Page 19 - MIN ON 8 SEPT 2015
P. 19
WORLD NEWSTuesday 8 September 2015
Brazil president admits ‘mistakes,’ pledges to overcome them
RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Be- “It we have made mistakes, have sunk to single digits in with her vice president, Mi- ing Rousseff’s impeach-
leaguered Brazilian Presi- and it’s possible, we are recent months amid Bra- chel Temer, with the pair ment or resignation dem-
dent Dilma Rousseff has ac- going to overcome them,” zil’s economic slowdown standing shoulder-to-shoul- onstrated in Brasilia, de-
knowledged that her gov- Rousseff said. “What I want and a snowballing corrup- der. ploying inflatable satirical
ernment may have made to say, with all frankness, is tion scandal at state-run Earlier this week, Temer sug- floats that featured Rous-
some errors but is pledging that we are confronting the oil giant. Several politicians gested that Rousseff would seff in red and Silva in prison
it will get past them. challenges, these difficul- close to Rousseff, as well as be unable to survive to stripes.
In an address marking Bra- ties, and we are going to top figures in her governing the end of her mandate in Similar demonstrators have
zil’s independence day on make it.” Workers’ Party and opposi- 2018 if her popularity rat- been staged sporadical-
Monday, Rousseff said that But she also blamed the fi- tion lawmakers, have been ings remain low. Temer, ly since the beginning of
part of the South American nancial woes on the eco- caught up in the scandal. who is from a party crucial this year, though they’ve
giant’s financial woes were nomic situation abroad, She has denied any knowl- to Rousseff’s governing co- failed to attract the mas-
caused by spending on so- particularly flagging growth edge of the scheme. alition, later downplayed sive crowds that took to
cial programs by her gov- in emerging countries. Rousseff seized on the inde- the comments, saying they the streets in 2013, angry
ernment and that of her “No one who is being hon- pendence day military pa- were taken out of context. over lavish spending on last
predecessor and mentor, est can deny it,” she said. rade in the capital, Brasilia, Meanwhile, anti-govern- year’s World Cup soccer
Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Rousseff’s popularity ratings to display a united front ment protesters demand- tournament. q
Guatemala’s presidential election appears headed to runoff
SONIA PEREZ D. Television comedian and presidential candidate for the National Front of Convergence party traditional candidates.
Associated Press Jimmy Morales, flashes the victory sign for photographers during a press conference at his party The candidates in Sun-
GUATEMALA CITY (AP) — headquarters in Guatemala City. Morales appears to be heading for a runoff with either a wealthy day’s election faced an
A former television comic businessman or a former first lady in voting for Guatemala’s next president. uncomfortable challenge:
was heading for a runoff trying to win votes in a na-
with either a wealthy busi- (AP Photo/Luis Soto) tion where former President
nessman or a former first Otto Perez Molina remains
lady in voting for Guate- vance to a runoff to be tribunal has a delicate situ- fight for every vote,” Mack in court custody awaiting a
mala’s next president, days held Oct. 25. Luis Fernando ation on its hands and im- said. Analyst Christians Cas- decision on whether he will
after the Central American Mack, a professor at the portant decisions to make tillo said Morales’ surprising be tried on graft charges.
nation’s leader resigned Latin American Faculty of to resolve the fight for sec- performance was a sign of Most of the candidates
over a corruption scandal. Social Sciences in Guate- ond place. “The fight will voter discontent, “a vote of were old-guard figures
With nearly 98 percent of mala, said the electoral be fierce, they’re going to punishment” against more picked to run before ener-
polling stations reporting gized prosecutors backed
Monday, comedian Jimmy by a mass anti-corruption
Morales, who has never movement toppled Perez
held elective office, was Molina’s administration.
leading with 24 percent of Many voters were so skepti-
the vote. Businessman and cal that they campaigned
longtime politician Manuel for the election itself to be
Baldizon and ex-first lady postponed to give them a
Sandra Torres were in a tie, new crop of choices.
each with about 19.6 per- Morales boasted of his out-
cent. sider status and said he is
Baldizon led Torres by less part of the uprising against
than 1,500 votes among corruption. He has prom-
more than 5 million votes ised greater transparency,
cast. The top two finishers including media review of
in the field of 14 will ad- government contracts.q
Mexican government affirms that students burned at dump
E. CASTILLO confident in the forensic it is possible the students Only one student was suc- seized in Iguala was carry-
Associated Press science and the conclu- were burned elsewhere, cessfully identified from ing a drug load. The city is a
MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexi- sion, adding that 100 inves- but not at the dump. a bone fragment that known hub for opium paste
co’s attorney general’s of- tigators were involved. On Sunday, just hours after the government said was coming out of surrounding
fice remained convinced “We can’t be wrong,” Ze- the report was released, thrown with other remains mountains.
on Monday that many of ron said on Enfoque Radio Attorney General Arely Go- reduced to ash into a river. President Enrique Pena Ni-
the 43 students who disap- Monday. Zeron’s office has mez said she would order a The independent experts eto said Monday that he
peared in 2014 were killed been one of the principal new examination of what hired their own fire expert was willing to meet with the
and incinerated at a gar- actors in the investigation happened at the dump. to study the scene. He con- students’ parents and the
bage dump, one day after of the students’ disappear- The independent experts’ cluded that it was not pos- independent experts.
an independent experts’ ance Sept. 26, 2014, in the report dismantled the gov- sible that a fire of the mag- “I want to know the truth,”
report said it did not hap- southern state of Guerrero. ernment’s long-held official nitude necessary to reduce he said at an event in the
pen. Francisco Cox, one of the version and found numer- the bodies to ash occurred central state of Puebla.
Tomas Zeron, the director experts on the indepen- ous problems in the inves- at the dump. The Mexican govern-
of its criminal investigation dent commission sent by tigation. Parents of the stu- The experts’ report put for- ment has agreed to ex-
agency, said there could the Inter-American Com- dents have long refused to ward another possible mo- tend the experts’ term so
have been errors in the in- mission on Human Rights, accept the government’s tive for the attack that one they can conclude their
vestigation but they remain told Milenio television that version. of the buses the students investigation.q