Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20200725
P. 26
Saturday 25 July 2020
Cuomo: Probe NY's 'illegal' ejection from travel program
By MARINA VILLENEUVE and unique among the states.
MICHAEL HILL Several states plus Wash-
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Gov. ington, D.C., also don't pro-
Andrew Cuomo called for vide access to driving histo-
federal probes into New ry information, the lawyers
York's ejection from trusted wrote. And yet all of those
traveler security programs states, including California,
Friday, claiming it was an il- were allowed to remain in
legal act of political abuse the program.
by Trump administration of- Sen. Charles Schumer on
ficials. Friday separately asked
The Democratic governor's for an investigation by the
charge came a day after DHS's inspector general
Republican President Don- due to "potential violations
ald Trump's administration of criminal law."
reversed itself and told a A Department of Justice
court it had misrepresent- spokesperson said the
ed the facts in a lawsuit agency had no comment
over the programs that on the request for an inves-
allow vetted travelers to tigation. An email was sent
avoid long security lines at to the DHS seeking com-
airports. The Department ment.
of Homeland Security an- In its readmittance an-
nounced Thursday that Associated Press nouncement Thursday, DHS
New Yorkers would once officials said while New York
again be allowed to enroll "It is illegal what they did," Cuccinelli have possible cess to state motor vehicle amended its law to restore
and re-enroll in Global En- he said. criminal liability. I believe records. some federal access, it's still
try and other federal travel Cuomo called for investiga- there is civil liability. It was a But in a court filing Thurs- "antithetical" to the agen-
programs. tions by Attorney General clear abuse of government day, federal attorneys rep- cy's mission and data ac-
"They got caught. It was all William Barr and congres- power for political purpos- resenting the DHS disclosed cess policies.
politics all the time. It was sional Democrats, adding es," he said. that federal officials had "Nonetheless, local New
all exploitation all the time," that the state will seek civil The Trump administration in misled the court about York law continues to main-
an irate-sounding Cuomo damages from the DHS. February said it was boot- some key facts. For in- tain provisions that under-
told reporters at a briefing. The governor singled out ing New York from the pro- stance, the administration mine the security of the
He said the move increased DHS acting Secretary Chad grams because a newly had incorrectly claimed American people and pur-
congestion at airports this Wolf and acting deputy enacted state law allowing that New York's policy lim- port to criminalize informa-
year at the same time the secretary Ken Cuccinelli for unauthorized immigrants iting access to criminal his- tion sharing between law
coronavirus was spreading scorn. to get driver's licenses had tory information found in enforcement entities," Wolf
from Europe. "I believe Mr. Wolf and Mr. cut off some federal ac- motor vehicle records was said.q
Rare outdoor ceremonies for new US citizens held in Idaho
week. Without the cere- proceeding in San Fran-
monies, their citizenship sta- cisco during the Spanish flu
tus was in limbo because pandemic in 1918.
federal courts have post- There was precedent in
poned or halted in-person Idaho for this month's out-
court gatherings to limit the door ceremonies: An out-
spread of COVID-19. door citizenship ceremony
Among the recipients was was held at Boise State
29-year-old Marta Rupp of University's football stadium
the Dominican Republic, in 1990 for more than 100
who has lived in the small people.
city of Middleton near Boi- Dale called the this month's
se for about 10 years. outdoor ceremonies "a
"I'm grateful for this country beautiful alternative."
and for all the things it has "It's right up there at the top
given me, so I think it was of the list of the things you
pretty cool to volunteer — can do as a federal judge,"
an honor," Rupp said. she said.
Also taking the oath were For most people, the coro-
New U.S. citizens are sworn in during a ceremony outside the James D. McClure U.S. Courthouse
and Federal Building in downtown Boise, Idaho, on Thursday, July 23, 2020. people from countries in- navirus causes mild or mod-
Associated Press cluding Afghanistan, Chi- erate symptoms, such as
na, Mexico and Peru. fever and cough that clear
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — A fed- had to wait months to be- Thursday on a patio outside The idea for the outdoor up in two to three weeks.
eral judge in Idaho has held come citizens because of the James D. McClure U.S. citizenship ceremony But for some — especially
a pair of outdoor court pro- the coronavirus pandemic. Courthouse and Federal came from Steven Kenyon, older adults and people
ceedings to safely swear in U.S. Magistrate Judge Building in Boise, the Ida- the clerk of Idaho's U.S. Dis- with existing health prob-
new U.S. citizens from more Candy Dale administered ho Press reported. Twenty trict and Bankruptcy courts, lems — it can cause more
than a dozen countries the oath of citizenship to more new citizens took the after he saw a photo of an severe illness, including
who otherwise would have 37 people wearing masks oath outdoors in Boise last outside municipal court pneumonia and death.q