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                                                                                                                           Saturday 20 January 2018

            Celebration Day of a National Hero

            ORANJESTAD  -  The  island  vember  26,  1986.  For  the
            of Aruba has a special day  Aruban  people,  his  words
            coming  up.  Next  week  will never be forgotten. He
            Thursday, January 25th, the  told his people: “Si mi cain-
            island will have lots of festiv-  acaminda,  gara  e  ban-
            ities that honor the late pro-  dera  y  sigue  cu  e  lucha’
            autonomy  political  leader  which means ‘If I fall along
            Gilberto  Francois  (Betico)  the way, grab the flag and
            Croes. He helped the island  continue the struggle’.
            attain  the  Status  Aparte.
            Aruba was allowed to func-   Active Man
            tion  as  a  commonwealth  The  father  of  the  Aruban   ment  that  was  elected  in
            within  the  Dutch  Kingdom  nation, as he is called often,   September   2017.   There
            and  Betico  is  honored  for  was an active man in Ca-   were  two  stages  in  which
            this  outcome  since  1989  ribbean organizations while   the  Independence  was
            by  celebrating  the  Dia  di  he  studied  in  the  Nether-  formed:  the  first  one  was
            Betico.  The  official  holiday  lands.  Betico  was  a  social   set  for  1986,  the  second  erlands.  However,  it  never  Status  Aparte  within  the
            features     performances,  man, participated in sports   was  set  for  ten  years  later  came  to  a  total  indepen-  Kingdom  of  the  Nether-
            sporting events and games  and the social and cultural    and  enhanced  the  inde-    dence  of  Aruba  in  1996;  it  lands  was  to  be  a  perma-
            throughout the island.       community.  He  worked  as   pendence  from  the  Neth-   was  dropped  in  1990.  The  nent one.q
                                         a  teacher  and  instituted
            Aruba Today will keep you  the  official  seal,  flag  and
            informed  in  the  coming  hymn for the island.
            editions  of  the  newspaper  During  the  Round  table
            about the events that you  Conference  of  1981,  he
            can  expect  at  this  festive  was responsible for formally
            day. Croes himself was not  setting the date for Aruba’s
            able  to  enjoy  the  results  independency. Betico also
            of  his  ongoing  struggle;  became leader of the po-
            he  was  involved  in  an  ac-  litical  party  Movimiento
            cident  on  December  31,  Electoral  di  Pueblo  (MEP),
            1985, and got into a coma.  now  the  main  party  that
            He  passed  away  on  No-    forms  the  current  govern-
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