Page 31 - MIN VOS 4 APRIL 2016
P. 31

6 ZATERDAG                                                                                                                                                                                                                         AMIGOE
       2 APRIL 2016

                                                                            Foundation White-Yellow Cross

                           The Foundation White-Yellow
                           Cross has been around since
                           1943. It was established to assist
                           the nurses on the island.

By: Judice Ledeboer                            At the infant welfare centers managed by       foundation, there is a weekly diabetes clinic.
                                               the Foundation, children are monitored from
In recent decades, the demand for care         birth until they are four years old, and also  The transportation of clients is also an im-
has increased. As a result, the foundation     get the necessary vaccinations. The activ-     portant branch of the organization. The foun-
is now a large organization with several       ity centers give semi-mural care to clients -  dation has its own wheelchair bus, a few or-
departments. The foundation White-Yellow       mostly elderly people – who go there daily     dinary buses, ordinary cars, and more than
Cross has a great location in St. Maria,       from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. They get break-       35 drivers.
next to the Community Center. The organi-      fast and snacks, and they can buy a midday
zation employs more than 280 people, and       meal. Most of them still live independently,   The staff sometimes have to do their work
focuses on the welfare of the population,      and they often live alone. To prevent loneli-  XQGHUGLI¿FXOWFRQGLWLRQVDQGDVVXFKDORW
young and old.                                 ness, they can use the facilities, which are   of initiative and solution work is asked of em-
The foundation is best known as a care or-     offered by business centers, and are mainly    ployees. Sometimes, they have to do their
ganization, but it does more, like transport-  about social contacts. Games are organized     work in homes where there is no water or
ing needy people to, for example, medical      there, as well.                                where the clients did not have anything to
institutions, rehabilitation centers, or a                                                    eat all day. They also give injections.
dialysis center. The foundation has eight      All staff of the Foundation White-Yellow
health centers and two activity centers,       &URVV KDYH FHUWL¿FDWHV RI FRPSHWHQFH     The foundation has the vision to guarantee
and they run various projects throughout       Many have done training courses for nurses     quality, so that more people can continue
the year.                                      or for nursing the elderly. This means that    living at home. In order to keep providing
                                               the organization is working with staff that    quality care, the foundation is open to any
)URPWKHKRPHFDUHGHSDUWPHQWTXDOL¿HG       works at a high level. Some of their employ-   type of feedback. Every complaint is taken
staff go all over the island every day, to     ees have been working there for 35 years.      seriously, because according to them, a
care for clients who still live at home and    Because of the increasing need for care re-    complaint may lead to improved care. There
are unable to take care of themselves. The     quired by an aging population, the demand      are a lot of elderly people, and in the coming
main concern of the foundation is to keep      for nursing assistants has increased.          years, they will be requiring a lot of help. An
them living in their own homes as long as                                                     organization like the White-Yellow Cross will
possible. If they need nursing, they get       The foundation works closely together with     always have an important place in society.
nursing care. Sometimes, nursing homes         other organizations, such as the Alzheimer’s
and other care institutions purchase nurs-     Foundation, the Ostomy Association, and        For more information:
ing care from the foundation, as well.         the oncology department at Sehos. At the

