Page 34 - ARUBA BANK
P. 34

Diabierna, 29 Juni 2018                                        AWEMainta                                                                    13

                             Homber problematico deteni

       Diahuebs           mainta      OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION
       trempan  7:15  polis a
       wordo manda un adres           Turnover taxes BBO, BAVP and BAZV
       conoci pa nan pabou di
       rotonde Dadelstraat.
       E adres ya conoci              The Aruba Tax Department hereby reports that recently the Parliament of Aruba passed a legislative bill
       pa  nan,  unda  algun          entitled “introduction of a crisis levy and other tax measures”, which provides for amendments to a
       rato  prome  polis ya          number of tax ordinances. The most important amendments are summarized below and are scheduled to
       a bay  hala  atencion          enter into force on July 1, 2018.
       di e homber. Elo saca          Turnover tax (BBO, BAZV and BAVP)
       varios pertenencia di e        Subject to turnover tax (“Belasting op bedrijfsomzetten”),  abbreviated as BBO, and health tax (“Bestem-
       señora pafo. E homber          mingsheffing AZV”), abbreviated as BAZV, are entrepreneurs that in the course of their enterprise supply
       asina     mes     despues      goods or render services in Aruba. The taxable base consists of all remunerations (in cash or in kind)
                                      received by the entrepreneur for the supply of goods or the rendering of services in Aruba. The tax rate is
       cu  polis a  bay a  sigui      set on 1.5% for the BBO and 2% for the BAZV. Please be informed that although they are different tax
       cu problema, caso cu           types, their tax base and other characteristics are similar.
       sa pasa hopi despues           As of July 1, 2018 a PPP projects additional funding tax (“Belasting additionele voorzieningen
       polisnan bandona e             PPS-projecten”) has been introduced at a tax rate of 1.5%. This tax type can be abbreviated as BAVP.
       sitio. Mainta mirando
       cu e homber lo no bay          The existing BAZV tax rate has been adjusted as of July 1, 2018 to 3% and would therefore bring the total
       stop di haci problema          turnover taxes such as BBO, BAZV and BAVP to 6%.
       polisnan a sali mes ora        Turnover tax is payable by the business supplying the good or service. In practice, this can cause
       cu      transportwagen.        complications for foreign businesses, given their limited presence in Aruba. These complications will be
       Agentenan a baha y             partially eliminated with the introduction of the possibility for the Minister in charge of finance to determine
                                      that in some cases the BBO/BAZV/BAVP will not be payable by the foreign business, but by the domestic
       bay paden y un rato            client (“reverse-charge mechanism”).
       despues por a miranan
       ta sali cu e homber den        On a final note. The exemptions for particular services supplied by banks and for forming and performing
       boei.                          insurance contracts has been revoked. However, this does not extend to pension or life insurance
       Ela wordo  transporta
       pa  warda,  pa  wak si
       asina e por calma. Ora         THE ARUBA TAX DEPARTMENT
       e sali bek, por sigui          June 27, 2018
       spera mas problema.
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