Page 14 - aruba-today-20230105
P. 14
Thursday 5 January 2023
Sheriff: No foul play in ‘Avengers’ star snow tractor injury
By SCOTT SONNER “He is always helping oth-
Associated Press ers,” the mayor told the
RENO, Nev. (AP) — The se- newspaper.
rious injuries actor Jeremy Balaam said Tuesday that
Renner suffered while us- it took first responders from
ing a snow tractor to free Reno more than 30 minutes
a snowbound motorist on to traverse the several miles
a private mountain road of snowy road to reach
near Lake Tahoe appear Renner on the private road
to be the result of a “trag- off the highway.
ic accident,” the sheriff in A publicist for Renner said
Reno said Tuesday. in a statement Monday
The 51-year-old “Aveng- that he suffered blunt chest
ers” star was seriously hurt trauma and orthopedic in-
when he was run over by juries and remained in criti-
his own snowcat after using cal but stable condition in
it to free a vehicle driven intensive care unit following
by a family member that surgery at a Reno hospital.
became stuck in 3 feet (0.9 Renner plays Hawkeye, a
meters) of fresh mountain sharp-shooting member
snow on New Year’s Day, of the superhero Avengers
Washoe County Sheriff Da- squad in Marvel’s sprawling
rin Balaam said. movie and television uni-
An investigation is continu- Jeremy Renner poses for photographers upon arrival at the UK Fan Screening of the film “Hawkeye,” verse. Balaam said the two-
ing but there were no signs in London, Thursday, Nov. 11, 2021. time acting Oscar nominee
of foul play or any indica- Associated Press has become an honor-
tion Renner was impaired flown by medical helicop- he owns, to tow another The sheriff said the snowcat ary deputy sheriff in Reno
at the time of the Sunday ter about 25 miles (40 kilo- personal vehicle that had was impounded and is be- through his participation in
morning incident, Balaam meters) to a Reno hospital. become snowbound on a ing examined by investiga- the county’s “Shop with the
told reporters. About the same time re- private road he shares with tors “for any mechanical Sheriff” program that raises
“At this point in the investi- porters were gathering with neighbors. failure and why it started to money for children to shop
gation ... we believe this is a Balaam on Tuesday, Renner “After successfully towing roll.” for Christmas gifts.
tragic accident,” the sher- posted an Instagram photo his personal vehicle from its “He was helping someone “Throughout the communi-
iff said. “He was being a of himself in a hospital bed stuck location, Mr. Renner stranded in the snow,” Reno ty he has been very gener-
great neighbor and he was and a message, missing an got out of his (snowcat) to Mayor Hillary Schieve told ous,” the sheriff said.
plowing those roads for his apostrophe. speak to his family mem- the Reno Gazette-Journal Renner scored back-to-
neighbors.” “Thank you all for your kind ber,” Balaam said. “The Monday night. She said she back Oscar nominations
The accident left Renner in words,” it said. “Im too Pistenbully started to roll. and the actor are friends for “The Hurt Locker” and
critical but stable condition messed up now to type. But In an effort to stop (it), Mr. and that she was called “The Town.” His portrayal of
with chest and orthope- I send love to you all.” Renner attempts to climb about the accident shortly a bomb disposal specialist
dic injuries, according to a Balaam said Renner had back into the driver’s seat. after it happened near the in Iraq in 2009’s “The Hurt
publicist and sheriff’s offi- used his Pistenbully snow It’s at this point that Mr. Mt. Rose Highway that con- Locker” helped turn him
cials who said Renner was groomer, a 7-ton vehicle Renner is run over.” nects Reno to Lake Tahoe. into a household name. q
‘Romeo & Juliet’ stars sue over 1968 film’s teen nude scene
By ANDREW DALTON and Juliet” sued Paramount when they were teens. would be positioned in a song, were major hits at
AP Entertainment Writer Pictures for more than $500 Olivia Hussey, then 15 and way that would not show the time, and has been
LOS ANGELES (AP) — The million on Tuesday over a now 71, and Leonard Whit- nudity, according to the shown to generations of
two stars of 1968’s “Romeo nude scene in the film shot ing, then 16 now 72, filed suit. high school students study-
the suit in Los Angeles Yet they were filmed in the ing the Shakespeare play
County Superior Court al- nude without their knowl- since.
leging sexual abuse, sexual edge, in violation of Cali- The court filing says the
harassment and fraud. fornia and federal laws Hussey and Whiting have
Director Franco Zeffire- against indecency and the suffered emotional dam-
lli, who died in 2019, ini- exploitation of children, the age and mental anguish
tially told the two that they suit says. for decades, and that
would wear flesh-colored Zeffirelli told them they must each had careers that did
undergarments in the bed- act in the nude “or the Pic- not reflect the success of
room scene that comes ture would fail” and their the movie.
late in the movie and was careers would be hurt, the It says given that suffering
shot on the final days of suit said. The actors “be- and the revenue brought in
filming, the suit alleges. lieved they had no choice by the film since its release,
But on the morning of the but to act in the nude in the actors are entitled to
shoot, Zeffirelli told Whiting, body makeup as demand- damages of more than
who played Romeo, and ed.” Whiting’s bare but- $500 million.
Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting, who are playing the title Hussey, who played Juliet, tocks and Hussey’s bare An email seeking comment
roles in Franco Zeffirelli’s “Romeo and Juliet,” place flowers
on the “Tomba di Giulietta”, or the Tomb of Juliet, in Verona, that they would wear only breasts are briefly shown from representatives of
northern Italy, on Oct. 22, 1968. body makeup, while still during the scene. Paramount was not imme-
Associated Press assuring them the camera The film, and its theme diately returned.q