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P. 13
science Monday 10 July 2023
U.S. allows moving species threatened with extinction HEALTH
as a last resort DOCTOR ON DUTY
By MATTHEW BROWN ing an endangered spe-
Associated Press cies’ habitat and then Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
Tel. 527 4000
BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — U.S. attempting to create new
officials on Friday said they habitat elsewhere as com- San Nicolas
will make it easier for scien- pensation,” Donnelly said. Imsan 24 hours
tists to relocate plants and “It’s troubling that this new Tel.524 8833
animals outside their histori- rule doesn’t contain an ex- Women in Difficulties
cal ranges as a last resort plicit prohibition on such an PHARMACY ON DUTY
to save species threatened arrangement.” Oranjestad:
with extinction by climate The new species relocation Sta Anna: Tel. 586 8181
change. rule follows recent steps by San Nicolas : Tel. 584 5712
Relocations of species the Biden administration to
struggling because of cli- reverse major changes to Women in Difficulties
mate change have been In this photo provided by the Pacific Rim Conservation, wildlife the endangered species OTHER
carried out on a limited workers relocate Tristram’s storm petrels on Hawaii’s Tern Island, program during the Trump Dental Clinic 587 9850
basis to date, including in on March 29, 2022. Associated Press administration. Industry Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
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Hawaii where researchers groups lobbied for those Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
have raced to move sea- conservation efforts and out songbirds. earlier changes, but they +297 588 0539
birds to new islands to save help protect species for Other state wildlife officials were heavily criticized by Women in Difficulties
them from rising ocean wa- coming generations. were supportive of the environmentalists. EMERGENCY
ters. Republicans in Western change and along with The Fish and Wildlife Ser- Police 100
A change in federal regu- states — where gray wolves outside scientists have sug- vice last week said it would Oranjestad 527 3140
lations published Friday by were reintroduced two de- gested species that could reinstate a decades-old Noord 527 3200
the Biden administration cades ago over strong lo- benefit. Those include Key regulation that mandates Sta. Cruz 527 2900
would allow similar reloca- cal objections — opposed deer of southern Florida, blanket protections for San Nicolas 584 5000
tions for some of the most the proposal. Officials in desert flowers in Nevada species newly classified as Police Tipline 11141
imperiled plants and ani- Montana, New Mexico and California and the St. threatened. Officials also Ambulancia 911
Fire Dept.
mals protected under the and Arizona warned relo- Croix ground lizard in the said they would no lon- Red Cross 582 2219
Endangered Species Act. cations could wreak eco- Virgin Islands. ger consider economic
It also allows for relocations logical havoc as “invasive Patrick Donnelly with the impacts when deciding if TAXI SERVICES
when a species is being species” get purposefully Center for Biological Diver- animals and plants need Taxi Tas 587 5900
crowded out by nonna- introduced. sity said he was concerned protection.q Prof. Taxi 588 0035
Taxi D.T.S.
587 2300
tive plants or wildlife. This Montana Gov. Greg Gian- the rule could be abused Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
summer officials plan to in- forte’s spokesperson, Jack to allow habitat destruction A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
troduce Guam kingfishers O’Brien, said state officials to make way for develop- Women in Difficulties
on the Palmyra Atoll south would review the changes ment. His group has fought TRAVEL INFO
of Hawaii, after brown but expressed disappoint- plans for a Nevada lithium
tree snakes accidentally ment federal officials an- mine where an endan- Aruba Airport 524 2424
brought to Guam around nounced them heading gered desert wildflower is American Airlines 582 2700
1950 decimated their pop- into a holiday weekend. found. The developer has Avianca 588 0059
588 2244
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ulation. The birds are ex- Examples abound of eco- proposed transplanting the Surinam 582 7896
tinct in the wild but main- logical disasters caused by Tiehm’s buckwheat and Women in Difficulties
tained in zoos. species introduced to new growing new plants else- AID FOUNDATIONS
Moving species into new areas — from Asian carp where.
areas was long considered spreading through rivers “The Tiehm’s buckwheat FAVI- Visually Impaired
taboo because of the po- and streams across the U.S., situation has raised the Tel. 582 5051
tential to disrupt native to starlings from Europe de- specter of a mining com- Alcoholics Anonymous
ecosystems and crowd stroying crops and driving pany intentionally destroy- Tel. 736 2952
out local flora and fauna. Narcotics Anonymous
The practice is gaining ac- Tel. 583 8989
ceptance among many Fundacion Contra Violencia
Relacional Tel. 583 5400
scientists and government Centre for Diabetes
officials as climate change Tel. 524 8888
alters habitats around the Child Abuse Prevention
globe. Tel. 582 4433
Federal officials said the Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
impacts of climate change Women in Difficulties
had not been fully real- General Info
ized when they adopted Phone Directory Tel. 118
previous rules preventing
endangered species relo-
cations. As global warming
intensifies, habitat changes
are “forcing some wildlife
to new areas to survive,
while squeezing other spe-
cies closer to extinction,”
Interior Secretary Deb Haa-
land said in a statement.
She said allowing reloca-
tions would strengthen