Page 32 - DESPA
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Diamars, 14 November 2017                                      AWEMainta                                                                     7

                                     Abattoir cu orario adapta pa temporada druk di december

          Ley ta prohibi matamento di bestia na cas!

                                                                                               VETERINAIRE Dienst ta corda tur per-

                                                                                               sona cu kier sacrifica un cabrito, carne of
                                                                                               porco pa consumo propio, cu mester haci es-

                                                                                               aki na Abattoir. Matamento di bestia na cas

                                                                                               ta ilegal y por tin riesgo pa salud di hende.
                                                                                               Tur hende cu kier haci uzo di servicio di Ab-
                                     REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL
                                                To                                             attoir pa sacrifica un bestia durante luna di
           CAR RENTAL CONCESSION at AEROPUERTO INTERNACIONAL REINA BEATRIX                     December 2017 por haci esaki entre Dialuna
                                                                                               y Diahuebs, parti mainta.  Ta pidi encareci-

                                                                                               damente pa trece e animalnan entre 7:00am
         Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (“AAA”) hereby invites all parties interested in a “Car Rental   y 9:00am. Ultimo dia pa mata bestia lo ta
         Concession at Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix” to submit a proposal here for to
         AAA.                                                                                  Diamars dia 19 di December 2017.
                                                                                               Alabes  ta anuncia cu e proceso di sacrifica
         Detailed information on the proposal requirements is provided in the Request for      bestia na  Abattoir  ta  tuma  luga a  base di
         Proposal document “Car Rental Concession at Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix”.
         This document can be requested electronically via e-mail    afspraak.  Doño  cu  ta  desea  di  sacrifica  un
         as of Wednesday, November 15, 2017 until Friday, November 17, 2017 up to 16.30        of mas animal pa come mester yama un dia
         hrs. local time.                                                                      prome pa confirma cu e kier haci uzo di e

         AAA reserves the  rights not to contact all entities directly who have expressed their   servicio di Abattoir. Esaki ta pa purba coor-
         interest in this type of operation at the airport in the past. However, those entities who   dina e trabou na un manera mas structura.
         have shown interest in the past who have not been contacted directly on this Request
         for Proposal are expressly invited to obtain the RFP document and submit a proposal as   Pa mas informacion por  tuma  contacto cu
         requested herein.                                                                     Veterinaire Dienst na telefon 5224310  of
                                                                                               pasa personalmente na Veterinaire Dienst
         Aruba Airport Authority N.V.
         November 2017                                                                         situa na Barcadera # 1.
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