IN tShPeOT LIGHT                                                                                                                                                                           6 Of the Top
Jurino ignacio was born    Jurino Ignacio:                                                                                                            Whether you are in                    Techniques
and raised in Curaçao                                                                                                                                 need of relaxing tech-
in the area of Banda       “Nos Kushina Krioyo”                                                                                                       niques for sleep, anxi-
Abou. After graduat-                                                                                                                                  ety, or stress, there are
ing high school he                                                                                                                                    a variety of useful solu-
moved to the Nether-                                                                                                                                  tions to relax the mind.
lands with a strict plan.
“I was going to get in                                                                                                                                By Leo Eigenberg                     ten watching horror, war, or other      control stress and anxiety, while
and get out. I refused                                                                                                                                                                     GLVWUHVVLQJ ¿OPV WKH VWUHVV KRU-   also helping to lower blood pres-
to become the stereo-                                                                                                                                 Visualization, meditation, mas-      mones can increase and cause a          sure and minimize sympathetic
typical Antillean stu-                                                                                                                                sage, exercises, yoga, and au-       higher level of anxiety.                nervous system arousal. Yoga is
dent that never came                                                                                                                                  togenic training are some of the                                             a popular form of exercise which
back home.” Little did                                                                                                                                most popular choices. It usually     Autogenic training                      PDNHVLWHDV\WR¿QGDORFDOFODVV
he know things might                                                                                                                                  helps to try one or two of the dif-  The autogenic relaxation meth-          for the beginner or expert.
not end up the way he                                                                                                                                 ferent choices to see which gives    od is a type of self-hypnosis that
planned it.                                                                                                                                           the most promising results.          teaches the body how to respond         Exercise
                                                                                                                                                                                           to calming thoughts. By telling the     Aerobic workouts are great for in-
By Rushanette Martis                                                                                                                                  Here are six of the most effective   body to relax it is possible to feel    ducing relaxation. A regular work-
                                                                                                                                                      techniques to help induce relax-     that much more relaxed while also       out session has the ability to
Jurino successfully majored in animation and illustration. Ac-                                                                                        ation:                               helping to control body tempera-        help with muscle tension, anxiety,
cording to Jurino, he didn’t pay much attention to cooking in                                                                                                                              ture, heartbeat, blood pressure,        and stress. Other activities to help
WKH ¿UVW IHZ \HDUV DEURDG ³ , PRVWO\ RUGHUHG IRRG RU NHSW LW                                                                            Videos/imagery                       and breathing. Autogenic relax-         with relaxation techniques include
VLPSOH´:KHQKHZDVOLYLQJDWKRPHKLVPRPZDVWKHPDLQ                                                                                             Visualization is a perfect tech-     ation is possible to learn by self-     rhythmic exercise, meditation, and
FKHIVRKHGLGQ¶WGRPXFKLQWKHNLWFKHQ+HGRHVUHPHPEHU                                                                                           nique that can have a positive       LQVWUXFWLRQRUE\YLVLWLQJDTXDOL¿HG  deep breathing. By freeing up the
KLVPRPJLYLQJKLPDFUDVKFRXUVHEHIRUHOHDYLQJ³6KH¶GDOVR                                                                                        impact on stress levels. Watch-      practitioner.                           time to include these activities in
