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                                                                                                       sports Diahuebs 7 Januari 2021

                           Blue Jackets sign Bjorkstrand to 5-year contract extension

            (AP)  —  The  Columbus                                                                 “You  work  hard  and  try  to  and  six  assists  in  31  career
            Blue  Jackets  have  signed                                                            improve  your  game  all  the  playoff games.
            forward  Oliver  Bjork-                                                                time.  There’s  a  lot  of  hard  “Oliver is a gifted player that
            strand to a five-year con-                                                             times,  where  you  might  be  has  shown  steady  improve-
            tract  extension  worth  $27                                                           tired but you keep grinding,”  ment throughout (his) career
            million.                                                                               he said. “Just very happy that  to this point, and we couldn’t
            The      deal    announced                                                             I had the opportunity to sign  be  happier  that  he  will  be  a
            Wednesday  will  keep  one  of                                                         that  kind  of  contract  and  Blue  Jacket  for  a  very  long
            the  team’s  best  young  play-                                                        set up my future. Very,  very  time,”  general  manager  Jar-
            ers in Columbus through the                                                            pumped about it.”            mo Kekalainen said in a state-
            2025-26 season. He had one                                                                                          ment.  “He  is  a  dangerous
            season remaining on his cur-                                                           Bjorkstrand  has  posted  65  offensive player, and we be-
            rent contract.                                                                         goals  and  68  assists  in  246  lieve he will be an even more
            “When  they  started  talking                                                          career  games  with  the  Blue  impactful player for us as he
            to me, you get excited,” said                                                          Jackets  since  making  his  continues to develop and ma-
            Bjorkstrand,  who  estimat-                                                            NHL debut during the 2015-   ture in this league.”
            ed  the  deal  has  been  in  the                                                      16 season. He has scored 20-  The native of Herning, Den-
            works for a month. “It’s defi-  led  the  team  in  goals  (21),  shots  (162)  despite  missing  plus  goals  in  back-to-back  mark,  was  selected  by  Co-
            nitely very nice to get some-  game-winning  goals  (five)  21 games due to injury in the  seasons and has three straight  lumbus  in  the  third  round
            thing done.”                 and   multi-point   outings  pandemic-shortened  2019-    seasons  with  at  least  36  (89th overall) in 2013 NHL
            The 25-year-old Bjorkstrand  (11),  and  finished  third  in  20 season.               points. He also has six goals  draft.

                        Mara optimistic about Giants future, GM Gettleman returning

            (AP) — While sick of the  The Giants went 6-10 under  New  York  has  been  to  the
            losing  seasons,  co-owner  the  recently  turned  39-year-  playoffs  once  (2016)  since
            John  Mara  felt  the  New  old Judge. They had a chance  winning  its  fourth  Super
            York  Giants  established  to  win  the  NFC  East  until  Bowl in February 2012.
            a  foundation  and  culture  Washington  beat  Philadel-
            under  rookie  coach  Joe  phia  in  game  where  Eagles  The  Giants  took  a  signifi-
            Judge,  giving  him  opti-   coach Doug Pederson pulled  cant financial hit in this sea-
            mism the playoffs may not  his starting quarterback with  son where the Giants did not
            be far away.                 the game on the line.        have  the  benefit  of  fans  in
                                                                      attendance  at  MetLife  Sta-
            Mara also disclosed 69-year-  Mara  said  he  did  not  reach  dium because of COVID-19
            old  Dave  Gettleman  would  out  to  the  Eagles  for  an  ex-  concerns.  He  did  not  say
            be  back  for  a  fourth  season  planation. He added said the  how much the team lost, but
            despite  seeing  the  team  win  Giants  needed  to  win  more  it would not affect the team’s
            15  games  in  his  first  three  than six games.         ability to be active in the free
            years as general manager.                                 agent market.

                         Sabres lose F Girgensons to season-ending hamstring injury

            (AP)  —  Buffalo  Sabres                                                                                            The Sabres also added pros-
            forward  Zemgus  Girgen-                                                                                            pects Dylan Cozens and Jack
            sons  is  expected  to  miss                                                                                        Quinn to their training camp
            the  entire  season  after                                                                                          roster a day after the two rep-
            having  surgery  to  repair                                                                                         resented Canada at the World
            a hamstring injury he suf-                                                                                          Junior championship tourna-
            fered in a team scrimmage                                                                                           ment in Edmonton, Alberta.
            on Monday.                                                                                                          Canada won the silver medal
                                                                                                                                with a 2-0 loss to the United
            The  Sabres  announced  Gir-                                                                                        States on Tuesday.
            gensons’ injury upon return-
            ing to training camp Wednes-                                                                                        It’s unclear when the two will
            day  following  a  day  off  and                                                                                    join the team.
            said the timetable for recov-                                                                                       Cozens,   Buffalo’s   first-
            ery is about six months.                                                                                            round pick in the 2019 draft,
            Girgensons,  who  is  from                                                                                          scored a tournament-leading
            Latvia, was preparing for his                                                                                       eight goals and finished sec-
            eighth season in Buffalo after                                                                                      ond with 16 points in seven
            being  re-signed  to  a  three-                                                                                     games. The 19-year-old cen-
            year, $6.6 million contract in                                                                                      ter  will  be  given  an  oppor-
            October. Selected by the Sa-                                                                                        tunity to compete for a spot
            bres in the first round of the                                                                                      with  the  Sabres  while  still
            2012 draft, he has developed                                                                                        being eligible to return to his
            into  a  dependable  checking-                                                                                      Canadian junior team in Le-
            line forward.                                                                                                       thbridge, Alberta.
            He had 12 goals and 19 points                                                                                       Quinn,  selected  with  the
            in  69  games  last  season.                                                                                        No. 8 pick in October, had a
            Overall,  Girgensons  has  61                                                                                       goal and four assists in seven
            goals  and  138  points  in  489                                                                                    games  at  the  world  juniors.
            career games with the Sabres.                                                                                       The  19-year-old  right  wing
            Buffalo, which opens the sea-  good  news  on  Wednesday  after  missing  the  first  four  practiced for the first time af-  is still eligible to return to his
            son  by  hosting  Washington  with captain Jack Eichel mak-  days with a lower body inju-  ter completing his self-quar-  Canadian junior team in Ot-
            on Jan. 14, did receive some  ing  his  training  camp  debut  ry. Goalie Linus Ullmark also  antine requirements.  tawa.
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