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                                                                                                           LOCAL Friday 16 december 2022

            39 Customs officials graduated as Principal Clerks Import and Excise

            ORANJESTAD - Recently, 39  ed  to  the  job  description.  professionally  in  their  ca-
            Customs  officials  received  This  change  is  in  line  with  reer. The Minister expressed
            their  diplomas  after  com-  the  government's  vision  to  pride  that  Aruba  now  has
            pleting the Principal Clerks  modernize the service pro-  39  Principal  Clerks  Import
            Import  and  Excise  Depart-  vided  by  Customs  to  the  and  Excise  who  believe  in
            ment program.                community.                   their growth potential.

            The  program  has  a  two-   The  Minister  of  Finance  ‘It  is  important  as  individu-
            year  duration,  but  due  and  Culture,  Mrs.  Xiomara  als  and  as  professionals  to
            to  the  post-Covid-19  was  Maduro,    attended    the  keep  developing  as  this
            shortened to 1 year.         graduation ceremony and  contributes to a better Cus-
                                         gave  a  brief  speech  in  toms  service  to  our  com-
            This  time,  the  program  fo-  which  she  congratulated  munity. Each investment in
            cused more on the practi-    these  39  Customs  Officers  our  formation  is  an  invest-
            cal part in which these of-  on this special day but also  ment in a better service to
            ficers learned from realistic  thanked  them  for  their  ef-  our  community,’  the  Minis-
            and  relevant  cases  relat-  forts  to  continue  to  grow  ter stated.q
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