Page 59 - min.soc 8jan,2016
P. 59
LOCALFriday 8 January 2016
Continued from Page 13 national hotels chains and many art-lovers for over 4 ing” in Tilburg, The Neth- work has been published
a growing number of pri- decades. Tromp has been erlands, he returned to his widely and reviewed by re-
“I love to mix the Carib- vate collectors all over the painting Aruban land- native island, Aruba. Here nowned art critics. In 2012
bean culture with other world. scapes since he was a he worked as Graphic De- Stan Kuiperi received the
cultures, like the Asian or More information on the child and enjoys making signer and later as Teach- Dutch ‘Royal Knighthood
African. These are my roots, artist, her work and art stu- each scene a personal in- er/Principal of a primary Decoration in the Order of
reflected in my works”. dio is available at www. terpretation. He also finds school. In 2001 he became Orange-Nassau’ for his ex-
Lejuez- Peters has partici- and for time to paint portraits of Head of “Instituto di Cul- tensive work in the arts and
pated in numerous exhibi- USA www.sohotelartspace. friends and family. tura”, since then he has culture.
tions in the Dutch Caribbe- com. Because Elvis is a self- been practicing his art Stan Kuiperi has pioneered
an, as well as in Miami and -ELVIS TROMP, a self- taught taught artist, he had the more intensively. the abstract Aruban land-
Amsterdam. She had solo- Aruban-born painter and opportunity to discover his His artwork characterized scape in art since the
exhibits in Aruba, Curacao graphic designer. Working environment, his style and itself by powerful compo- 1980’s through his personal
and New York City. mostly in oils, Elvis painted technique in his own was. sitions and use of colors. and unique expressive lan-
Her art is widely purchased the charming Aruban land- Although this was very He works mostly in acryl- guage. His landscapes in-
by banks, restaurants, inter- scapes that fascinate so hard and slow in the be- ic. Lately he is also doing tegrate the tall cactus as
ginning, it was very positive sculptures, mostly in stone a prominent symbol of the
and helped him working and wood. Besides paint- resiliency of the Aruban
his way through life to be- ing and sculpting he also flora and fauna in today’s
come a respected and ex- writes poems and short sto- harsh environment. Since
hibited artist. ries. In 2004 he won first prize the early 1990’s he has also
During the last decade, in a short story competition focused on depicting age-
Elvis has been experiment- organized by “Grupo Cor- old authentic native Aru-
ing with abstract and figu- ector di Papiamento” and ban petrographs in a con-
rative paintings. the Department of Culture. scious effort to raise gener-
-FRANK CROES: After get- In 2009 he finally held his al awareness about these
ting his preparation as an first solo exposition which cave drawings. His work
artist at the “Akademi- made him the well known also promotes legal action
evoor Beeldendevorm- artist he is today. He also to properly conserve these
participated in many group unique and authentic cul-
expositions; La Cabana tural icons.
Resort Exposition, Westin The artist is also well known
Art Gallery, Cas di Cultura for pioneering the inclu-
Aruba, Aruba Wine, Food & sion of Caiquetio petro-
Art Festival and Caribbean graphs in contemporary
Sea Jazz Festival Art Exposi- art. Stan Kuiperi comments:
tion. “I’m intrigued by the mys-
-STAN KUIPERI is one of the tery still surrounding the
foremost Aruban visual art- meanings and functions of
ists with an international these drawings. Also, as vi-
career. After living and sual elements they are very
studying in Puerto Rico, the powerful and surprisingly
USA and the Netherlands, modern. So I integrate the
he worked in his art studio designs in my paintings to
in France and exhibited his breathe new life into them,
work with much success and to arrive at a modern,
in France and the Neth- truly Aruban interpretation
erlands. He has shown his of a thousand-year old na-
work in more than sixty lo- tive art”.
cal and international exhi-
bitions, including five inter-
national art biennials. His periq