Page 49 - MIN.JUS FLIP 5 AUG 2017
P. 49

                 Saturday 5 auguSt 2017

             ‘Cas Speransa Nobo’                                                                                                aspect  and  support  of
                                                                                                                                economic  pillars,  in  Aru-
              Continued from Page 13                                                                                            ba’s  case,  tourism.”  If  you
                                                                                                                                wish  to  see  Cas  Speransa
            Cultural Dishes                                                                                                     Nobo for yourself and buy
            HopeAruba  is  a  national
            platform  for  Civic  Syn-
            ergy  that  began  this  proj-
            ect  two  months  ago.  The
            professional    caregivers,
            the  couple  Shannon  and
            Shawn  Blankenship  from
            the  United  States,  live  on
            the premises with their chil-
            dren  and  work  according
            to the program Teen Chal-
            lenge.  James:  “They  are
            here to set up the program
            for a year and also screen
            the participants. Hope is a
            movement,  a  collabora-                                         Working on the land.
            tion  of  foundations,  com-  where  both  connect.  “I  Dishes’,  and  found  myself  veggies, we often are kings
            panies    and    volunteers   myself want to make a dif-  asking  my  granny  how  to  in preparing meals coming
            that sets up social projects   ference for my island from  prepare  traditional  dishes  from the Italian or other for-
            where there is need in so-   my  passion:  sustainable  with  local  veggies.  We  eign gastronomy, but what
            ciety. People here tend to   agriculture.  My  goal  is  to  need  to  implement  them  about our own culture?”    Concomber chikito in the grow.
            signal social problems and   have locals eating the typi-  into modern cooking to pre-  His drive is contagious and
            point towards the govern-    cal Aruban veggies and be  serve  this  diamond  of  cul-  creates a curiosity towards   some real local crops, you
            ment,  but  Hope  wants  to   healthier.”  He  has  a  thing  ture. Italians may have their  the real taste of local gas-  are welcome at Alto Vista
            act  upon  themselves  and   for Aruba’s traditional veg-  zucchini and tomatoes, but  tronomy.  “In  my  opinion   52  between  1  and  4pm
            make a difference.”          gies and fruits, since he was  Aruba has her concomber  three  ingredients  are  nec-  daily, except for the week-

                                         a kid.                       chikito  and  yambo.  Our  essary  to  develop  social    ends.    Facebook:  Goshen
            Make a Difference            “I wrote a book, ‘My favor-  generation does not know  enterprise:  the  social  as-   Sustainable  Development
            To  make  a  difference  is   ite  Curacaos  and  Aruban  how to cook with our own  pect,  the  environmental       Corporation VBA.q
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