Page 10 - HOH
P. 10

                                                                                                           local Friday 3 March 2023

            Prime Minister of Aruba meets with the                                                 Smoking around the area

            American ambassador in The Netherlands                                                 of hospital Dr. Horacio

                                                                                                   Oduber is forbidden

                                                                                                   (Oranjestad)—Yesterday  tion, and which dedicates
                                                                                                   morning  the  minister  of  in the improvement of life,
                                                                                                   Tourism and Health, Dangui  services and health for the
                                                                                                   Oduber,  along  with  board  Aruban community.
                                                                                                   director  of  the  hospital  Jacco  Voegop  pointed
                                                                                                   (HOH), Jacco Voegop and  out  that  “HOH,  LABHOH
                                                                                                   board  member  Gregory  and  Blood  Bank  focuses
                                                                                                   Croeze,  held  a  press  con-  on  providing  better  care
                                                                                                   ference  to  further  discuss  and service to our patients
            (Oranjestad)—This  week,  Prime  Minister  Jeanette Richardson-Baars (CMAA)            this  new  development  at  and  clients.  The  health  of
            Everlyn  Wever-Croes  met  with  American  During the meeting, Mrs. Richardson-Baars   the local hospital.          the  workers,  patients  and
            ambassador  Mrs.  Shefali  Razdan  Duggal  provided the ambassador insight in all the                               visitors  is  our  priority.  This  is
            who is currently visiting the island. Ambas-  work that CMAA does to fight human traf-  Minister  Oduber  pointed  why we had made the de-
            sador  Duggal  has  been  an  ambassador  ficking, as well as sharing some challenges   out that this is an example  cision to make the hospital
            for a few months now in The Netherlands  that the organization faces and what can      for all government compa-    completely  smoking-free,
            and wanted to get to know Aruba and in-    be  done  to  improve  Aruba’s  position  in   nies and institutions. It is an  because  we  are  the  am-
            terchange  perspectives  on  different  top-  this.  According  to  Richardson-Baars,  the   important step in the imple-  bassadors of health on the
            ics.                                       ambassador suggested to pay attention in    mentation  of  the  National  island.”
                                                       helping the Chinese and Indian communi-     Ordinance  Restricting  To-  The  hospital  has  been
            One  of  the  topics  discussed  involves  the  ties on the island, as not much information   bacco  Products  (AB2016  working  hard  to  provide
            issue of the Venezuelan border and how  is known about them in comparison to the       no.41).                      information and offer work-
            to best approach this. America offered its  Venezuelan and Colombian communities       As it is  already  known, this  ers  interested  coaching
            help in this. Another topic was the general  on the island.                            lay had been implemented  sessions  with  lung  special-
            recovery on the island, tourism, economic                                              on May 2nd, 2022. This law  ists to stop smoking. More-
            investments and the diversification of the  Furthermore, Mrs. Razdan Duggal offered    prohibits the people under  over, they are also working
            economy. Prime Minister Wever-Croes ex-    her help to stimulate interest in these top-  21  years  of  age  from  buy-  on a plan to figure out how
            plained  to  the  ambassador  the  various  ics  in  The  Netherlands:  “It’s  always  good   ing or consuming tobacco  bring the best service and
            opportunities on the island to diversify the  when international government represen-  products, or to work in near  care  to  patients  admitted
            sector of energy, which is an area the US is  tatives pay a visit and give their support,”   places  that  sell  tobacco  at  the  hospital  that  may
            very interested in investing in.           she stated. In conclusion, the prime minis-  products.  Additionally,  the  have  an  addiction  to  any
                                                       ters expressed that the meeting was fruitful   law  prohibits  smoking  in  a  tobacco product.
            Furthermore, plans for the Hydrogen Val-   and though intense, it went very well. q    building of public area.     It  is  important  to  mention
            ley  by  Minister  Glenbert  Croes  were  also                                         For this reason, HOH decid-  that the law prohibits peo-
            elaborated on, as well as the concerning                                               ed to implement this law in  ple  from  smoking  in  pub-
            situation of asylum, immigration on the is-                                            which they will be reinforc-  lic  places.  In  case  there  is
            land  and  drug  trafficking  from  the  South                                         ing a ban on smoking ciga-   smoking around the hospi-
            American continent to the island. Aruba,                                               rettes, electric cigarettes or  tal  area,  Gregory  Croeze
            The  Netherlands  and  the  US  are  working                                           any other type of product  insured  that  there  will  be
            hard  in  maintaining  our  waters  safe  and                                          that  contains  tobacco  on  personnel  on  the  premises
            will therefore be intensifying their coopera-                                          the  premises  of  the  hos-  to  stop  this.  In  the  worst
            tion.                                                                                  pital,  LABHOH  and  Blood  case scenario, the hospital
                                                                                                   Bank,  as  well  as  inside  the  will  contact  local  authori-
            Another  important  topic  concerned  hu-                                              building and parking lots.   ties  to  remove  the  smoker
            man trafficking, which unfortunately is also                                           The minister stated that this  from  the  premises,  as  this
            a reality on the island. During this meeting,                                          prohibition  is  one  the  im-  can risk the hospital in get-
            Mrs.  Jeanette  Richardson-Baar,  chief  of                                            portant aspects in Aruba’s  ting fined.q
            the  Coordination  Center  on  Human  Traf-                                            plan  for  disease  preven-
            ficking  and  Migrant  Smuggling  Aruba”
            (CMAA) / Mensenhandel Mensensmokkel
            was  also  present.  The  prime  minister  ex-
            plained that CMAA is paying close atten-
            tion on the developments of human traf-
            ficking on the island.
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