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                                                                                        January 20, 2020
                                                                                        T: 582-7800
                                                                                                                                          Page 13
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            On the edge of America,

            census begins in

            a tiny Alaska town

            By MARK THIESSEN             vivid  lime  green,  purple  or
            Associated Press             neon  blue  to  help  distin-
            TOKSOOK BAY, Alaska (AP)  guish  the  signs  of  life  from
            — There are no restaurants  a  frigid  white  winterscape
            in Toksook Bay, Alaska. No  that  makes  it  hard  to  tell
            motels or movie theater, ei-  where the frozen sea ends
            ther.  There  also  aren't  any  and the village begins.
            factories. Or roads.         Fish drying racks hang out-
            But  the  first  Americans  to  side some front doors, and
            be  counted  in  the  2020  you’re more likely to find a
            census live in this tiny com-  snowmobile  or  four-wheel-
            munity of 661 on the edge  er  in  the  driveway  than  a
            of  the  American  expanse.  truck or SUV.
            Their  homes  are  huddled                                In this Saturday, Jan. 18, 2020, photo, George Chakuchin, left, and Mick Chakuchin look out over
            together  in  a  windswept                                the Bering Sea near Toksook Bay, Alaska.
            Bering Sea village, painted       Continued on Next Page                                                                        Associated Press
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