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19 MAART 2016
SKOBA, Asosiashon Skolnan di Baile Kòrsou
SKOBA is an association that
completely stands behind rescuing,
reviving, and promoting our
folklore and our traditional dances.
By Jade Mambre the guests come beautifully dressed to enjoy krioyo
[local] food and a variety of local music, like ka’i orgel
They want our dances to remain alive, and not to fade [street organ music], a DJ, and also Tipiko Pasa Bon
away with time. Arlene Peternella, Peter Whiteman, and and the local pianist Norman Moron. This year, SKOBA
Jeritza Vivas founded SKOBA on May 26th, 2011. This wants to organize their first competition of traditional
year, it will celebrate its five-year existence. The found- dances, which will include bolero, salsa, and more. “In
ers are all dance instructors. Jeritza is the president, between, we also organize workshops to upgrade the
Peter the counselor, and Arlene helps out with activities. knowledge of our members concerning the dances, and
“We first came together to establish the association and how our ancestors used to dance them.”
start a folkloric dance, waltz and mazurka competition.”
SKOBA arranges many events, but they also partake
SKOBA stands for ‘Skolnan di Baile Kòrsou’ and is an in public events such as ‘Dia di Bandera’ [Flag Day].
association for dance schools in Curaçao. It currently For example last year, Kas di Kultura requested them
consists of a managing staff and a few active dance to perform on Flag Day, which they did with 52 cou-
instructors. Most instructors have their own dance ples. SKOBA is very open to those who are available
schools. “We have about 12 dance schools in Cura- to dance. They come together often to rehearse cho-
çao that are active, and 34 active dance instructors.” reography under the leadership of instructors who, in
Together, they help keep our beautiful folklore and tra- turn, attend courses that teach them to listen, to analyze
ditional dances alive. Most of the instructors only teach rhythms, and to make adequate choreographies. Both
adults, as some of them combine their work as dancing the choreography and the costumes depend on what
instructors with a regular job. As a result, the hours that the requests are.
they are able to teach aren’t appropriate for children. “If
someone is interested in teaching us a new dance, they “We feel that we are patriotic. We make sure that we
have to go to a course of, for example, 4 months, and rescue our local dance rhythms, show them off, and
then perform in front of an audience to show that they promote them by showing how beautiful they are at ev-
know the steps and the rhythm, whether it’s a waltz, ery event.” Jeritza Vivas is grateful for our ancestors
mazurka, danza, tumba, or a traditional dance such as that made sure we could dance to so many rhythms.
a merengue, montuno, or salsa, for instance.” “Nowadays, people from many cultures bring their own
styles to Curaçao. We are so flexible that we are able to
“Our biggest activity is the competition of local folk- dance those as well, because, from the time we were in
loric dances in the month of September during Culture the womb, our parents exposed us to different rhythms.”
Week.” During this activity, the public can watch the Jeritza’s wish is that the upcoming generation will be
participants performing local dances. The winner gets able to enjoy the different rhythms of our culture, be-
2,000 guilders. SKOBA also organizes a party in De- cause of the fact that they are beautiful and should to
cember, in which our traditional dances also play a role. be embraced!
In June, they organize a gala dinner in a lounge, where
IN tShPeOT LIGHT How to Raise a Child
As a Stay at Home Dad
“Ultimately, Bryan Fraites Being a stay at home
Martial Arts dad is a powerful choice
means honestly that a man would make
expressing in his life. Life is all about
making the right choices,
yourself.” & we are presented with
Bryan Fraites has a number of options from
which we make our de-
embodied the cision. When you move
mindset and phi- away from the common
losophy of what
it means to be a trend, it is only natural
martial artist ever that society will look at
you in a different light.
since he saw a
skinny but muscu- By Piyush Bhiwania
lar Chinese actor
beat up everyone The real truth is that there is no right & wrong achieve a career goal, but it all changed when emotional as well as financial support. The
at the same time path in this world but the road we take towards your child came into your life. You took a com- plan will come together on its own. Don’t give
our chosen destination. So, you’re a stay-at- plete u-turn and gave up many other opportu- up even if you haven’t planned ahead before
in a movie. home-dad! Welcome to your new journey. nities life had to offer you. You could have been jumping in.
