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                                                                                                       sports Friday 5 January 2024

            The AP Top 25 remains a college basketball mainstay after 75

            years of evolution

            By DAVE SKRETTA                                                                                                     command  center  at  his
            AP Basketball Writer                                                                                                disposal. "If I'm putting in a
            When  he  first  moved  from                                                                                        long day in the studio," he
            coaching  into  broadcast-                                                                                          said,  "I'll  be  able  to  keep
            ing in the early 1980s, Dick                                                                                        an  eye  on  probably  two
            Vitale  would  keep  track                                                                                          dozen  games.  I  have  ac-
            of  what  was  happening                                                                                            cess  to  reams  of  research
            across  the  college  basket-                                                                                       material, and very capable
            ball  landscape  by  picking                                                                                        researchers who are in my
            up  the  newspaper  every                                                                                           ear, passing along stat nug-
            morning.                                                                                                            gets and important info. I'd
            Just  about  every  score                                                                                           actually argue it's more im-
            would  be  listed  there.  Im-                                                                                      portant to know what hap-
            portant games might have                                                                                            pened than watch games,
            box  scores,  giving  Vitale  a                                                                                     although I try to do both."
            little more information. And                                                                                        Voters  know  that  fans  are
            the  biggest  games  of  the                                                                                        watching,  too.  They  hear
            day might have full stories,                                                                                        about  their  ballots  on  so-
            providing a more rounded                                                                                            cial media, or in emails and
            picture  of  what  had  trans-                                                                                      direct messages. There are
            pired.                                                                                                              entire  websites  that  are
            "People  stayed  up  late  to                                                                                       devoted  to  tracking  what
            publish  that  stuff  for  the                                                                                      teams  they  are  voting  for
            next  morning,"  Vitale  re-                                                                                        each week.
            called.                                                                                                             That's  something  else  that
            These  days,  just  about  ev-                                                                                      voters  never  had  to  worry
            ery Division I men's college   UCLA coach John Wooden is flanked by Sidney Wicks, right, and Lew Alcindor, draped with bas-  about  in  the  early  days  of
            basketball  game  is  avail-  ket ropes, after the UCLA team beat Purdue 92-72 to win the NCAA basketball title for the third   the AP Top 25.
            able to watch somewhere,     consecutive year, in Louisville, Ky., March 24, 1969.                 Associated Press   "I love the way technology
            whether broadcast on tele-                                                                                          has  progressed,"  said  Vi-
            vision  or  streamed  on  an  at No. 1, but it would not be  the nation every Monday.  to know people and other  tale, a longtime ESPN color
            app.  Highlights  rip  across  long before Kentucky took  But  the  biggest  evolution  writers   covering   teams,  analyst  who  remains  one
            social  media  the  minute  over  the  top  spot,  the  first  might be in the way those  and  there  was  conversa-  of  the  63  media  members
            they  happen,  and  forums  of  125  weeks  it  has  spent  voters formulate their opin-  tion on who was good and  that  submit  ballots  each
            provide  fans  a  chance  to  there over the years.       ions.                        that sort of things. And now  week.  "It's  great  for  the
            not only rehash what hap-    And  much  like  the  way  "In the early years, the eye  we see many more games.       sport  to  see  all  the  games
            pened  but  discuss  the  fin-  college   basketball   has  test was more of a factor,"  "It's amazing to me," added  on  TV,  from  small  mid-ma-
            er  points  of  their  favorite  evolved,  so  has  the  poll.  said Jerry Tipton, who spent  Tipton, who retired as a full-  jors  to  the  classic  top-10
            teams.                       What began with 20 teams  more  than  four  decades  time beat writer in 2022, "to  matchups. I like being able
            All  of  which  makes  voting  and  contracted  to  10  in  covering   the   Wildcats  see how many games are  to  watch  as  many  games
            for  the  AP  men's  college  the  1960s  expanded  to  its  for  the  Lexington  Herald-  on TV, and I tried to watch  as I can. It makes me a bet-
            basketball  poll  easier.  And  now-familiar Top 25 for the  Leader,  and  who  was  a  as many as I could, just to  ter analyst.
            at times harder.             1989-90  season.  The  panel  regular AP voter. "I hate to  have a sense of what was  "The  AP  voters  take  it  se-
            The Top 25 is celebrating its  of voters has become more  say  that  because  there's  going on."                   riously,"  he  added,  "and
            75th  anniversary  this  year.  inclusive,   adding   more  many  more  games  now.  That's fairly easy for AP vot-  they  try  to  make  sure  the
            The initial poll sent in Janu-  women  and  minorities  to  But as time went on, it was  ers  such  as  Seth  Davis  of  most  deserving  teams  are
            ary 1939 installed Saint Louis  help rank the best teams in  more word-of-mouth. I got  CBS,  who  has  an  entire  ranked."q

            The U.S. Tennis Association is reviewing its

            safeguarding policies and procedures

            NEW YORK (AP) — The U.S.  staff  and  volunteers  and  The subject line of the email
            Tennis Association has enlist-  obtained by The Associated  is "Reviewing Policies to En-
            ed two lawyers at a Wash-    Press.                       sure Safety."
            ington-based  firm  to  look  As  part  of  efforts  "to  pre-  The  announcement  of  the
            into its safeguarding policies  vent harm to athletes and  review  comes  nearly  two
            and procedures to protect  respond to reports of inap-    years  after  a  tennis  player
            players from sexual miscon-  propriate  conduct  ...  the  sued  the  USTA  in  federal
            duct and other abuse.        USTA  has  retained  David  court  in  Florida  alleging
            Lew Sherr, the CEO and ex-   O'Neil and Mary Beth Hogan  that  the  governing  body    The U.S. Open logo is shown on the Arthur Ashe Stadium at the
            ecutive  director  of  the  or-  of Debevoise & Plimpton LLP  failed to protect her from a   USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center during the Western &
            ganization that runs the U.S.  to  review  our  policies  and  coach who she says sexually   Southern Open tennis tournament at the Billie Jean King National
            Open and oversees the sport  procedures for preventing,  abused her at one of its train-  Tennis Center, Thursday, Aug. 27, 2020, in New York
            in  the  United  States,  wrote  reporting,  and  responding  ing centers when she was 19.                                      Associated Press
            about the review in an email  to reports of abuse, includ-  Kylie  McKenzie  accused  ly. The AP generally doesn't  agreed to let her identity be
            sent  Thursday  to  the  USTA  ing sexual misconduct," Sherr  coach  Anibal  Aranda  of  name  alleged  sexual  as-  known  in  news  coverage
            Board  of  Directors,  various  wrote.                    touching her inappropriate-  sault victims, but McKenzie  about her lawsuit.q
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