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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 21 March 2020

            Silvia Shadden, 68, in blue, pulls a cart as she leaves a U.S. cus-
            toms checkpoint in El Paso, Texas after a she went to Ciudad
            Juarez, Mexico for a doctor's appointment on Friday, March 20,
                                                     Associated Press
            Virus prompts US

            and Mexico to restrict                                    American and Canadian cruise ship passengers from the Costa Luminosa arrive at Atlanta's Harts-

            border travel                                             field-Jackson International Airport, near Atlanta , Friday, March 20, 2020.   Associated Press

            Associated Press             two  governments  substan-   Stranded cruise ship passengers
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Mexi-      tially  softened  the  eco-
            co and the U.S. announced  nomic  effects.  Also,  fewer   describe chaotic flight home
            Friday  that  they  would  Americans  are  heading
            prohibit  all  "non-essential"  south  because  of  a  state-
            travel  across  their  shared  wide stay-at-home order in   By ADRIANA GOMEZ LICON  had no symptoms, the U.S.  movie."
            border as part of efforts to  California and a State De-  and  JEFF  MARTIN  Associ-   Department of Health and  In  another  instance,  the
            control  the  spread  of  the  partment  warning  advis-  ated Press                   Human  Services  and  the  co-pilot asked her and oth-
            coronavirus.                 ing Americans not to travel   ATLANTA  (AP)  —  On  a  Centers for Disease Control  ers  whether  they  should
            Both  countries  and  Cana-  abroad.                      chaotic  flight  home,  some  and  Prevention  said.  Thir-  land  in  Bermuda,  instead
            da also agreed to immedi-    Still,  the  restrictions  are  a   passengers who had been  teen  others  were  sick  but  of continuing all the way to
            ately turn back anyone try-  major  development  along    stranded  for  days  aboard  hadn't  been  tested,  and  Atlanta.
            ing to cross their borders ille-  the  world's  most  heavily   a  cruise  ship  after  being  one passenger was sent to  "We didn't have a choice.
            gally, with U.S. officials say-  crossed  border.  Mexican   exposed  to  the  corona-  a local hospital.           We had been turned away
            ing that the unchecked en-   shoppers  are  the  lifeblood   virus  suffered  breathing  Harrell,  51,  said  she  isolat-  for the last eight days," Har-
            try  of  people  from  around  of   smaller   U.S.   border   problems,  many  coughed  ed  two  other  passengers  rell said.
            the world poses a potential  towns, and it is common for   and several fainted with no  who  were  having  breath-  For  many,  the  flight  was  a
            health  risk  because  of  the  people in both countries to   food or medical personnel  ing  problems.  One  had  a  culmination  of  an  already
            rapidly spreading virus.     cross frequently to visit fam-  provided, travelers said Fri-  chronic  lung  disease  and  harrowing   journey   that
            "The  actions  we  are  tak-  ily and friends.            day.                         needed  to  be  hooked  to  began  on  March  5  in  Fort
            ing together with our North  As news of the ban spread,   "It  was  a  suicide  mission,"  a  ventilator,  she  said.  An-  Lauderdale. Some passen-
            American partners will save  people  like  68-year-old  El   said  passenger  Jenny  Har-  other  passenger  had  an  gers  said  they  wanted  to
            countless  lives,"  President  Paso  resident  Silvia  Shad-  rell,  of  Fredericksburg,  Vir-  asthma attack and several  cancel  the  trans-Atlantic
            Donald  Trump  said  in  an-  den  rushed  to  cross  even   ginia. "It was a mass triage  others  fainted,  apparently  cruise,  but  the  company
            nouncing the measures.       if  her  reason  could  meet   with absolutely no direction  from  low  blood  sugar  lev-  refused to give them a re-
            Trump  administration  offi-  the  definition  of  essential.   and the crew going, 'What  els.  Harrell  said  many  trav-  fund,  assuring  them  it  was
            cials  and  Mexican  Foreign  Walking with a crutch, she   should we do now?'"         elers  were  coughing  and  safe  to  go  three  days  be-
            Secretary  Marcelo  Ebrard  returned  from  getting  a    Decisions  were  left  up  to  she  helped  treat  people  fore  the  U.S.  State  Depart-
            outlined  restrictions  similar  weekly  vitamin  injection   the  passengers,  said  Har-  who had a fever.        ment  issued  a  warning  for
            to  those  put  in  place  ear-  from  a  doctor  in  Mexico's   rell,  who  had  some  emer-  "There  should  have  been  U.S. citizens not to travel on
            lier this week along the U.S.  Ciudad Juarez that costs a   gency  medical  training  in  medical personnel on that  cruise ships.
            and Canadian border. The  fraction  of  what  it  does  in   the past and helped a phy-  flight," Harrell said.     On  March  8,  an  Italian
            ban would apply to people  the U.S.                       sician who was also among  Costa  Luminosa  passen-       woman  disembarked  in
            who cross for tourism or rec-  "I went to Juarez to see the   the passengers.          gers also complained they  Puerto  Rico  with  breath-
            reation and other activities  doctor  and  get  my  injec-  The  jet  carrying  359  peo-  were  given  no  food  other  ing problems. She and her
            deemed "non-essential."      tion," Shadden, who suffers   ple,  including  hundreds  of  than  orange  juice  and  husband, who also got off
            "Everyone  else  is  not  ex-  from  a  vitamin  deficiency   American  and  Canadian  crackers  in  more  than  24  the boat, were hospitalized
            pected  to  have  any  diffi-  that  causes  muscle  atro-  passengers  from  a  Costa  hours  —  the  time  it  took  and tested positive for the
            culties," Ebrard told report-  phy,  said  as  she  returned   Cruises  ship  flying  home  to  disembark  in  Marseille,  new coronavirus. Since the
            ers  in  Mexico  City.  "We're  from the U.S. border check-  from France, landed at At-  France,  to  fly  to  Atlanta,  new  cases  came  to  light,
            not talking about closing it."  point.                    lanta's international airport  and be cleared by officials.  the  Costa  Luminosa  was
            The  ban,  which  takes  ef-  In San Diego, an outlet mall   as  emergency  responders,  At  one  point,  Harrell  said,  denied  entry  to  several
            fect  at  11:59  p.m.  Friday,  catering  to  shoppers  at   and health and customs of-  the flight attendants hand-  countries.
            does not include commer-     the  nation's  busiest  border   ficials  deployed  to  screen  ed  her  the  cabin  micro-  The  1,400  passenger  ship
            cial  traffic  and  remains  in  crossing  was  closed  and   them for the coronavirus.  phone.                     was finally allowed permis-
            place  as  long  as  needed,  people  made  the  last  of   Three  people  on  the  flight  "I  basically  took  over  the  sion  to  dock  in  Marseille,
            officials said.              what would be considered     tested positive for the coro-  plane," she said. "I couldn't  France,  under  strict  quar-
            By  excluding  commercial  non-essential  trips  under    navirus  before  landing  but  even  make  this  up  for  a  antine conditions. q
            traffic  from  the  ban,  the  the new rules. q
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