Page 16 - ATA
P. 16

                         Saturday 30 January 2016

Haug Family Honored by ATA at Palma Real Suites!

EAGLE BEACH - Recently         Suites.
Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Lara-     The Haug family com-
ine Haug were honored          mented that he will never
as Goodwill Ambassadors        change his vacation island
for the island of Aruba af-    for any other island! The
ter visiting for more than 20  top reasons for returning
years consecutive.             provided by the honorees
The symbolic honorary title    are they consider Aruba to
is presented in the name       be the “Happy Island”, the
of the Minister of Tourism as  great weather, the friend-
a token of appreciation to     ly Aruban hospitality, the
guests who visit Aruba for     white sand beaches and
between 20-and-34 years        the terrific local food.
consecutive.                   Featured is Mr. Ricardo
Mr. Ricardo Croes repre-       Croes from ATA together
senting Aruba Tourism Au-      with several members of
thority conducted the cer-     the Haug family at the Pal-
emony at the Palma Real        ma Real Suites!.q
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