JLYHQPHDQRWHERRN¿OOHGZLWKWKHEDVLFUHFLSHV´KHVD\V                                                                                          ing a relaxing video of a beauti-                                            the daily life, it is possible to bet-
                                                                                                                                                      ful garden scene, burning log        Yoga                                    ter control the mind and be able to
³0\ SDVVLRQ IRU WKH$QWLOOHDQ FXLVLQH VWDUWHG ZKHQ , PHW P\                                                                                 ¿UHRUDWURSLFDOEHDFKFDQKHOS   Yoga has been in existence for          focus more readily.
ZLIH´KHFRQWLQXHV6KHLVKDOI'XWFKDQGKDOI,WDOLDQDQGHQ-                                                                                        with issues of stress and anxiety,   thousands of years and involves
MR\HGFRRNLQJ$FFRUGLQJWR-XULQRKLVZLIHZDVDOZD\VLQWHU-                                                                                         while also inducing relaxation       performing a number of differ-          Massage
ested in the Antillean cuisine and started sparking a little curi-                                                                                    and lowering the build up of the     ent poses that helps to relax the       Massage is a great technique to
RVLW\LQKLPDVZHOO³:HVWDUWHGORRNLQJIRUUHFLSHVRQOLQHEXW                                                                                     stress hormones in the blood.        EUHDWKLQJ DQG LQGXFH ÀH[LELOLW\    provide a variety of psychological
ZHUHJHWWLQJIUXVWUDWHGEHFDXVHWKHUHZHUHQRZULWWHQUHFRUGV                                                                                        On the other hand, for those of-     Plus, this is great for relaxation to   DQG SK\VLRORJLFDO KHDOWK EHQH¿WV
RI$QWLOOHDQ IRRG RQOLQH´ KH VD\V ,W ZDV DOZD\V 6XULQDPHVH                                                                                                                                                              In addition to inducing relaxation,
IRRG,QGLDQIRRGRU&KLQHVHIRRG                                         %RWK RI WKHLU SDJHV DUH H[WUHPHO\ SRSXODU ZLWK D WRWDO RI                                                                                a calming massage also helps to
$IWHU KDYLQJ EUDLQVWRUPHG DERXW WKH LVVXH WKH\ GHFLGHG WKH\        WKRXVDQG)DFHERRNOLNHVWKRXVDQGZHEVLWHYLHZVSHUGD\                                                                                            reduce depression and anxiety,
ZHUH JRLQJ WR VWDUW DQ RQOLQH GDWDEDVH ZKHUH \RX FRXOG ¿QG       DQGDWRWDORIWKRXVDQGYLHZVDPRQWK³,WZDVTXLWHRYHU-                                                                                         encourages better sleep, lowers
DOO$QWLOOHDQUHFLSHV³:HWKRXJKWWRRXUVHOYHVLIZHFDQ¶W¿QG            ZKHOPLQJKHVD\VZHGLGQ¶WH[SHFWLWWREORZXSWKLVTXLFNO\´                                                                                       blood pressure, improves blood
LWRWKHUVFDQ¶WHLWKHUVRZK\QRWKHOSRXUVHOYHVDQGRWKHUVE\           -XULQRDQGKLVZLIHDOVRVWDUWHGDFDWHULQJVHUYLFHDIWHUEHLQJ                                                                                       circulation, and prevents the build
FUHDWLQJWKLVGDWDEDVH´                                                   ÀRRGHGZLWKUHTXHVWVDQGUHFHQWO\GHFLGHGWRSXWDKROGRQ                                                                                          up of cortisol or similar stress hor-
                                                                            WKH FDWHULQJ LQ $VLGH IURP DOO RI WKH SRVLWLYH IHHGEDFN                                                                                mones.
                                                                            QHJDWLYHRSLQLRQVDERXWZKDWWKH\DUHGRLQJ%XWWKH\SD\QR                                                                                          Diaphragmatic breathing
                                                                            mind to that.                                                                                                                                          Relaxation breathing can be com-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   bined with a variety of techniques
7KH\ VWDUWHG RXW ZLWK D WULDO SHULRG ZKHUH WKH\ JDWKHUHG DV      ,QWKH\SXEOLVKHGWKHLU¿UVWERRNWLWOHG³1RVNXVKLQD.UL-                                                                                        to improve the mood and wellbe-
PDQ\UHFLSHVDVSRVVLEOHZLWKWKHKHOSRIIDPLO\DQGIULHQGV              R\R´IHDWXULQJDWRWDORIWKHPRVWSRSXODU$QWLOOHDQUHFLSHV                                                                                     ing. This simple technique is great
DQGDOVRZRUNHGRQSHUIHFWLQJWKHLUFRRNLQJVNLOOV³:HFRRNHG             ZKLFKZDVDJUHDWDFFRPSOLVKPHQWIRUWKHP7KHERRNZDVD                                                                                             for lowering the levels of stress
D ORW IRU IDPLO\ JDWKHULQJV DQG FKXUFK PHHWLQJV EHIRUH KDY-        JUHDW VXFFHVV 7KH\ UHFHLYHG RUGHUV IURP FRXQWULHV DOO RYHU                                                                                   and anxiety.
ing mastered all of the recipes,” he says. After launching the              WKHZRUOGVXFKDV&KLQD1RUZD\6SDLQDQGWKH86$³:KHQ
ZHEVLWH³$QWLOOLDDQVHWHQ´WKHUHDFWLRQVZKHUHDOPRVWLQVWDQWD-             ,PRYHGWRWKH1HWKHUODQGV,QHYHUZRXOGKDYHWKRXJKWP\OLIH                                                                                         Article Source: http://EzineArticles.
QHRXV7KHSDJHVWDUWHGJHWWLQJDORWRIWUDI¿FIURPSHRSOHDOO            ZRXOGXQIROGOLNHWKLV%XW,DPVXSHUKDSS\LWGLG´-XULQRDQG                                                                                      com/9254785
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