Page 4 - MIN ON SEPT 22, 2015
P. 4
Tuesday 22 September 2015
1 in 4 US college women report unwanted sexual contact
JULIE CARR SMYTH ed and later retracted Roll- Vice President Joe Biden holds up a shirt before speaking at an ‘It’s On Us’ event on the Ohio
Associated Press ing Stone magazine story State University campus in Columbus, Ohio. Biden was speaking about the importance of
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — about a gang-rape at a preventing sexual assault on college campuses.
A quarter of women sur- fraternity house harmed ef-
veyed at more than two forts to fight sexual violence (AP Photo/Paul Vernon)
dozen universities say they and tarred the school’s
experienced unwanted reputation. Hazing that in-
sexual contact sometime cluded excessive under-
during college, according age drinking and sexual-
to a report released Mon- ized conduct prompted
day. The results of the As- the University of Wisconsin-
sociation of American Uni- Madison to terminate a fra-
versities Campus Climate ternity chapter earlier this
Survey come at a time of year. And Ohio State fired
heightened scrutiny of the its marching band director
nation’s colleges and uni- last year after an internal
versities and what they are investigation turned up a
doing to combat sexual as- “sexualized culture” of ritu-
sault. Just last week, Vice als and traditions inside the
President Joe Biden visited celebrated organization.
Ohio State University to Overall, 23 percent of un-
highlight several new initia- dergraduate women at
tives, including mandatory the participating universi-
sexual violence awareness ties said they had been
training for freshmen be- physically forced — or
ginning next year. threatened with force —
The survey was sent to into nonconsensual sexual
nearly 780,000 students at contact. For undergradu-
the association’s mem- ate men, the percentage
ber colleges, plus one ad- was 5 percent.
ditional university. About Freshman women ap-
150,000 participated in the peared to be at greater risk
online questionnaire. than older students for the
The results were generally most serious sexual assaults
in line with past surveys on — those involving penetra-
sexual assault and miscon- tion. About 17 percent of
duct on college campuses freshman females said they
— and confirmed that al- had been victims of this
cohol and drugs are impor- type of assault. For women
tant risk factors. asked about their senior
Researchers cautioned year, the percentage was
against generalizations, about 11 percent, the sur-
partly because of different vey found.The survey sam-
rates among women and ple provided a rare glimpse
men and students at differ- into the experiences of the
ent years in their schooling. small percentage of stu-
It was not a representative dents who are transgender
sample of all the nation’s or who don’t identify as
colleges and universities. either male or female. Un-
Some students attended dergraduates in that cat-
schools that have recently egory reported the high-
grappled with reports of est rate of the most serious
sexual assaults or miscon- nonconsensual acts, those
duct, including the Universi- involving penetration.
ty of Virginia, the University “Our universities are work-
of Wisconsin-Madison and ing to ensure their cam-
Ohio State. puses are safe places for
University of Virginia Presi- students,” AAU President
dent Teresa A. Sullivan has Hunter Rawlings said in a
said that a widely discredit- statement.q