Page 44 - MIN VOS 28 JUNE 2017
P. 44
Wednesday 28 June 2017
How Sweet It Is!
carbohydrates that break tors used to feel that eat- insulin carry blood sugar into studies have also included
down more slowly, releas- ing sugar would spike blood your cells for conversion to diabetes since Xylitol is me-
ing glucose more gradually glucose levels too high and energy. This means that xyli- tabolized in the human body
into the bloodstream, have too fast. All natural sugars tol can improve the effects independently of insulin lev-
a low GI. Choosing low GI are carbohydrates which of diabetes medication. Dia- els; wound; upper respiratory
foods - the ones that pro- are broken down and used betics should remember to health including sinusitis, pre-
duce only small fluctuations for energy or metabolized at eat a meal when they take vention of ear infections, cal-
in our blood glucose and the same rate as any carbo- their medication. cium absorption; and even
insulin levels - is the secret to hydrate. Natural sugar can Discovered in the some skin problems. Trying
long-term health reducing be consumed as part of your 1890’s, xylitol underwent in- to figure out how many and
By: Dr Carlos Viana your risk of heart disease and total carbohydrates for that tensive studies in the 1960’s what types of carbs a day
Sugar, like honey, darling, diabetes and is the key to day. Planning your total daily and 70’s. Xylitol is now used are healthy for you? Come
or ‘Dushi” in our native lan- sustainable weight loss. carbs and having a small in Europe, the Soviet Union, in for a clinical nutrition eval-
guage Papiamento, are Artificial sweeteners, also portion of a favorite dessert the United States and Cana- uation and personal diet.
terms of endearment which called sugar substitutes, are made with a natural sug- da. In 1983, the World Health Meanwhile, switch to Xylitol
come from that sweet tast- manmade chemicals found ar is not necessarily a bad Organization Expert Commit- and see how sweet it is!
ing substance we often give while trying to develop new thing. Unfortunately, many tee on Food Additives evalu-
our children or ourselves as a insecticides. These chemi- foods that contain artificial ated Xylitol as safe. CARLOS VIANA, Ph. D. is
reward. Sweet! Or, is it? cals are used instead of ta- sweeteners end up having The news gets even an Oriental Medical Doc-
Everyone knows that sugar ble sugar to sweeten foods more calories and fat than better. A recent study noted tor (O.M.D.) having studied
leads to tooth decay and and beverages. Every artifi- they would have had when xylitol significantly reduced in China; a US Board Cert.
obesity. But, what is sugar? cial sugar has been shown to made with sugar. The Gly- the ability of bacteria to pro- Clinical Nutritionist (C.C.N.),
Studies show that when produce cancer in labora- cemic Index of real brown duce dental cavities. Many an Addiction Professional
whole foods such as fruits tory animals! Aspartame has sugar is 70, white sugar is 68, studies have proven xyli- (C.Ad.), Chairperson of the
are eaten, naturally occur- been linked to panic attacks, maple syrup is 65 and honey tol’s usefulness in promoting Latin American Committee
ring sugars are released mood changes, visual hal- is 55. wound-healing and interrup- of the International Acad-
slowly during digestion into lucinations, manic episodes, The third type of sugars is sug- tion of bacterial colonies. Xy- emy of Oral Medicine and
the blood stream and can and isolated dizziness. As if ar alcohols. These are nei- litol was even shown to help Toxicology (IAOMT), a Reju-
be used by the body for en- these facts are not enough, ther sugar nor alcohol. Small reduce antibiotic resistance venating Cell Therapist spe-
ergy. However, when foods saccharin can also cause amounts are found natu- and uncontrolled Staph. au- cializing in Age Manage-
with “added” sugars such as anemia, or “tired blood”. rally in fruits and vegetables. reus infections. There have ment, has a weekly radio
soft drinks or candy are eat- There are more prob- They can also be manufac- also been several studies program, writes and lectures
en, absorption is rapid. This lems for artificial sugars. Artifi- tured and include: Lactitol, looking at Xylitol’s effective- extensively. For informa-
rapid absorption causes the cial sweeteners like Splenda Maltitol, Mannitol, Polyols, ness against Strep pneumo- tion: VIANA HEALING CEN-
blood sugar level to quickly and Sweet’N Low have been Sorbitol, Polydextrose Xylitol nia, the major bacteria in TER, Kibaima 7, St Cruz TEL:
rise and then fall weakening popular for decades, as a and several more. These al- both sinus and ear infections. 585-1270 Web Site: www.
the body’s natural supply of way to enjoy sweet foods cohol-sugars are only partly Medical research on xylitol or www.
nutrients leading to numer- and beverages and not gain absorbed by your body, in- suggests a new approach
ous health problems. the weight associated with crease blood glucose more for prevention and treat- ingcenter
Actually, there are three sugar. However, studies from slowly and have fewer calo- ment of infection without “Prescriptions from Paradise”
types of sugars. They in- Purdue University shows that ries than regular sugar. the concern about antibi- - International Book Award
clude: synthetic, regular; these artificial chemicals One of these, Xylitol, is easily otic resistance and overuse Winner, Alternative Health
and sugar- alcohols. The can actually make people produced and has become or inappropriate usage of - ta optenible na Aruba na
different sugars are not cre- eat more, contributing to the widely available. I recom- medications. Wow! I love Viana Healing Center, Tur
ated equal; in fact they obesity epidemic. mend Xylitol often to our sending people to cleanse libreria, Gift shops y centro
behave quite differently in By the way, I rank patients. There’s more, Xy- their sinuses in our warm Ca- nan di salud di calidad. tam-
our bodies. We can evalu- high fructose corn syrup as litol can be used the same ribbean sea, but if you can’t be ta disponibel den forma
ate the obesity causing or an artificial sugar. In your way as white or brown sugar, get ocean, Xylitol comes in do print y pa Kindle down-
weight gain possibility of a body High Fructose Corn Syr- tastes nearly the same, but is a nasal spray. Besides us- load pa nos amigo nan pa
food by checking the food’s up (HFCS) cannot be broken very low in calories for those ing Xyliol as a sweetener, fo di Aruba na www.ama-
Glycemic Index. down and used for energy counting and the Glycemic products containing Xylitol Pa anuncio nan
The glycemic index or GI and, instead converts to fat. Index for Xylitol is only 7! This like toothpaste, mouthwash, acerca di mas evento nan
describes this difference by HFCS has a Glycemic Index puts xylitol in the same cat- even dental gum, are prov- y firmamento di buki check ,
ranking foods according to (GI) of 100. Ouch, 100 is the egory as foods such as veg- ing themselves to be very ef- check corant nan local, ra-
their effect on our blood glu- highest GI number possible. etables, beans, whole grains, fective. dio y television tambe como
cose levels. Carbohydrates We informed, Clinical Nutri- and nuts. How sweet is that? Get The Point! Safe- riba
that break down quickly tionists have known all along With such a low Gly- ty data on xylitol usage has y join e discusion riba nos
during digestion and release that natural sugar is not the cemic Index, xylitol is a nat- been extensive. While much Facebook pagina: www.
glucose rapidly into the enemy it once was thought ural for people with insulin of the research has centered
bloodstream have a high GI; for managing diabetes. Doc- resistance. Xylitol can help on xylitol’s dental benefits, tionsformparadiseq