smile,  happy  Marriott  and  The  Ritz-Carl-
            honored  to  promote  a  and  proud  of  themselves  ton,  Aruba  are  pleased  to
            healthy well-being and be-   for  their  accomplishment.  have  had  the  opportunity
            ing  active  among  young-   All  participants  received  to  support  this  event  and
            sters  between  7  and  14  participation medals, dry-fit  have  a  positive  impact
            years  old  by  supporting  shirts  and  breakfast  boxes  within the community.q
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