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a8    local
                         Friday 12 May 2023
            The Tobacco Act came into force a year ago

            ORANJESTAD  -  On  May  Eight officials of the Goods  Smoking  in  public  places,
            2,  2022,  the  Tobacco  Act  Inspection  and  Hygiene  except  in  locations  with
            came  into  force  after  Par-  Department  of  the  DVG  designated smoking areas.
            liament  unanimously  ap-    are  trained  as  Special  In-  Minors  are  not  allowed
            proved  it  on  October  26,  vestigation  Officers  (BOA)  to  work  in  establishments
            2021.                        to  enforce  this  law.  They  where  they  sell  tobacco
                                         have  the  authority  to  en-  products.
            This  law  prohibits  persons  force compliance with the  If  you  work  in  a  market-
            under  21  years  from  pur-  tobacco law in the form of  place,  people  under  21
            chasing  or  using  tobacco  reporting and fines.         years,  are  not  allowed  to
            products  and  working  in                                work  near  separate  areas
            the    immediate    vicinity  The  National  Ordinance  where  they  sell  tobacco  To sell or give away tobac-
            where  they  sell  tobacco-  Restricting  Tobacco  Prod-  products.                    co products in:              Aruba may have a health-
            products.  The  Department  ucts prohibits:               Giving   away     tobacco  Cultural, arts, medical, gov-  ier  community,  but  it  re-
            of  Public  Health  (DVG)  The  sale  of  cigarettes  and  products.                   ernment,  sports,  and  edu-  quires  responsibility  and
            is  creating  awareness  in  other tobacco products to  Smoking  in  private  trans-   cational facilities.         commitment  from  every-
            the  community  and  com-    persons under 21 years.      port when minors are pres-   Employers  are  responsible  one to take care of them-
            merce  about  the  content  The  sale  of  single  ciga-  ent in the vehicle.          for  protecting  employees  selves, eat healthy, and be
            of this law and will soon be-  rettes.   Cigarettes   can  Smoking  on  public  trans-  from  cigarette  and  cigar  active.  Keep  in  mind  that
            gin enforcing compliance.    only be sold in closed and  port                          smoke during working hours  tobacco  is  hazardous  to
                                         sealed packs.                                             and on the job site.         your health.q

            The rights of nature to be added to the Constitution

            ORANJESTAD - The Ministry                                                              government creates a solid  and reply by the minister in
            of Transport, Nature, Integ-                                                           foundation for the law con-  preparation  for  the  public
            rity and Elderly Affairs, and                                                          cept,  which  would  be  a  meeting on this Act.
            the  Department  of  Nature                                                            significant achievement for  The legislative process to in-
            and  Environment  (DNM)                                                                the community.               clude  nature's  rights  in  the
            worked  on  a  draft  law  to                                                          The Advisory Council (RvA)  Constitution  ends  in  Parlia-
            add  Nature's  Rights  to  the                                                         is  the  government  body  ment.  At  least  wo-thirds  of
            Constitution.                                                                          that  advises  the  govern-  the  members  should  sup-
                                                                                                   ment  on  proposed  laws.  port  it,  as  constitutional
            They created the draft law                                                             The  office  of  Minister  Ar-  amendments  require  two-
            in consultation with several                                                           ends,  the  DNM,  and  the  thirds of the vote.
            local  and  international  or-                                                         DWJZ will, if necessary, ad-
            ganizations  and  experts.                                                             just the draft law based on  Recognizing  the  rights  of
            After the first dialogue with                                                          suggestions from the stake-  nature  in  our  legal  sys-
            Parliament and the Council                                                             holders  submitted  to  the  tem is a fundamental step
            of Ministers, they submitted  they  will  check  the  qual-  logue  and  provide  feed-  Advisory Board.            towards   protecting   our
            the draft to the Legislation  ity  and  efficiency  of  the  back. Stakeholders include                             planet's   ecological   in-
            and  Legal  Affairs  Depart-  legislation  and  initiate  the  Parliament,  environmental  The amended draft, includ-  tegrity  preserving  Aruba's
            ment  (DWJZ)  on  21  April  consultation  process  with  organizations,  commerce,  ing the advice of the RvA,  wildlife, and ensuring a sus-
            2023.                        stakeholders, who will have  and lawyers. With the com-   will  be  sent  to  Parliament  tainable  future  for  future
            After  review  of  the  draft,  the  opportunity  to  dia-  munity's  involvement,  the  for  review,  consultation,  generations..q

                                                                                    Aruba to me

                                                                                    and  any  of  its  affiliated  compa-  We enjoyed a relaxing week in the
                                                                                    nies to use said materials, as well  blue waters and hot sun.
                                                                                    as names, likeness, etc. for promo-  I personally wanna thank so many
                                                                                    tional  purposes  without  compen-  of them at the hotel,J.C who is a
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                                                                                    Last  but  not  least:  check  out  our  arrzi,julio,corneil,Jorge,ruby,naila
                                                                                    website, Instagram and Facebook  ,Bernadett,  Juliette,Brenda,john,
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                                                                                    day again.
                                                                                    For  today  we  received  a  lovely  Also a huge thank you to Jeremy
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              ORANJESTAD — You are back and  where  you  are  from)  to:  news@                                         bullie  dogs  on  the  island  and  al-
              we  would  like  to  portrait  you!  By and we will pub-  She  wrote  to  us  saying;  “Good  ways brings them out to visit with
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              ite  vacation  picture  while  enjoy-  that  a  special  way  to  keep  your     I write often when I visit Aruba,last  great trip at the Tamarijin hotel.”
              ing our Happy Island.              best  moments  alive?  Please  do  couple of times I didn’t write in. Aru-
                                                 note: By submitting photos, text or  ba to me is full of sunshine,family  Thank you for sending us this won-
              Complete the sentence: Aruba to  any other materials, you give per-   and  friends.    This  was  my  tenth  derful message sharing what Aru-
              me is ……. Send your picture with  mission to The Aruba Today News-    trip I just returned from. As always  ba means to you with us and our
              that text (including your name and  paper,  Caribbean  Speed  Printers  Tamarijin hotel never disappoints.  readers!q
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