Page 13 - ARUBA BANK
P. 13
Thursday 9 November 2017
The Aruba Chamber Exhibits the Creations of ‘Stichting Mira’
Chamber of Commerce
(KvK) recently hosted its 5th
art exhibition, presenting
the interesting stories and
creations of the young art-
ists from ‘Stichting Mira.’
The exhibition was an inspir-
ing evening where guests
enjoyed beverages and
snacks as they viewed the
paintings of the young stu-
dents of Stichting Mira, in-
cluding the works of Sophia
Bemer, Gabriella Bemer,
Tanique Chan, Dayenne
Croes, Christopher Croes,
Kevin Croes, Samantha
Croes, Armaan Daryanani,
Aryan Daryanani, Luanne
Dinh, Amilia Gei, Maxime
Ingwersen, Isabella Ingw-
ersen, Maria Paula Kool-
man, Daniela Lacle, Sta-
cey Martijn, Maxime La
Reine, Shayna Tromp, An-
drea Sanchez, Valentina
Sanchez, Sophie Saade,
Kelsey Westerburger and
Amanda Wijsheijer.
These talented young art-
ists were the special guests giving art classes to Aru- art projects.
of the evening, along with ba’s children in 2007. With- The name ‘Mira’ is derived
their parents and the Direc- in the first few years there from ‘Papiamento’, the
tor of Stichting Mira, Mrs. was such a demand that native language of Aruba
Jean Vieira, a profession- they had to implement a and means ‘to see,’ ‘to
al art teacher with many full schedule of classes for look,’ or ‘to review.’ Mira
years of experience in cre- Artistic Education and Art developed lesson plans
ative and therapeutic art Appreciation. Lessons are and methods aiming to re-
for all ages. given to children starting teach “how to look” and or come and highly appreci-
Stichting Mira is a founda- at the age of 4, as well as stimulate artistic life skills. visit their website at www. ated. The next exhibition is
tion for Artistic Education adults and elderly people. Stichting Mira is located at planned for June 2018. For
and Art Appreciation and Furthermore, special needs Caya Danza 36. For more Each year, the courses end more information about
was established on Octo- children and adults are information contact 587- with an exhibition, for which Stichting Mira, please visit
ber 6, 2006. Mira started also guided with different 0066 or 593-1411, or email donations are always wel- the website: www.stichting-
The KvK is very pleased
with the exhibition and
welcomes everyone to visit
during office hours from
8am to 4:30pm to view
the wonderful and colorful
creations submitted by the
children of Stichting Mira.
For this edition at the Cham-
ber, most of the art work is
not presently for sale, but
donations to the founda-
tion are welcome. To as-
sist the arts and education
program that Stichting Mira
provides, donations may
be made to the account of:
RBC - 7700000043059497.q