Page 13 - MIN.VOS MARCH 6,2015
P. 13

DIABIERNA 6 MAART 2015                                              DIARIO                                                    PAGINA 57

                                                  Cumana # 76       Pata-pata burachi pero a para su auto na banda pa drumi
                                            Tel: (297) 588-6699
                                                                    ORANJESTAD (AAN); Du-        marca Chevrolet modelo       operandi” e ultimo tempo ve-
                                               (297) 593-0857       rante patruya di Santa Cruz  Spark staciona banda di ca-  hiculo staciona sospechoso
  Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada,                     ta pasando altura di “Dushi  minda.                       banda di caminda polis ta
  den cunucu di yerba berde E ta pone mi sosega.                    Limpi”, polis a wak un auto                               hibando control relaciona di
  E ta hiba mi na awa trankil, pa mi bolbe haya forza.                                             Manera ta conoci e “modus  entre otro ladronicia di ve-
  Salmo: 23.1                                                                                                                 hiculo, cas, empresa, atraco
                                                                                                      Cumana # 76             droga arma y core sin rijbe-
  Cu inmenso tristeza na nos curazon, pero conforme cu                                           Tel: (297) 588-6699          wijs, indocumenta y lo de-
  boluntad di Dios nos ta participa fayecimento di:                                                                           mas.
                                                                                                   (297) 593-0857
                                                                                                                                  Den e caso na altura di
          Daniel Ridderstaat                                          Asociacion Sophia tin e tristo deber di anuncia         “Dushi Limpi” yegando mas
                  *26-04-1942 †05-03-2015                                                fayecimento di :                     cerca patruya a constata cu e
Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.                                                                                     chofer ta for di tino.
                                                                    Sra. Vda.: Celfa Visser-Lampe
“ Ihave fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have                                                                   Mesora e agentenan a logra
kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of       Na bida ruman muher di nos Presidente Sra. Vda.           lanta e homber for di soño a
righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give                      Lourdes Smouters-Lampe                     resulta cu e chofer inicial F.
to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have                                                                ta fuerte bao influencia di be-
loved His appearing”. 2 Timothy 4:7-8                                  Tanta di nos Secretaria Sra. Diana Peterson y          bida alcoholico y e ta papia
                                                                             nos Tesorera Sra. Dalilia Wong-Fat Peterson      cu lenga pisa.

                                                                     Sophia Aruba ta manda palabra di condolencia y              Relaciona cu F. ta bao in-
                                                                                  deseando forza na su famia                  fluencia riba caminda pub-
                                                                                  Cu “ Celfa“ sosega na paz                   lico polis a detene y a hiba
                                                                                                                              na warda Santa Cruz ya pre-
With great sadness, yet with thankful hearts we                                                                               sente dilanti fiscal auxiliar.
the family announce the passing from this life                                                                                Pa su seguridad y otro a tene
into the next of:                                                                                                             na warda.

  Henry Daniel Gravenbeek                                                                                                       Mientras auto di F. a worde
                                                                                                                              cera y na lock a keda stacio-
   Sunrise: 10-09-1945 Sunset: 27-02-2015                                                                                     na den parkinglot di “Dushi
 Better known as” Pa, Opa, Graffie, Meneer,                                                                                    limpi”.

             Brother Henry & Pops”
 He was Pastor of Prince of Life Restoration

   Church and also a former teacher of Graf van Zinzendorf

Left behind are his:
Wife: Agnes Gravenbeek

Children: Ruth and MyrtelFoort-Wondel (Netherlands)
            Marcha and JutonGatewood (USA)

Grandchildren: Chino, Vacarra, Gabriella and Daniel.
Brother & Sisters: MelitaGravenbeek
              Christine Gravenbeek
              Eduard Gravenbeek
Nieces & nephews, cousins: Too numerous to mention.
In-Laws: FamiliesBlokland, Tjauw-A-Hing, Krind, Hall,
Godlieb and Faverus
As Children:  Anna and HibbertFolkes
              Joy Barry
              Charlotte Heemstadt
Godchildren: Joash, Chantel, Joshua and Jonathan, Gabriella,
Shekinah and Jonathan Gerard.
Beloved leaders and members of Prince of Life Restoration
Church and Seed of Life Worship Center.

Families: Gravenbeek, Pengel, Pinas

Our sincere apology goes to the family and friends, we may
have forgotten in our grief.

The home going service will take place on Friday 6 March
2015 at Seed of Life Worship Center Bernhard straat 185 in
San Nicolas. The viewing of the body will take place from 1:30
pm to 3:30 pm followed by a going home service.Mr. Henry
will be taken to his last resting place at the central cemetery in

Address for condolences: Ad Patres Funeral Home
Thursday 05 March 2015 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Regretfully we will not be able to receive any condolences after
the funeral at home.

Staff and Management of Ad Patres funeral home extend
theirmost sincere condolences to thefamily.
Condolences can be sent through our e-mail address or website

              f u n e r al h o m e      Van Rensselaerstraat 2

                                     Family owned and operated
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