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                                                                                                                   Monday 7 September 2015

TEDxAruba is First TEDx Event Worldwide Accepting Bitcoin

DWAYNE HERONIMO              with beautiful beaches        in the world Aruba acts        impressive results. With this  Our specific goal is to turn
TEDxAruba Press              and palm trees, where         like a hub between the         momentum, Aruba cre-           TEDxAruba into the Carib-
ORANJESTAD - TEDxAruba       you can have the best va-     America’s, Europe and          ates the perfect place         bean’s leading platform
has become the first TEDx    cation ever. But did you      the Caribbean region.          for existing- and start-up     and pipeline for great
event in the world to ac-    know that Aruba is more       Aruba is part of the King-     companies to research          ideas, storytelling, creativ-
cept Bitcoin for the pay-    than a vacation island        dom of the Netherlands         and showcase their great       ity, actionable innovation.
ment of the registration     and that it has the ambi-     and with its unique posi-      ideas, find solutions for      TEDxAruba strives for sus-
fee.                         tion to create a 100% sus-    tion has grown into a living   global challenges and          tainable innovation, new
The move comes with the      tainable society?             lab on all levels of sustain-  share their expertise.         business creation and
awareness ‘On the road       Aruba is doing that by        able challenges and solu-      The goal is to find creative   bringing idea’s to live, not
to TEDxAruba’ through In-    creating a new economic       tions.                         ways to contribute to a        only for Aruba, but also for
spiring Sessions on the is-  pillar: A sustainable knowl-  The journey to a sustain-      sustainable society and        other similar small econo-
land which among other       edge economy. Located         able society is very inspir-   eventually to the rest of      mies and the rest of the
economic developments        at one of the best places     ing and already has shown      the world.                     world.q
focuses on the role of
complementary curren-
cies in economic and so-
cial systems.
Bitcoin is an online cur-
rency and payment sys-
tem that already enables
the international transmis-
sion of funds per day at an
amount greater than for
example Western Union.
Thousands of merchants
worldwide accept Bitcoin
and this development is
moving to the island of
Aruba as well.
Everybody knows Aruba
as a paradise on earth
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