Page 24 - ttc jan 21
P. 24


LOCALThursday 21 January 2016

The Papillon Experience

PALM BEACH - Henri Charri-    that nobody had ever           arduous journey to free-
ère, one of the world’s most  done before. Charrière’s       dom: classic French dishes
famous prisoners, would       thrilling, gripping autobiog-  have been dusted with
surely have had the time of   raphy has been the con-        daring Caribbean flair and
his life at Papillon Restau-  cept behind Papillon Res-      are a culinary journey for
rant in The Village, across   taurant.                       your taste buds.
from the Hilton.              The décor, the decorations     The spacious outside ter-
Nicknamed Papillon be-        and especially the rest-       race is perfect for casual
cause of the butterfly tat-   rooms wink at the thirteen     fine dining; the iron bars,
too on his chest,             terrible years Papillon spent  flecks of rust and stains on
                              in prison in French Guyana.    the walls make one very
 the Frenchman was the        Papillon Restaurant’s menu     glad not to be in Papillon’s
first convict to escape from  reflects the Frenchman’s       shoes in the 1940’s!
Devil’s Island, something

                                                                                           Charrière would undoubt-         For reservations: reserva-
                                                                                           edly have loved `his’ place,
                                                                                           on Aruba: this is luxury living  or call: 586-5400.
                                                                                           for anyone!                      www.papillonaruba.comq
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