This is a tough path to take when the majority a great career driven professional, the center Challenge no. 5 - Life Partner
By Francis Koolman belt, Bryan realized the essence and value of martial arts. only consider focusing on their professional of your field. The through creeps in eventually, If you have found a partner to spend your life
“It’s the physical expression of the movements that matters: careers. Don’t get me wrong, being a dad is a “What if?” You end up asking yourself, “Did I with as a stay at home dad then there are new
He spent years, as a young boy and adult, perfecting the stances, poses, yelling.” To further his education, Bryan career path in itself. You have chosen to build make the right choice?” When you ask your- challenges you will face. When you bring in a
techniques of punching and kicking, but Bryan also came to a traveled to China and Korea to learn from the masters. He a new life and give your young one the op- self this question, look at your achievements new person into your life then you will have to
deeper understanding of what martial arts are about. For the recalls the message of one of his teachers, “after you get portunity to become a wholesome person. The as a father. All the effort you put into your child deal with their desired as well. How do you fit
past years, Bryan has taken the lessons he has learned and your black belt, you practice your own Tae Kwon Do.” For kind of person that makes a big difference in & the happiness it has brought into the life of into their plan? Compromise has to be made at
the ideas he has come to realize and began sharing it with his Bryan, that meant aligning the movements of his body with the world. your child. You will know in an instant, it was some level and basic understanding is neces-
students. For Bryan, martial arts are more than just a hobby emotional content to express something honest and authen- Challenges of being a Stay at Home Dad all worth it. sary for a lasting relationship. Find a common
or exercise regiment, “it’s a way of life.” tic, not just the physical action. Now as a 5th Dan black belt There are a number of challenges that life will Challenge no. 3 - Society path to avoid tension and find happiness.
in Tae Kwon Do, Bryan has an even greater appreciation for throw at you when you begin your walking the The way society looks atyou changes when Challenge no. 6 - Keeping a pet
Like many other people who dedicate their life to martial arts, the small details and nuances of all martial arts. path of a stay at home dad. You have to deal you take such a big step. There will be many Many parents out there will suggest that you
the beginning can be traced back to old Kung Fu movies; with your own emotional state to become the people who will ask you about your life choic- have a pet when your child is old enough to
specifically Bruce Lee movies. As a young boy, Bryan was These days Bryan deepens his understanding of martial ideal father for your child. es. Rather than letting the world bog you avoid allergies. There are different studies
too young to watch those movies in the theater. He kept arts and shares the knowledge he has accumulated over Let’s remember the basics of being a father - down, you have to keep that happy through around the world that give different results.
hearing from others how great and awesome they were, and the years with his students. As a teacher, Bryan places ex- you are your child’s hero, a pillar of support, a in your mind - I am doing it for my kid. At the Some reports say that children tend to be hap-
could only wish to watch them one day. “A friend of mine, tra emphasis on the basics: bowing, being fit enough to get guide, a mentor. To become the very embodi- end of the day, people will have their own pier with pets around and they are less likely
who worked in the theater, asked me if I wanted to watch through the training sessions, and respect – for the art, the ment of strength, you have to overcome your views and mindsets. They have their own life to be stricken with allergies. You have to re-
one of the movies and of course I said yes.” Bryan’s friend teacher, and yourself. “Many parents just want discipline for own weaknesses that stop you from trans- choices, and your path is different. Stick to it member a basic fact that when you bring in
was able to sneak him in. “I watched my first Bruce Lee their kids,” he says. Bryan teaches his students the way his forming into the world’s greatest dad! like the hero of a father you are! a pet into your home, then you have another
movie from the projection booth through a very small hole in teachers taught him; first understand the basics, then you Challenge no. 1 - Isolation Challenge no. 4 - Money child to deal with. They become a part of your
the wall,” he recalls. can improvise and get creative. Bryan’s love for martial arts is This is one of the biggest mental battles that When you are a single stay at home dad, family, and you have to take care of them all
something that will always be a part of him. Through a num- a father has to fight when they enter the world money can become a big problem if you the time unlike children who can take care of
When Korean national and Tae Kwon Do teacher, Master ber of struggles he had to endure in his life – whether it was of fatherhood. You’re now completely focused haven’t planned ahead. You will have to themselves when they grow up.
&KR0\RQJ.RRDUULYHGLQ&XUD DRWRSURPRWHWKHPDUWLDO career issues, relationship problems, and general frustrations on your child, and now cut off from the world. make many compromises for your child. You Just ask yourself, “Are you ready for the chal-
art, Bryan took full advantage and learned everything he that life sometimes presents – martial arts was always a pro- You have a lot going on as a father, and you need to find single father support groups lenge?”
could from him. Eventually, he earned the rank of black belt. ductive avenue in which he could release the negative tension have to see a number of things to keep your where people like you get together to find
In acquiring the skills necessary to achieve the level of black he felt, and enjoy life. child out of harm’s way. Make a mental image ways to raise their kids on their own. Solu- Article Source: http://EzineArticles.
of yourself, and stay focused. You’re the great- tions will come from your on locality. Find the com/9142351
est version of yourself, the hero for your child. right people within your community to find
Distract yourself when you get into a rut. Take
some time out of your busy schedule, and get
a reliable baby sitter to take some time off.
Challenge no. 2 - Switching careers
You spent a majority of yourlife striving to