P. 6
LOCALTuesday 22 March 2016
Renaissance Aruba Resort & Casino turn off lights for earth hour
ORANJESTAD – MARCH– of Nature (WWF). The main ba Resort & Casino joined ness; Renaissance Aruba tel façade, Renaissance
Renaissance Aruba Re- objective is to encourage ‘Earth Hour’ last Saturday Resort & Casino turned off Marketplace exterior lights,
sort & Casino contributed households and businesses which marked the 10th an- the lights of the parking Renaissance Mall exterior
to ‘Earth Hour’ for the fifth to take action on climate nual event. lot in front of the govern- lights, Seaport Casino exte-
consecutive year, a world- change and global move- ment offices, all common rior lights and signs and also
wide event organized once ment by turning off lights for From 8:30pm till 9:30pm light poles, parts of the the popular Crystal Casino
a year by World Wide Fund one hour. Renaissance Aru- there was an unusual dark- Renaissance Marina Ho- tower. q